<% ‘判斷文件名是否合法 Function isFilename(aFilename) Dim sErrorStr,iNameLength,i isFilename=TRUE sErrorStr=Array("/","\",":","*","?","""","<",">","|") iNameLength=Len(aFilename) If iNameLength<1 Or iNameLength=null Then isFilename=FALSE Else For i=0 To 8 If instr(aFilename,sErrorStr(i)) Then isFilename=FALSE End If Next End If End Function
‘去掉字符串頭尾的連續(xù)的回車和空格 function trimVBcrlf(str) trimVBcrlf=rtrimVBcrlf(ltrimVBcrlf(str)) end function
‘去掉字符串開頭的連續(xù)的回車和空格 function ltrimVBcrlf(str) dim pos,isBlankChar pos=1 isBlankChar=true while isBlankChar if mid(str,pos,1)=" " then pos=pos+1 elseif mid(str,pos,2)=VBcrlf then pos=pos+2 else isBlankChar=false end if wend ltrimVBcrlf=right(str,len(str)-pos+1) end function
‘去掉字符串末尾的連續(xù)的回車和空格 function rtrimVBcrlf(str) dim pos,isBlankChar pos=len(str) isBlankChar=true while isBlankChar and pos>=2 if mid(str,pos,1)=" " then pos=pos-1 elseif mid(str,pos-1,2)=VBcrlf then pos=pos-2 else isBlankChar=false end if wend rtrimVBcrlf=rtrim(left(str,pos)) end function
‘判斷Email是否有效,返回1表示正確 Function isEmail(aEmail) Dim iLocat,v,iLength,i,checkletter If instr(aEmail,"@") = 0 Or instr(aEmail,".") = 0 Then isEmail=0 EXIT FUNCTION End If iLocat=instr(aEmail,"@") If instr(iLocat,aEmail,".")=0 Or instr(iLocat+1,aEmail,"@")>0 Then isEmail=0 EXIT FUNCTION End If If left(aEmail,1)="." Or right(aEmail,1)="." Or left(aEmail,1)="@" Or right(aEmail,1)="@" Then isEmail=0 EXIT FUNCTION End If v="1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-.@" iLength=len(aEmail) For i=1 To iLength checkletter=mid(aEmail,i,1) If instr(v,checkletter)=0 Then isEmail=0 EXIT FUNCTION End If Next isEmail=1 End Function
‘測試用:顯示服務器信息 Sub showServer Dim name Response.write "<Table border=1 bordercolor=lightblue CELLSPACING=0>" for each name in request.servervariables Response.write "<tr>" Response.write "<td>"&name&"</td>" Response.write "<td>"&request.servervariables(name)&"<br></td>" Response.write "</tr>" next Response.write "</table>" End Sub
‘測試用:顯示Rs結果集以及字段名稱 Sub showRs(rs) Dim strTable,whatever Response.write "<center><table><tr>" for each whatever in rs.fields response.write "<td><b>" & whatever.name & "</B></TD>" next strTable = "</tr><tr><td>"&rs.GetString(,,"</td><td>","</tr><tr><td>"," ") &"</td></tr></table></center>" Response.Write(strTable) End Sub
‘用HTML格式顯示文本 Function txt2Html(str) if isnull(str) then txt2Html="" exit Function end if str=Replace(str,chr(34),""") str=Replace(str,"<","<") str=Replace(str,">",">") str=Replace(str,chr(13)+chr(10),"<br>") str=Replace(str,chr(9)," ") str=Replace(str," "," ") txt2Html=str End Function
‘測試用:顯示調試錯誤信息 Sub showError Dim sErrMsg sErrMsg=Err.Source&" "&Err.Description Response.write "<center>"&sErrMsg&"</center>" Err.clear End Sub
‘顯示文字計數(shù)器 Sub showCounter Dim fs,outfile,filename,count filename=server.mappath("count.txt") Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If fs.fileExists(filename) Then Set outfile=fs.openTextFile(filename,1) count=outfile.readline count=count+1 Response.write "<center>瀏覽人次:"&count&"<center>" outfile.close Set outfile=fs.CreateTextFile(filename) outfile.writeline(count) Else Set outfile=fs.openTextFile(filename,8,TRUE) count=0 outfile.writeline(count) END IF outfile.close set fs=nothing End Sub %>
