三生三世,,十里桃花 躲過了花千骨,避過了太子妃,,瞄了眼羋月傳,漠視了云中歌,鄙視了不自賞……萬萬沒想到,,最后迷上了三生三世! 別擔(dān)心,,沉迷《三生三世十里桃花》的絕不止你一個——這部原本不被看好的古裝仙俠劇自大年初三推出以來,,收視率一路飆升,,根據(jù)Vlinkage的數(shù)據(jù)顯示:截至2月19日,,該劇播放量已超154億次,,微博話題#電視劇三生三世十里桃花#的閱讀量有72.8億次,,參與話題討論的人超過3400萬人次,。 同時劇中主演,、角色及劇情不間斷霸占微博熱門搜索榜單前列,,呈現(xiàn)出“按集上熱搜”的空前盛況,。根據(jù)藝人新媒體排行的統(tǒng)計,,男女主角分別上榜,,自帶話題和流量的“大冪冪”不負眾望登上榜首,趙又廷攬獲第五。 這部劇火起來是完全有道理的——情節(jié)故事一波三折,、蕩氣回腸,;布景道具美輪美奐、巧妙用心,;演員演技全程在線,,入木三分……總之看此劇的感受用一個字來形容,,就是↓ 這么好看的電視劇我們當(dāng)然不能抱在懷里自己偷著樂,,一定要發(fā)揚“好東西大家一起分享”的優(yōu)良傳統(tǒng),,讓更多人看到,!So,,今天譯·世界就來教你如何向歪果仁安利這部神?。?/p> Step 1 :用英文簡述劇情 安利神劇的第一步,,當(dāng)然是告訴對方這部劇講的是什么故事,。介紹古裝仙俠劇可不同我們的日常交流,,天族、翼族,、上仙、上神,、青丘、昆侖虛,、俊疾山……各種日常根本用不到的名詞該如何表達,?怎樣言簡意賅地用英文濃縮三生三世的故事,?看這里↓ Eternal Love aka Three Lives Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms (Chinese: 三生三世十里桃花) is a 2017 Chinese romantic fantasy television series starring Yang Mi and Mark Chao. It is based on the xianxia novel of the same name by TangQi GongZi. The series started broadcasting on Zhejiang TV and Dragon TV starting January 30, 2017. 《永恒的愛》又名《三生三世十里桃花》,(英文:Three Lives Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms)是2017年中國上映的玄幻愛情電視劇,,由楊冪和趙又廷領(lǐng)銜主演。根據(jù)唐七公子同名仙俠小說改編,,2017年1月30日浙江衛(wèi)視,、東方衛(wèi)視首播,。 After a devastating war, the immortal tribe paid a heavy price to seal the ghost lord. 70,000 years later, in an attempt to re-seal the ghost lord who was about to break free, Bai Qian (Yang Mi)'s memories and goddess identity were sealed, and she was sent to the mortal realm to undergo a trial in order to become a High Goddess. In the mortal world, she meets Ye Hua (Mark Chao) and falls in love with him. Su Jin, who is jealous of Ye Hua's love for Bai Qian, intentionally creates a series of misunderstanding between them and causes Bai Qian to lose her eyes. Thinking that Ye Hua has betrayed her, the devastated Bai Qian jumps off from the Zhu Xian Terrace. At her request, all her memories are erased and she forgets Ye Hua. Hundred years later, the two meets again as deities. Another lifetime another world, Ye Hua recognizes Bai Qian but the latter remains indifferent. Three lives three worlds, her and him, are they fated to bear an entangling loveline? 一場惡戰(zhàn)之后,,天族付出慘痛代價封印了翼君,。7萬年后,,翼君企圖破出封印,白淺(楊冪飾)再次將翼君封印,,卻由此被封了記憶和法力,落入凡間經(jīng)受試煉,,而經(jīng)此將成為上神,。