跑步可能是最有效的瘦身方法之一,,但這并意味著跑步就是靈丹妙藥,。事實上,在跑步的初期,,你的體重有可能增加幾磅,,這是因為脂肪變成更致密、更有分量的肌肉,。如果你堅持跑步和健康飲食,,減掉身上的贅肉是不成問題的。 Here are some of the most successful strategies for runners who want to lose weight: 下面列出八種跑步瘦身最有效的策略: 1. Don't Skip Meals 1. 正常飲食 You're not going to lose weight any faster if you miss meals. In fact, it will just make you hungrier, which increases your temptation to eat everything in sight. You also won't burn as many calories during your runs as you would if you were properly fueled. 不吃飯不會加快瘦身速度。事實上,,不吃飯只是使你腹中空虛,,食欲旺盛,見什么想吃什么,。而且,,在不吃飯的情況下跑步時,消耗的熱量比正常進食時要少,。 2. Run Several Times a Week 2. 一周跑多次 Individuals who successfully loss weight and keep it off burn about 2,800 calories a week through planned exercise, according to statistics from the National WeightControl Registry. Assuming an average of 100 calories per mile, that's about 28 miles, so make that your goal if running is your only form of exercise. Don't worry about your pace or the intensity of your run -- just getting the miles in will burn the calories. 依照國家體重控制登記處提供的數(shù)據(jù),,通過有計劃的鍛煉,成功瘦身并持之以恒的人每周消耗約2800卡路里,。假設每英里平均消耗100卡路里,,需要跑28英里,如果跑步是你唯一的鍛煉方式,,就以此為目標吧,。不要計較步伐和強度——消耗的熱量僅與里數(shù)有關。 How to Stick to Your Running Habit 3. Be Patient 3. 要有耐心
We're all looking for a quick fix when it comes to weight loss, but don't expect to get it from running. A healthy weight loss rate is 1/2 to one pound a week, so don't anticipate losing more than that. Set a reasonable goal for weight loss, like five pounds in two months. 我們都希望瘦身立竿見影,,但是跑步是達不到這種效果的,。健康的減肥速度是一周1/2到1磅,所以不要急于求成,。為瘦身設定合理目標,,比如,兩個月減5磅,。 4. Strength-Train 4. 力量訓練 Not only will you burn calories while you're strength-training, but your increased lean muscle mass will improve your running performance, so you'll be able to run faster and longer, and burn more calories when running. Strength-training also helps prevent running injuries, so you'll be able to maintain your commitment to exercise by staying injury-free. 力量訓練在消耗熱量的同時,,還增加肌肉,這樣跑步能力將相應提高,,所以你就能夠跑得更快,、更長,消耗更多的熱量,。力量訓練還有助于防止跑步帶來的身體損傷,,所以加強力量訓練能使你在不受傷害的情況下把跑步堅持下去。 Beginners' Guide to Strength-Training Benefits of Strength-Training for Runners 5. Spread Out Your Calories 5. 分散卡路里 It's better to eat several small meals and snacks throughout the day than to eat a huge breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You'll reduce your temptation to binge and you'll also gain more flexibility in scheduling your runs because you won't have to wait until you digest big meals. 最好每天少吃多餐,,而不是大食量的一日三餐,。你狂吃的欲望會減弱,而且因為你不需要等待大餐的消化吸收,,所以能更靈活地安排跑步時間,。 More: Healthy Snacks for Runners How Do I Avoid Feeling Hungry? 6. Fill your plate with non-starchy veggies. 6. 多吃不含淀粉的蔬菜 Aim to have some vegetables – tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, spinach and other greens, for example – with every meal. They’re full of fiber, so you'll feel satisfied and less tempted to overeat or reach for a calorie-laden dessert. 每餐有意識地吃一些蔬菜——例如,,西紅柿,、胡蘿卜,、西葫蘆、芹菜和其它蔬菜,。吃這些富含纖維素的蔬菜,,你會有飽脹感,,抵御過量飲食或高熱量甜食的誘惑,。 7. Track Your Foods 7. 食譜跟蹤 Write down everything you eat and drink for at least a few days. You may be shocked at how many calories you're taking in, but it will help you identify areas for improvement. You can track your foods in your training journal, so you can also see what kind of effect certain foods have on your performance. 至少記下你幾天里吃喝的每樣東西??赡苣銜粩z入的卡路里量嚇一跳,,但是這會幫助你改善飲食結構。在訓練日志上進行食譜跟蹤,,這樣你也能明白哪種食物在瘦身進程中有什么影響,。 More: How to Determine Your Daily Calorie Needs 8. Watch How You Eat 8. 注意進食方法 Try eating more slowly and stop eating when you feel comfortable, not stuffed. You'll be surprised at how much more you enjoy your food! 吃得慢一點,不要吃得太飽,,感覺舒服就不要再吃了,。你會驚奇地發(fā)現(xiàn),吃飯是多么美妙的事情,! Have you lost weight by running? Share your story! 跑掉你的贅肉了嗎,?分享一下你的經驗! |