Array() FUNCTION: 返回一個數(shù)組 SYNTAX: Array(list) ARGUMENTS: 字符,,數(shù)字均可 EXAMPLE: <% Dim myArray() For i = 1 to 7 Redim Preserve myArray(i) myArray(i) = WeekdayName(i) Next %> RESULT: 建立了一個包含7個元素的數(shù)組myArray myArray("Sunday","Monday", ... ... "Saturday") CInt() FUNCTION: 將一個表達式轉化為數(shù)字類型 SYNTAX: CInt(expression) ARGUMENTS: 任何有效的字符均可 EXAMPLE: <% f = "234" response.write cINT(f) + 2 %> RESULT: 236 轉化字符"234"為數(shù)字"234",,如果字符串為空,,則返回0值 CreateObject() FUNCTION: 建立和返回一個已注冊的ACTIVEX組件的實例,。 SYNTAX: CreateObject(objName) ARGUMENTS: objName 是任何一個有效、已注冊的ACTIVEX組件的名字. EXAMPLE: <% Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") %> RESULT: CStr() FUNCTION: 轉化一個表達式為字符串. SYNTAX: CStr(expression) ARGUMENTS: expression 是任何有效的表達式,。 EXAMPLE: <% s = 3 + 2 response.write "The result is: " & cStr(s) %> RESULT: 轉化數(shù)字“5”為字符“5”,。 Date() FUNCTION: 返回當前系統(tǒng)日期. SYNTAX: Date() ARGUMENTS: None. EXAMPLE: <%=Date%> RESULT: 8/4/99 DateAdd() FUNCTION: 返回一個被改變了的日期。 SYNTAX: DateAdd(timeinterval,number,date) ARGUMENTS: timeinterval is the time interval to add; number is amount of time intervals to add; and date is the starting date. EXAMPLE: <% currentDate = #8/4/99# newDate = DateAdd("m",3,currentDate) response.write newDate %>
<% currentDate = #12:34:45 PM# newDate = DateAdd("h",3,currentDate) response.write newDate %> RESULT: 11/4/99 3:34:45 PM
"m" = "month"; "d" = "day";
If currentDate is in time format then, "h" = "hour"; "s" = "second"; DateDiff() FUNCTION: 返回兩個日期之間的差值 ,。 SYNTAX: DateDiff(timeinterval,date1,date2 [, firstdayofweek ][, firstweekofyear]]) ARGUMENTS: timeinterval 表示相隔時間的類型,,如“M“表示“月”。 EXAMPLE: <% fromDate = #8/4/99# toDate = #1/1/2000# response.write "There are " & _ DateDiff("d",fromDate,toDate) & _ " days to millenium from 8/4/99." %> RESULT: 從8/4/99 到2000年還有 150 天. Day() FUNCTION: 返回一個月的第幾日 . SYNTAX: Day(date) ARGUMENTS: date 是任何有效的日期,?!?BR> EXAMPLE: <%=Day(#8/4/99#)%> RESULT: 4 FormatCurrency() FUNCTION: 返回表達式,此表達式已被格式化為貨幣值 SYNTAX: FormatCurrency(Expression [, Digit ][, LeadingDigit ][, Paren ][, GroupDigit]]]]) ARGUMENTS: Digit 指示小數(shù)點右側顯示位數(shù)的數(shù)值,。默認值為 -1,,指示使用的是 計算機的區(qū)域設置; LeadingDigit 三態(tài)常數(shù),指示是否顯示小數(shù)值小數(shù)點前面的 零,?!?BR> EXAMPLE: <%=FormatCurrency(34.3456)%> RESULT: $34.35 FormatDateTime() FUNCTION: 返回表達式,此表達式已被格式化為日期或時間 SYNTAX: FormatDateTime(Date, [, NamedFormat]) ARGUMENTS: NamedFormat 指示所使用的日期/時間格式的數(shù)值,,如果省略,,則使用 vbGeneralDate. EXAMPLE: <%=FormatDateTime("08/4/99", vbLongDate)%> RESULT: Wednesday, August 04, 1999 FormatNumber() FUNCTION: 返回表達式,此表達式已被格式化為數(shù)值. SYNTAX: FormatNumber(Expression [, Digit ][, LeadingDigit ][, Paren ][, GroupDigit]]]]) ARGUMENTS: Digit 指示小數(shù)點右側顯示位數(shù)的數(shù)值,。默認值為 -1,,指示使用的是 計算機的區(qū)域設置。; LeadingDigit i指示小數(shù)點右側顯示位數(shù)的數(shù)值,。默認值為 - 1,,指示使用的是計算機的區(qū)域設置。; Paren 指示小數(shù)點右側顯示位數(shù)的數(shù)值,。默認 值為 -1,,指示使用的是計算機的區(qū)域設置。; GroupDigit i指示小數(shù)點右側顯示位數(shù) 的數(shù)值,。默認值為 -1,,指示使用的是計算機的區(qū)域設置。. EXAMPLE: <%=FormatNumber(45.324567, 3)%> RESULT: 45.325 FormatPercent() FUNCTION: 返回表達式,,此表達式已被格式化為尾隨有 % 符號的百分比(乘以 100 ),。 (%) SYNTAX: FormatPercent(Expression [, Digit ][, LeadingDigit ][, Paren ][, GroupDigit]]]]) ARGUMENTS: 同上. EXAMPLE: <%=FormatPercent(0.45267, 3)%> RESULT: 45.267% Hour() FUNCTION: 以24時返回小時數(shù). SYNTAX: Hour(time) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <%=Hour(#4:45:34 PM#)%> RESULT: 16 (Hour has been converted to 24-hour system) Instr() FUNCTION: 返回字符或字符串在另一個字符串中第一次出現(xiàn)的位置. SYNTAX: Instr([start, ] strToBeSearched, strSearchFor [, compare]) ARGUMENTS: Start為搜索的起始值,strToBeSearched接受搜索的字符串 strSearchFor要搜索的字符.compare比較方式(詳細見ASP常數(shù)) EXAMPLE: <% strText = "This is a test!!" pos = Instr(strText, "a") response.write pos %> RESULT: 9 InstrRev() FUNCTION: 同上,,只是從字符串的最后一個搜索起 SYNTAX: InstrRev([start, ] strToBeSearched, strSearchFor [, compare]) ARGUMENTS: 同上. EXAMPLE: <% strText = "This is a test!!" pos = InstrRev(strText, "s") response.write pos %> RESULT: 13
