要各個班級每門課程的前兩名,,第一反應肯定要根據(jù)班級和課程去分組,,但實際上你要是用group by 會發(fā)現(xiàn)不好處理,因為我們要取每個班的前兩名,,如果你用group by 再用limit ,,那返回的數(shù)據(jù)是在總數(shù)中的取 n 條記錄,而不是每個班取 n 條記錄,。所以我們得用其他方式實現(xiàn),,比如窗口函數(shù)。
窗口函數(shù)是可以對數(shù)據(jù)庫進行實時分析處理的函數(shù),,可以理解為它是對where 或group by 處理后的結(jié)果再進行操作,,基本語法如下: <窗口函數(shù)> over (partition by <用于分組的列名> order by <用于排序的列名>)
窗口函數(shù)又分為兩類: - 專用窗口函數(shù),比如
rank,、dense_rank,、row_number 等 - 聚合函數(shù),比如
sum,、avg,、count、max,、min 等
回到剛才那個問題,,用窗口函數(shù)怎么處理呢? - 首先準備一張表,,再插入一些數(shù)據(jù)
create table grade ( id int(10) primary key auto_increment comment '主鍵', stu_id int(10) comment '學生id', class_id int(10) comment '班級id', course_id int(3) comment '課程id', score int(3) comment '學生分數(shù)', unique key (stu_id, course_id) ) engine = innodb charset = utf8;
insert into grade (stu_id, class_id, course_id, score) values ('1', 1, 1, 90), ('4', 1, 1, 90), ('7', 1, 1, 84), ('10', 1, 1, 84), ('13', 1, 1, 88), ('1', 1, 2, 67), ('4', 1, 2, 85), ('7', 1, 2, 90), ('10', 1, 2, 88), ('13', 1, 2, 86);
insert into grade (stu_id, class_id, course_id, score) values ('2', 2, 1, 83), ('5', 2, 1, 94), ('8', 2, 1, 81), ('11', 2, 1, 91), ('14', 2, 1, 79), ('2', 2, 2, 99), ('5', 2, 2, 80), ('8', 2, 2, 82), ('11', 2, 2, 76), ('14', 2, 2, 66);
insert into grade (stu_id, class_id, course_id, score) values ('3', 3, 1, 98), ('6', 3, 1, 92), ('9', 3, 1, 76), ('12', 3, 1, 73), ('15', 3, 1, 83), ('3', 3, 2, 95), ('6', 3, 2, 91), ('9', 3, 2, 86), ('12', 3, 2, 87), ('15', 3, 2, 68);
按照上面窗口函數(shù)的語法,寫出如下SQL: select * from (select *, rank() over (partition by class_id, course_id order by score desc ) as ranking from grade) t where t.ranking <= 2;
先看里面窗口函數(shù)那一層,,首先是用了rank() ,,partition by class_id, course_id 就表示根據(jù)class_id 和course_id 來分組,order by score desc 就表示按照分數(shù)降序,然后把分組且分數(shù)降序的結(jié)果作為ranking 字段,,就是排名。外層ranking <= 2 就表示每個分組取兩條數(shù)據(jù),。 這樣查詢出來的就滿足要求了,,為了讓結(jié)果更加清晰,外層稍微改寫一下,,不要select * ,,改成如下所示: select stu_id, case when class_id = 1 then '六(1)班' when class_id = 2 then '六(2)班' else '六(3)班' end as class, IF(course_id = 1, '語文', '數(shù)學') as course, score, ranking from (select *, rank() over (partition by class_id, course_id order by score desc ) as ranking from grade) t where t.ranking <= 2;
執(zhí)行結(jié)果如下:可以看到,六(1)班語文有兩個90分的,,他們并列第一,,但是用rank 的時候,第二個90分的也占了一個名額,,并不會把分數(shù)第二大的學生查詢出來,。3. dense_rank()的用法 直接將rank 換成dense_rank 就可以看出區(qū)別了。dense_rank 兩個人并列第一名只會占用一個名額,,會把分數(shù)第二大的也查出來,,所以總共查出了13個學生。4. row_number()的用法 換成row_number再看執(zhí)行結(jié)果:
- 我用的MySQL5.x,,沒有這些窗口函數(shù)怎么辦,?
上面說的窗口函數(shù)要MySQL8.0+才支持,5.x的話可以自己去實現(xiàn),。比如要實現(xiàn)一個row_number(),,格式如下: select <要查詢的字段>, ranking from (select @ranking := if(@<分組字段1> = <分組字段1> and @<分組字段2> = <分組字段2>, @ranking + >1, 1) as ranking, @<分組字段1> := <分組字段1> as <分組字段1>, @<分組字段2> := <分組字段2> as <分組字段2>, <排序字段> <其他需要查詢出來的字段> from (select * from <表名> order by <分組字段1>, <分組字段2>, <排序字段> desc) a, (select @ranking = 0, @<分組字段一> = 0) b ) c where ranking <= <要取的條數(shù)>;
根據(jù)題目要求,將分組字段和排序字段代入上面的公式,,可得: select stu_id, case when class_id = 1 then '六(1)班' when class_id = 2 then '六(2)班' else '六(3)班' end as class, IF(course_id = 1, '語文', '數(shù)學') as course, score, ranking from (select @ranking := if(@class_id = class_id and @course_id = course_id, @ranking + 1, 1) as ranking, @class_id := class_id as class_id, @course_id := course_id as course_id, score, stu_id from (select * from grade order by class_id, course_id, score desc) a, (select @ranking = 0, @class_id = 0) b ) c where ranking <= 2;