她在凡間與夜華(趙又廷飾)相識,、相戀。愛慕夜華的素錦屢次陷害白淺,,使白淺失去雙眼。想到夜華的背叛,,白淺傷心欲絕,,縱身躍下誅仙臺,。她失去了記憶,,忘記了夜華。百年之后,,二人成神再次相逢,。時過境遷,,夜華認出白淺,但白淺卻無動于衷,。三生三世,,他們的愛是否注定要剪不斷理還亂,? 白淺與夜華 Step 2 :群眾的眼睛是雪亮的,,來看看大家對此劇的評價 小編搜索了國外的網(wǎng)站,,發(fā)現(xiàn)國外的“中國仙俠迷”們已經(jīng)開始了追劇的步伐,,而且已經(jīng)給了好評無數(shù),!這些都是我們安利此劇的有力砝碼??!DramaFever專門把臺詞譯成了英語,,評分更是高達4.75分(滿分5分),! 英文字幕:“奇怪,,這扇子竟選了他做主人” 無論劇情還是演技,,《三生三世》都征服了挑剔的歪果仁,隨便挑幾個評論給乃們感受下↓ 很迷人的一部??!服飾很美,拍得也很棒,!情不自禁地愛上了故事里的角色,,我一直很迷戀奇幻愛情故事。這部劇的演技和特效都沒得挑,,這個關(guān)于永恒愛情的美麗神話絕不會讓你失望,! 這是我看的第一部中國電視劇,,就這樣愛上了它,!故事很棒,,演員也非常出色,! 太好看了,!根本停不下來,!什么時候更新?。?/span> 炒雞棒的一部??!我喜歡兩個主角,,等不及要看他們之間的故事如何發(fā)展了,! 一直很喜歡這部劇,,比《孤芳不自賞》強多了,! 這么好的劇,,這里(DramaFever)還不把其余劇集更新上來,,等不及啦,!YouTube已更到38集,,可惜沒字幕。我已無法自拔,! 雖然有50多集,,但并不覺得劇情拖拉,喜歡這部劇~ 炒雞棒的劇情,,已經(jīng)看上癮了,! 天吶!,!這劇太好看了??!我被迷住了,,還想看更多??! Word天,全是5星好評,,要不要這么火!小編搜遍全網(wǎng),,終于找到一條差評↓ 我一整周都在追這部劇,,結(jié)果你們就這樣吊我胃口,,真相是你們這里沒有全部劇集,!我在YouTube上看完了剩下的沒有被譯成英文的部分,簡直是種折磨,! 原來是嫌網(wǎng)站更新慢了,,說到底還是真愛粉……→_→ Step 3 :看劇前,,感受下優(yōu)美的小說譯作也是極好的 鑒于此劇還在更新中,,堅持追劇的歪果仁天天望眼欲穿不可謂不痛苦~~所以,,在看劇之前,讓你的外國盆友先感受下小說譯作也是極好的選擇,,而且看過小說之后,說不定會更加期待電視劇喲,! 先向譯者致敬—— 陳星,,南京大學(xué)英語系講師,。愛丁堡大學(xué)英語文學(xué)博士(2014),研究方向為莎士比亞及英國文藝復(fù)興文學(xué),。大一時(2006)即獲 21 世紀杯英語演講比賽冠軍,,全球總決賽非英語國家最佳演講者。在校時曾獲傳說中的“高盛全球領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者”項目獎學(xué)金。譯有諾貝爾文學(xué)獎得主,、英國作家多麗絲·萊辛的《好鄰居日記》和《這原是老酋長的國度》,,以及毛姆的《作家筆記》和卡波蒂的《別的聲音,別的房間》等,。 《三生三世十里桃花》 Life After Life, Blooms Over Blooms 譯文節(jié)選 累世情緣,,誰撿起,,誰拋下,,誰忘前塵,,誰總牽掛,。 憶當(dāng)時年華,誰點相思,,誰種桃花,。 This fated love of forever and a day— Who has picked it up? Who has thrown it away? Who has forgotten it all? Who yearns for it to stay? Those days bygone and labyrinthine— Who was the one that made the other sigh and pine? Who was in the peach orchard, raising flowers divine? 這段譯文,,沒有復(fù)雜的用詞,,但在音律的鋪設(shè)上明顯很用心思,,頗顯功力。Labyrinthine(迷宮似的,,曲折的)尤其用得妙,一來起韻腳為后面的pine 和divine 開道,,同時也意喻情緣之糾纏迷醉,,一箭雙雕,。 你父君是我的心,,我的肝,,我的寶貝甜蜜餞兒,,我又怎會不要他,。 His highness your father is my heart, my soul, my precious, my sweet. How would I not want him? 讀這句總是能想起莎劇中那些毫不遮掩的愛的表達呢,,自動腦補了羅密歐與朱麗葉陽臺私會一幕。 這正是桃花盛開的季節(jié),,十里桃林,十里桃花,,漫山遍野的灼灼芳華,。 It is the season when peach trees come into full bloom. Over hills, over vales, acres of peach trees parade acres of peach blossoms, radiant and sweet. 這句譯者為了豐富畫面感,是明顯的意譯,。