Int() FUNCTION: 返回數(shù)值類型,不四舍五入,,注意取值是不大于它的整數(shù),。 SYNTAX: Int(number) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <%=INT(32.89)%> <%=int(-3.33)%> RESULT: 32 -4 IsArray() FUNCTION: 判斷一對象是否為數(shù)組,返回布爾值 . SYNTAX: IsArray(name) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "Test!" response.write IsArray(strTest) %> RESULT: False IsDate() FUNCTION: 判斷一對象是否為日期,,返回布爾值 SYNTAX: IsDate(expression) ARGUMENTS: expression is any valid expression. EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "8/4/99" response.write IsDate(strTest) %> RESULT: True IsEmpty() FUNCTION: 判斷一對象是否初始化,,返回布爾值. SYNTAX: IsEmpty(expression) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% Dim i response.write IsEmpty(i) %> RESULT: True IsNull() FUNCTION: 判斷一對象是否為空,返回布爾值. SYNTAX: IsNull(expression) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% Dim i response.write IsNull(i) %> RESULT: False IsNumeric() FUNCTION: 判斷一對象是否為數(shù)字,,返回布爾值. SYNTAX: IsNumeric(expression) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% i = "345" response.write IsNumeric(i) %> RESULT: True 就算數(shù)字加了引號,,ASP還是認為它是數(shù)字。 IsObject() FUNCTION: 判斷一對象是否為對象,,返回布爾值. SYNTAX: IsObject(expression) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") response.write IsObject(con) %> RESULT: True LBound() FUNCTION: 返回指定數(shù)組維的最小可用下標. SYNTAX: Lbound(arrayname [, dimension]) ARGUMENTS: ; dimension 指明要返回哪一維下界的整數(shù),。使用 1 表示第一維,,2 表示第二維,,以此類推。如果省略 dimension 參數(shù),,默認值為 1. EXAMPLE: <% i = Array("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday") response.write LBound(i) %> RESULT: 0 LCase() FUNCTION: 返回字符串的小寫形式 SYNTAX: Lcase(string) ARGUMENTS: string is any valid string expression. EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test!" response.write LCase(strTest) %> RESULT: this is a test! Left() FUNCTION: 返回字符串左邊第length個字符以前的字符(含第length個字符). SYNTAX: Left(string, length) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test!" response.write Left(strTest, 3) %> RESULT: Thi Len() FUNCTION: 返回字符串的長度. SYNTAX: Len(string | varName) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test!" response.write Len(strTest) %> RESULT: 15 LTrim() FUNCTION: 去掉字符串左邊的空格. SYNTAX: LTrim(string) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = " This is a test!" response.write LTrim(strTest) %> RESULT: This is a test! Mid() FUNCTION: 返回特定長度的字符串(從start開始,長度為length). SYNTAX: Mid(string, start [, length]) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test! Today is Monday." response.write Mid(strTest, 17, 5) %> RESULT: Today Minute() FUNCTION: 返回時間的分釧. SYNTAX: Minute(time) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <%=Minute(#12:45:32 PM#)%> RESULT: 45 Month() FUNCTION: 返回日期. SYNTAX: Month(date) ARGUMENTS: date is any valid date expression. EXAMPLE: <%=Month(#08/04/99#)%> RESULT: 8 MonthName() FUNCTION: Returns a string identifying the specified month. SYNTAX: MonthName(month, [, Abb]) ARGUMENTS: month is the numeric representation for a given month; Abb (optional) is a boolean value used to display month abbreviation. True will display the abbreviated month name and False (default) will not show the abbreviation. EXAMPLE: <%=MonthName(Month(#08/04/99#))%> RESULT: August Now() FUNCTION: