第一步,建立工程,,引用Winsock(Visual Basic最好打SP6,否則MS有一個(gè)Bug),在此省略
' Name:DownloadFile
' Author:Reker 2004/3/20
' Desc:連接遠(yuǎn)端主機(jī),,發(fā)送接收文件請求,等待遠(yuǎn)端主機(jī)響應(yīng)
' Params:None
' History:None
Private Sub DownloadFile()
On Error Resume Next
StartTime = Time()
With WinSck
.RemoteHost = Host '遠(yuǎn)端主機(jī)地址
.RemotePort = 80
Do While .State <> sckConnected
DoEvents: DoEvents: DoEvents: DoEvents
If DateDiff( "s" , StartTime, Time()) > 20 Then
ShowInfo "連接超時(shí)"
Exit Sub
End If
strCommand = "GET " + UpdateURL + " HTTP/1.0" + VBCrLf '下載地址
strCommand = strCommand + "Accept: */*" + vbCrLf '這句可以不要
strCommand = strCommand + "Accept: text/html" + vbCrLf '這句可以不要
strCommand = strCommand + vbCrLf
strCommand = strCommand & "Host: " & Host & vbCrLf
If Dir(SaveFileName) <> "" Then '是否已經(jīng)存在下載文件
Dim confirm
confirm = MsgBox( "已經(jīng)存在文件,,是否斷點(diǎn)續(xù)傳?" , vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "提示" )
If confirm = vbYes Then
DownPosition = ""
If Not oFileCtrl.ReadKeyFromIni( "Update" , "DownSize" , AppPath + "Update.ini" , DownPosition) Then
MsgBox "讀取大小錯(cuò)誤" , vbInformation, "提示"
End If
strCommand = strCommand & "Range: bytes=" & CLng (DownPosition) & "-" & vbCrLf
Kill SaveFileName '刪除原文件
End If
End If
strCommand = strCommand & "Connection: Keep-Alive" & vbCrLf
strCommand = strCommand & vbCrLf
.SendData strCommand
End With
If Err Then
lblProcessResult.Caption = lblProcessResult.Caption & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "下載文件出錯(cuò):" & Err.Description
End If
End Sub
' Name:Winsck_DataArrival
' Author:Reker 2004/3/20
' Desc:略
' Params:略
' Return:None
' History:None
Private Sub Winsck_DataArrival( ByVal bytesTotal As Long )
On Error Resume Next
'DoEvents: DoEvents
Dim ByteData() As Byte
WinSck.GetData ByteData(), vbByte
ReceiveData = ReceiveData & StrConv(ByteData(), vbUnicode)
If InStr(1, ReceiveData, "Content-Length:" ) > 0 And FileSize = 0 Then '僅第一次計(jì)算,FileSize=0
Dim pos1 As Long , pos2 As Long
pos1 = InStr(1, ReceiveData, "Content-Length:" )
pos2 = InStr(pos1 + 16, ReceiveData, vbCrLf)
If pos2 > pos1 Then
FileSizeByte = Mid(ReceiveData, pos1 + 16, pos2 - pos1 - 16) '計(jì)算文件的長度
StartTime = Timer() '保存開始下載的時(shí)間
ProgssBar.Max = FileSizeByte '設(shè)置進(jìn)度條
FileSize = FormatNumber(FileSizeByte / 1024, 2) '以KB表示
ShowInfo "本次下載的文件共" + CStr (FileSize) + "KB..."
End If
End If
If FileHeaderLen = 0 Then
For i = 0 To UBound(ByteData()) - 3
If ByteData(i) = 13 And ByteData(i + 1) = 10 And ByteData(i + 2) = 13 And ByteData(i + 3) = 10 Then
StartPos = i + 4 '將文件頭的長度保存下來
FileHeaderLen = StartPos
Exit For
End If
Next i
End If
FileSizeHaveDown = bytesTotal + FileSizeHaveDown - FileHeaderLen
dblDownloadSpeed = FormatNumber(FormatNumber(FileSizeHaveDown / 1024, 2) / (FormatNumber((Timer() - StartTime), 4)), 2) '計(jì)算下載速率 KB/S
If dblDownloadSpeed <> 0 Then '計(jì)算剩余下載的時(shí)間
sRestTime = GetRestTime( CLng ((FileSize - (FileSizeHaveDown) / 1024) / dblDownloadSpeed)) '此過程略,,可以刪除此段代碼
labRestTime.Caption = "剩余時(shí)間:o" + sRestTime
End If
labDownloadSpeed.Caption = CStr (dblDownloadSpeed) + " kb/s"
ProgssBar.Value = FileSizeHaveDown
Fnum = FreeFile()
Open SaveFileName For Binary Lock Write As #Fnum
If LOF(Fnum) > 0 Then
Seek #Fnum, LOF(Fnum) + 1
End If
If StartPos > 0 Then
For i = StartPos To UBound(ByteData())
Put #Fnum, , ByteData(i)
Next i
Put #Fnum, , ByteData()
End If
Close #Fnum
If Err Then
lblProcessResult.Caption = lblProcessResult.Caption & vbCrLf & 獲取數(shù)據(jù)出錯(cuò):" & Err.Description
End If
End Sub