面的宏用于將剪貼板里面的url指定的文件在vs.net中打開以便編輯,,目的是提高打開文件的速度 比如:你在ie中運行一個系統(tǒng)時,某一個頁面有錯,,這個時候你需要修改這個頁面,,那么你只需要復(fù)制該頁面的url,然后到vs.net中使用一個運行宏的快捷鍵就可以打開修改該頁面了(最好事先打開了解決方案,這樣該文件是作為解決方案中的一個文件打開的,,而不是一個單獨的與項目無關(guān)的文件),。如果不使用宏你將不得不打開解決方案資源管理器,一層一層的展開樹,,然后找到要修改的文件
Imports EnvDTE Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports System.Threading
Public Module RecordingModule Dim ClipString As String Sub TemporaryMacro() ‘// take whatever is on the clipboard and save it to an xml file ‘// intended for cut & paste from QueryAnalyzer Dim ClipBoardThread As System.Threading.Thread = New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf getClipString_core) With ClipBoardThread .ApartmentState = ApartmentState.STA .IsBackground = True .Start() ‘-- Wait for copy to happen .Join() End With ClipBoardThread = Nothing If ClipString <> "" Then ‘虛擬目錄名() Dim VirtualName = "kxframework" Dim pos = InStr(LCase(ClipString), "/" & VirtualName & "/") If (pos = 0) Then pos = InStr(LCase(ClipString), "\" & VirtualName & "\") End If If (pos <> 0) Then ClipString = Right(ClipString, Len(ClipString) - pos - Len("\" & VirtualName & "\") + 1) End If pos = InStr(ClipString, "?") If (pos <> 0) Then ClipString = Left(ClipString, pos - 1) End If ‘組合成正確的物理路徑 ClipString = "E:\科信施工項目成本管理系統(tǒng)\" & VirtualName & "\" & ClipString ClipString = Replace(ClipString, "/", "\") If System.IO.File.Exists(ClipString) Then DTE.ItemOperations.OpenFile(ClipString) Else MessageBox.Show("文件(" & ClipString & ")未找到,!") End If End If End Sub Sub getClipString_core() ClipString = Clipboard.GetDataObject().GetData(System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats.StringFormat) End Sub End Module