“除了天才之外,,我沒有什么可申報的?!?br>“I have nothing to declare except my genius.”
對于自己、對于人生,、對于理想,、對于女人、對于愛情……他都妙語連珠,,毫不留情地犀利點破真相,,這除了源于他天生的才華之外還與他波折的人生經(jīng)歷有關(guān)…… 王爾德是19世紀美學(xué)運動的主力和頹廢派運動的先驅(qū)。他對英國社會的市儈哲學(xué)和虛偽道德深惡痛絕,,他要用藝術(shù)的“美”來同鄙俗現(xiàn)實中的“丑”相對抗,。 盡管王爾德的悲劇童話作品不論故事背后暗藏的是同性還是異性的情愫,他所用的語言詞藻對情愛的修飾近乎一種浮華的美,,但這種美對于世俗之愛的愛情最終的幻滅與消逝無濟于事,,能夠達成完滿的唯有博愛的基督和至上的藝術(shù)。正如王爾德自己所言“藝術(shù)的目的不是簡單的真實,,而是復(fù)雜的美,。 生不逢時,因為不被當(dāng)時社會所容忍的愛情(王爾德是一名同性戀者),,他身陷牢獄,,被愛人背叛,被世人所不齒,。任性的道年輕愛人甚至曾對王爾德說過:“如果你不再是那個高高在上的王爾德,,那一切都不再有趣?!?/span> 在悲情而傳奇的46年之后,,風(fēng)流傳奇的奧斯卡·王爾德化為一座別致的墓碑,,在巴黎的墓地,,按照他在詩集《斯芬克斯》中的意象,雕刻成了一座小小的獅身人面像,。 (王爾德的墓碑) 在同性戀不再被視為異端,、被普遍接受的20世紀末,在遭到毀譽近一個世紀以后,,英國終于給了王爾德樹立雕像的榮譽,。1998年11月30日,由麥姬·漢姆林雕塑的王爾德雕像在倫敦特拉法爾加廣場附近的阿德萊德街揭幕,。雕像標題為“與奧斯卡·王爾德的對話”,,同時刻有王爾德常被引用的語錄:“我們都在陰溝里,但仍有人仰望星空,?!保╓e are all in the gutter,but some of us arelooking at the stars.) (“與奧斯卡·王爾德的對話”雕塑) 他在美和智慧的懷抱里孤獨地死去,,但前赴后繼的人們?yōu)樗I上鮮艷的紅唇,,獻上對至真至純至美的敬畏和追尋。 時間會給出一切答案,,后世看來,,王爾德無論是他的個性或者作品都是充滿魅力并且不朽的。 “除了天才之外,,我沒有什么可申報的,?!蓖鯛柕碌降资遣皇钦f過這句話如今已很難考證。但即便是偽造,,這句話也完全符合王爾德的身份,、性格和氣質(zhì),因為王爾德就是這么一個恃才傲物又舌燦如蓮花的毒舌天才,。 下面請欣賞一位古典時期段子手,,英倫毒舌第一人王爾德先生的妙語連珠。 我簡直太聰明了,,有時連我自己都不知道自己在說什么,。 I am so clever that sometimes I don’tunderstand a single word of what I’m saying. 每次人們贊同我的時候,我都覺得自己一定錯了,。 Whenever people agree with me I always feelI must be wrong. I was working on the proof of one of my poemsall morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it backagain.
我喜歡人甚于原則,,此外我還喜歡沒原則的人甚于世界上的一切。 I like persons better than principles, andI like persons with no principles better than anything else in the world. I don’t want to earn my living; I want tolive. 我不想去天堂,我的朋友都不在那里,?!?/span> I don't want to go to heaven. None of myfriends are there. 除了誘惑,我可以抵抗任何東西,。
I like men who have a future and women whohave a past.
