1.Verilog HDL information at xxx.v:always
construct contains both blocking and non-blocking
assignments 2.Warning: Parallel compilation is not
licensed and has been disabled 3.Warning (10227): Verilog HDL Port
Declaration warning at v_led.v(4): data type declaration for "out"
declares packed dimensions but the port declaration declaration
does not 4.Warning (10230): Verilog HDL assignment
warning at v_led.v(13): truncated value with size 32 to match size
of target (8) 5.Warning: Found 9 output pins without
output pin load capacitance
assignment 6.Warning: The Reserve All Unused Pins
setting has not been specified, and will default to 'As output
ground'. 7.Warning: Skipped module PowerPlay Power
Analyzer due to the assignment
FLOW_ENABLE_POWER_ANALYZER 8.Warning: The Reserve All Unused Pins
setting has not been specified, and will default to 'As output
driving ground'. 9.Warning: Expected ENABLE_CLOCK_LATENCY
to be set to ON but is set to
OFF How do I run the PowerPlay Power Analyzer automatically during
compilation? In the Quartus? II software, you can enable the PowerPlay Power Analyzer to run automatically during compilation by adding the following assignment to your Quartus II Settings File (.qsf): set_global_assignment -name FLOW_ENABLE_POWER_ANALYZER ON
來自: 林緣232 > 《各種warning》