白領新潮流之咖啡辦公室你聽說過嗎(圖)咖啡辦公室 很多人都會在咖啡館看書,、上網(wǎng),,或者見朋友,大多是因為那里氛圍好,、有無線網(wǎng)絡,,或者僅僅是喜歡那種小資情調。在韓國,人們把這種潮流發(fā)揮到了極致:他們把咖啡館當成辦公室來用,。 Coffice, a portmanteau term of coffee shop and office, is used in South Korea to describe how coffee shops are used for work, study and socializing. Coffice is a coffee shop habitually used as an office by customers, who mooch its space, electricity, Wi-Fi and other resources. Presumably, they pay for the coffee. Coffice(咖啡辦公室)是韓國很流行的一個合成詞(咖啡館+辦公室),,指咖啡館在工作、學習或者社交活動中常常被用到,。被稱為 coffice的咖啡館會被一些顧客習慣性地當成辦公室來用,,他們蹭著咖啡館的空間,電力,、無線寬帶以及其他資源,。而他們這樣做的理由,想必是因為他們已 經(jīng)為那里的咖啡買了單吧,。 For example: I’ll meet you at my coffice at 2pm. Here is the address. 咱們下午兩點在我常去辦公的咖啡館見面吧,。這是那里的地址。 |
來自: storeroom > 《環(huán)宇大觀》