When I was young I used to think that moneywas the most important thing in life. Now that I am old, I know itis. 請轉(zhuǎn)告我對這家飯店廚師的贊譽,, Tell the cook of this restaurant with mycompliments that these are the very worst sandwiches in the whole world,and that when I ask for a watercress sandwich I do not mean a loaf with afield in the middle of it. 聲望是我從未經(jīng)受的侮辱之一。 Popularity is the one insult I have neversuffered. 愛自己就是開始一場延續(xù)一生的羅曼史,。 To love oneself is the beginning of alifelong romance. We are all in the gutter, but some of usare looking at the stars.
A dreamer is one who can only find his wayby moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the restof the world.
我想所有迷人的人都是被寵愛著的,,這是他們魅力來源的秘密。 只有無聊的人才會把早餐吃出花樣來,。 Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast. Only the shallow know themselves. 擺脫誘惑的唯一方法就是服從它。 The only way to get rid of a temptation isto yield to it.
Bad artists always admire each other'swork. Hard work is simply the refuge of peoplewho have nothing to do.
一個優(yōu)秀的人沒有敵人,但他的朋友也沒有一個喜歡他,。 An excellent man; he has no enemies; andnone of his friends like him.
借錢就要向悲觀主義者借,,因為他們不會期待你還錢。 Always borrow money from a pessimist. Hewon't expect it back.
生活從來不是公平的……而且,,或許對我們大多數(shù)人來說,,這是件好事。 Life is never fair...And perhaps it is agood thing for most of us that it is not. 生活是世上最罕見的事情,,大多數(shù)人只是存在,,僅此而已。 To live is the rarest thing in the world.Most people exist, that is all. 一個人總是可以善待他毫不在意的人,。 One can always be kind to people one caresnothing about. 美麗要比善良好,,善良要比難看強。 It is better to be beautiful than to begood, but it is better to be good than to be ugly. 時裝丑陋得完全令人無法容忍,,以至于我們必須每6個月就改變它的樣式,。 Fashion is a form of ugliness sointolerable that we have to alter it every six months. It is only the intellectually lost who everargue.
The difference between journalism and literatureis that journalism is unreadable and literature is not read.
演出相當(dāng)成功,,但觀眾則是一場災(zāi)難。 The play was a great success, but theaudience was a disaster. 所有糟糕的詩歌都源于真情實感,。 All bad poetry springs from genuinefeeling.
心是用來碎的,。 The heart was made to be broken. 世界上只有一件事比被人議論更糟糕,那就是沒人議論你,。
任何人都能對朋友的不幸感到同情,,但要消受一個春風(fēng)得意的朋友,則需要非常優(yōu)良的天性,。 每個圣人都有過去,,每個罪人都有未來。 我喜歡看戲,。與人生相比,,戲劇更加真實,。 Discontent is the first step in theprogress of a man or a nation.
年輕人想要有信仰,,但他們卻沒有,;老年人不想要有信仰,但卻辦不到,。 Young men want to be faithful, and are not;old men want to be faithless, and cannot. 沒有人富有到可以贖回自己的過去,。 No man is rich enough to buy back his ownpast.
When the gods wish to punish us, theyanswer our prayers. 我想,,上帝在創(chuàng)造人類時高估了他的能力。 I think that God, in creating Man, somewhatoverestimated his ability. 教育是一件可敬的事,,但要時刻牢記,,沒有什么值得知道的事是教得會的。 Education is an admirable thing, but it iswell to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing canbe taught. 經(jīng)驗是一個人給自己所犯的錯誤取的名字,。 Experience is the name every one gives totheir mistakes. 世界上只有兩種悲劇,,一種是一個人沒有得到他想要的,另一種是他得到了,。 In this world there are only two tragedies.One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. 恭維話從來沒有讓女人繳械,但可以讓男人繳械,。這就是性別差異,。 Women are never disarmed by compliments.Men always are. That is the difference between the sexes.
Women have a much better time than men in thisworld. There are far more things forbidden to them. Women represent the triumph of matter overmind, just as men represent the triumph of mind over morals.
Life is one fool thing after anotherwhereas love is two fool things after each other. 離婚的主要原因是什么?結(jié)婚,。
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