要多難吃,,有多難吃,,鑒定完畢。 這是一個外地網友對淄博燒烤的體驗,,一個字難吃,,兩個字,要多難吃有多難吃,。 讓我來告訴你,,淄博燒烤小餅卷肉究竟是怎樣吃。 1,、把小餅放小烤爐上稍微一熱,,軟化一下,不要烤干,。 2,、把烤熟的肉串,蘸滿蘸料,,卷到小餅里,,抽出簽子。 3,、放到嘴里,,開吃。 4,、如果你想吃小蔥蘸醬,,用小蔥蘸一下醬,單獨吃,。 我看很多外地的朋友來淄博吃燒烤,,都是把烤肉、蘸料,、小蔥,、辣醬還有其他都一股腦兒的卷到小餅里一塊吃,這個吃法是不對的,,口感很咸,,確實難吃。 請按上述步驟再來一個小餅卷肉,,淄博燒烤包您滿意,。 【翻譯】How bad to taste, how bad to taste, identification is complete. This is a non-local netizen's experience of our Zibo barbecue, one word is bad, two words, how bad it is. Let me tell you how Zibo barbecue pancake rolls are eaten. 1. Heat the cake in a small oven, soften it, and don't dry it. 2. Dip the roasted kebabs in the sauce, roll them into the cake and pull out the stickers. 3. Put it in your mouth and eat. 4. If you want to eat spring onions in the sauce, dip them in the sauce and eat them alone. I see many friends from other places come to Zibo for barbecue, they all roll barbecue, dip, spring onions, hot sauce and others into small cakes to eat together.