Returns the current system date and time. SYNTAX: Now() ARGUMENTS: None EXAMPLE: <%=Now%> RESULT: 8/4/99 9:30:16 AM Replace() FUNCTION: Returns a string in which a specified sub-string has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times. SYNTAX: Replace(strToBeSearched, strSearchFor, strReplaceWith [, start ][, count ][, compare]]]) ARGUMENTS: strToBeSearched is a string expression containing a sub- string to be replaced; strSearchFor is the string expression to search for within strToBeSearched; strReplaceWith is the string expression to replace sub-string strSearchFor; start (optional) is the numeric character position to begin search; count (optional) is a value indicating the comparision constant. EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is an apple!" response.write Replace(strTest, "apple", "orange") %> RESULT: This is an orange! Right() FUNCTION: 返回字符串右邊第length個字符以前的字符(含第length個字符). SYNTAX: Right(string, length) ARGUMENTS: . EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is an test!" response.write Right(strTest, 3) %> RESULT: st! Rnd() FUNCTION: 產生一個隨機數(shù). SYNTAX: Rnd [ (number) ] ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% Randomize() response.write RND() %> RESULT: 任何一個在0 到 1 之間的數(shù) Round() FUNCTION: 返回按指定位數(shù)進行四舍五入的數(shù)值. SYNTAX: Round(expression [, numRight]) ARGUMENTS: numRight數(shù)字表明小數(shù)點右邊有多少位進行四舍五入,。如果省略,,則 Round 函數(shù)返回整數(shù). EXAMPLE: <% i = 32.45678 response.write Round(i) %> RESULT: 32 Rtrim() FUNCTION: 去掉字符串右邊的字符串. SYNTAX: Rtrim(string) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test!! " response.write RTrim(strTest) %> RESULT: This is a test!! Second() FUNCTION: 返回秒. SYNTAX: Second(time) ARGUMENTS: . EXAMPLE: <%=Second(#12:34:28 PM#)%> RESULT: 28 StrReverse() FUNCTION: 反排一字符串 SYNTAX: StrReverse(string) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test!!" response.write StrReverse(strTest) %> RESULT: !!tset a si sihT Time() FUNCTION: 返回系統(tǒng)時間. SYNTAX: Time() ARGUMENTS: . EXAMPLE: <%=Time%> RESULT: 9:58:28 AM Trim() FUNCTION: 去掉字符串左右的空格. SYNTAX: Trim(string) ARGUMENTS: string is any valid string expression. EXAMPLE: <% strTest = " This is a test!! " response.write Trim(strTest) %> RESULT: This is a test!! UBound() FUNCTION: 返回指定數(shù)組維數(shù)的最大可用下標. SYNTAX: Ubound(arrayname [, dimension]) ARGUMENTS: ; dimension (optional) 指定返回哪一維上界的整數(shù)。1 表示第一 維,,2 表示第二維,,以此類推。如果省略 dimension 參數(shù),,則默認值為 1. EXAMPLE: <% i = Array("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday") response.write UBound(i) %> RESULT: 2 UCase() FUNCTION: 返回字符串的大寫形式. SYNTAX: UCase(string) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test!!" response.write UCase(strTest) %> RESULT: THIS IS A TEST!! VarType() FUNCTION: 返回指示變量子類型的值 SYNTAX: VarType(varName) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% i = 3 response.write varType(i) %> RESULT: 2(數(shù)字)詳見"asp常數(shù)" WeekDay() FUNCTION: 返回在一周的第幾天. SYNTAX: WeekDay(date [, firstdayofweek]) ARGUMENTS: . EXAMPLE: <% d = #8/4/99# response.write Weekday(d) %> RESULT: 4(星期三) WeekDayName() FUNCTION: 返回一周第幾天的名字. SYNTAX: WeekDayName(weekday [, Abb ][, firstdayofweek]]) ARGUMENTS: Abb可選,。Boolean 值,指明是否縮寫表示星期各天的名稱,。如果省 略,, 默認值為 False,即不縮寫星期各天的名稱.firstdayofweek指明星期第一天的 數(shù)值 EXAMPLE: <% d = #8/4/99# response.write WeekdayName(Weekday(d)) %> RESULT: Wednesday Year() FUNCTION: 返回當前的年份. SYNTAX: Year(date) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <%=Year(#8/4/99#)%> RESULT: 1999