“Over hills, over vales” 直譯應(yīng)該是滿山滿谷,,豐富了“十里”的意象,。“parade” 是“展覽,、招搖過市”的意思,,此處用作動詞,可以想見桃花在枝頭爛漫招搖的畫面,?!白谱啤本褪恰懊髁痢钡囊馑?,所以用了 “radiant”?!皊weet”有“芳香”的意思,。 三月春盛,,煙煙霞霞,,灼灼桃花雖有十里,,但一朵放在心上,足矣,。 In the lush spring of March, the radiant peach blossoms bloom, like rosy mists and blushing clouds. However many blossoms there are, it is enough to have just one, to be cherished in one’s heart. 煙煙霞霞用的是“rosy mists and blushing clouds”,, 意即瑰色的氤氳和緋紅的云霞,,見字如見景。第二句中得“are”與“heart”押韻,,中間斷了一句,,成了一個玲瓏的三行詩,,也呼應(yīng)了原句的結(jié)構(gòu)。 桃花灼灼,,枝葉蓁蓁,,妖嬈傷眼。 The peach blossoms are radiant, the leaves luxuriant, their allure stunning. “Allure”:魅力,,誘惑力,。可以理解成魅惑吧,,也算符合“妖嬈”的內(nèi)涵,。原文中“傷眼”細讀其實并非是個貶義形容,,美得過度總是震懾人心,,用 “stunning” 比較合理,。 我自是百般推脫,,他自是千般盛情。 I, of course, did my best to excuse myself, while he, naturally, pressed on with all graciousness and courtesy. 這句也很妙,,原文是兩句,,譯者斷成了八個部分,,營造了節(jié)奏感,,“naturally”也跟“courtesy”押韻,。 四海八荒,,總是會有一個人,,一定會有這么一個人,,他會把你的名字叫得婉轉(zhuǎn)溫柔,,蕩氣回腸。 In the vast universe (Four Seas and Eight Deserts), there will—there must—be someone who, when he calls your name, gives it such delight, such tenderness, such soul-stirring pathos. “Pathos” ,,形容悲愴、哀婉,,凄楚,,契合蕩氣回腸的意境,用得好高級,。 光暈一層一層,打出斑駁的印記,。桃林十里,,嬌爛漫紅,,千朵濃芳,一枝枝綴亂云霞,。那煙霞底下立著的玄衣青年,,眉如潑墨,鬢若刀裁,。 Halos of light rippled and splashed. In the acres of peach trees, pink blossoms bloomed, breathing out sweet perfume. Beneath the rosy clouds and scented mists stood the young man, all dressed in black, his eyebrows as dark as if painted with ink, the hair above his temples as sharply outlined as if cut with a knife. “眉如潑墨,鬢若刀裁”出自《紅樓夢》,,原為對寶玉容貌的描述。此處沿用楊憲益,、戴乃迭譯本中的譯法,。 方才夜華(角色名)行色匆匆,淡薄之間隱含親切,,疏離之間暗藏婉約,,如此神態(tài),以我十多萬年所見的風(fēng)月經(jīng)驗,,定是會佳人去了,。 Ye Hua went off in a hurry just now. He looked nonchalant and distant, but there was a heartiness to that nonchalance and a coyness to that distance. I know, from my observations of romantic affairs—accumulated, I may add, over a hundred thousand years—that with that air and look, he must have been on his way to meet a fair lady. 鐺鐺鐺,紅寶書時間,,GRE 詞匯背起來,。“nonchalant”:漫不經(jīng)心的,,漠不關(guān)心的,,又指恬然的。形容“淡薄”感覺恰如其分,。“coyness”:怕羞,、羞澀,。婉約本身的意思就是委婉含蓄,有羞澀之意,。 怎么樣,,有木有驚艷到?好了,,你們盡情對外安利吧,,小編繼續(xù)坐等更新~~話說我們白淺上神到底神馬時候去撕素錦那個小賤人,,好捉急!??! 英文來源:Wikipedia、DramaFever |
來自: smiller2016 > 《20170224》