清晨,,陽光給露珠送來晨妝,,世界便多了些斑斕; 而剛從睡夢中醒來的我,,打開門窗,,迎接冬日暖陽的問候,心情晴朗一片,; 煮上一碗燕麥粥,,淡淡的煙霧繚繞,小小的玻璃餐桌便是暖意融融;摘下一片紅色三角梅,,收藏在書本的某一頁里,,便是一個綿長綿長的故事;日子可以很簡單,,但一定得有點色彩,,來點詩意。于是決定迎接2014年的motto---簡單而詩意吧。 A seven-colored bow shows up after the rain; Trees dance accompanying the whistle of wind ; Silver Grass greets the morning dew; Children wake up with a fairy story; Life can be simple, but never be without a dream. And I say, fly, spirit bright. Birds sing but not for the applause; Bees dance but not for an attention; Flowers bloom but not for a praise; I write but not for your admiration ; Life can be simple but not without a poem. And I say, shine, lady sun |