《愛麗絲夢游仙境》(Alice in Wonderland) 3月26日在中國上映,,該片是蒂姆?波頓和老搭檔約翰尼?德普的第7次合作。這對黃金搭檔之前的合作,,可謂是碩果累累——波頓的電影使得德普蜚聲影壇,;而 德普的演技也使得波頓商業(yè)藝術雙豐收。這對拍檔又將給觀眾帶來一次怎樣的仙境之旅,?想必愛麗絲會給你答案,。 蒂姆?波頓和約翰尼?德普看上去很相像。他們有著同樣古怪夸張的發(fā)型,,都戴著一副彩色眼鏡,,交談時也都喜歡捋著自己那頗具藝術家氣息的山羊胡。 二人在藝術方面都有著舉足輕重的影響力,;彼此間有著深厚的友誼(德普是波頓第一個孩子的教父),;他們甚至會心有靈犀地說完彼此半截句子。 Tim Burton and Johnny Depp look alike. They sport equally wacky hair and tinted glasses, and stroke their artsy goatees as they talk. They cite similar artistic influences, mention their deep friendship (Depp is godfather to Burton’s first son) and even finish each other’s sentences,。 毋庸置疑,,這個“演員加導演”的組合已成為好萊塢最多產的拍檔。本周《愛麗絲夢游仙境》將在中國上映,,片中德普飾演“瘋帽子”一角,,這也是他與 波頓的第七次合作。 It’s no wonder the two have turned into Hollywood’s most prolific director-actor partnership. The release of Alice in Wonderland in China this week, where Depp plays the crazy Mad Hatter, marks their seventh collaboration,。 在好萊塢,,導演與演員的組合似乎也不是什么新鮮的事了。有時演員會給予導演靈感(如昆丁?塔倫蒂諾和烏瑪?瑟曼),。還有一些時候演員百分百地信 任導演(如萊昂納多?迪卡普里奧和馬丁?斯科塞斯),。 Director-actor partnerships seem to be as old as Hollywood. Sometimes directors are inspired by actors (Quentin Tarantino and Uma Thurman). Other times actors place complete trust in directors (Leo Di Caprio and Martin Scorsese)。 而對于如此相似的波頓和德普來說,,他們極富創(chuàng)造性的合作源自荒謬,,信任以及對黑暗扭曲的敘事方式的共同喜愛。 But in the case of look-a-likes Burton and Depp, their creative partnership is based on absurdity, trust, and a common love of dark, twisted storytelling,。 他們初次見面時,,德普正在逐漸成長為一名青年偶像。波頓給了德普一次挑戰(zhàn),,在《剪刀手愛德華》(1990年)中出演愛德華一角:這部離奇古怪的 童話講述了有一雙剪刀手的男孩不顧一切追尋真愛的故事,。 When they first met, Depp was on his way to becoming a teen idol. Burton challenged Depp, casting him as Edward in Edward Scissorhands (1990): a twisted fairytale about a boy with hands made out of scissors who yearns to find love,。 片中德普飾演了一個生活在郊外的怪人,他精湛的演技也使得該片成為經典,。這次合作也創(chuàng)立“波頓加德普”這對金牌搭檔,。在接受《Esquire》 雜志專訪時,德普說: “第一次見面時,,我們就在這些極其荒謬的層面上達成共識,。” Depp’s faultless performance as a freak in suburbia made the film a modern classic. It also created the bonds of the Burton-Depp team. “When we first met, we connected on all these super absurd levels,” says Depp in Esquire,。 現在有了可以信任的合作伙伴后,,波頓一如既往地邀請德普出演自己的影片,德普也再次塑造了6個不同的古怪角色,。在1994年的《艾德伍德》中,, 德普飾演了一位具有傳奇色彩的,拍盡爛片的電影導演,;1999年的《斷頭谷》一片中,,他是調查斷頭兇殺案的探員;2005年的《僵尸新娘》中他扮演一位意 外娶了僵尸的男子,;2005年《查理與巧克力工廠》中他是古怪的巧克力工廠老板,;2007年的《理發(fā)師陶德》中他飾演一名兇殘的理發(fā)師。 Now with a trusted partner, Burton went on to cast Depp in six more absurd roles. He played a legendary bad film director (Ed Wood, 1994),, an investigator of decapitations (Sleepy Hollow, 1999),, a man who accidentally marries a corpse (Corpse Bride, 2005), a crackpot chocolate maker (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005) and a murderous hairdresser (Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, 2007),。 所以當波頓簽約拍攝《愛麗絲夢游仙境》時,,毫無疑問德普依舊會出現在片中,出現在兔子洞下面的世界中,。 So, when Burton signed on to make Alice in Wonderland, there was little doubt he would take Depp down the rabbit hole,。 波頓和德普憑借他們獨特的方式,將仙境重新塑造成一個怪異,,多彩的地下世界,,那是片充滿驚奇的叢林。他們將傳奇的“瘋帽子”變成了一個身材瘦長 的,,如同馬戲團小丑一樣的男子;他因中毒而發(fā)狂,,說話總是夾雜著謎語和嗤嗤傻笑,,就像一個女學生一樣。 Burton and Depp, in their unique style, re-imagined Wonderland as Underland–a creepy, colorful, jungle of wonder. They transformed the legendary Hatter into a gangly, circus clown, a man driven crazy by poison, who speaks in riddles and giggles like a school girl,。 德普的演技加上波頓的童話,,這次強強聯(lián)手再獲巨大的成功,。在連坐三周票房冠軍寶座后,《愛麗絲夢游仙境》終于來到了中國,。 Again the Burton-Depp combo–Depp’s performance in Burton’s fairytale–has proved a huge success. Alice in Wonderland arrives in China after topping global box offices three weeks in a row,。 如果他們的搭檔可以算作一個屢試不爽的黃金定律,想必有更多的導演愿意去遵循它,。 If their partnership is anything to go by, more directors should stick with a formula once perfected,。 |
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