為心,。,。。該搜索什么,? 無常平常,,放心安慰,深深淺淺,,輕輕重重,。。,。 For the heart... What should be searching for ? Is un-normal & normal, reassuring & comfort, deep & shallow, light & heavy... 知冷知熱的,,才是心;相守相望的,,才是眼,; 不離不棄的,才是情,;一生一世的,,才是愛。 Being really: Heart feeling cold and warm of knowing , Being really; Guard the eyes on each other, taking a look at , Being really; Be hold not away from the feeling not abandoning , Being really; All one's love can be through out whole lifetime. 人們最先衰老的不僅是容貌,,而是復(fù)重的心靈,, 不顧一切的使勁勇闖,對待生活的迫切熱情,, 必須具備的前提條件 --- 善待自己的心,, 這才是人生開心快樂的基本核心。 We are not only the first appearance of aging, but it is also over weight of the heart, desperate aggressive,。 Urgent enthusiasm aim on our life, you must be surly having the prerequisite condition --- kind to treat you own heart, this is the basic core of life time can making jolly happiness,。 |
來自: scorpio111 > 《心靈驛站》