[1] Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks
[2] Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder–Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation
[3] Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate
輸入序列文本 = ['1 2 3 4 5'
, '6 7 8 9 10'
, '11 12 13 14 15'
, '16 17 18 19 20'
, '21 22 23 24 25']
目標(biāo)序列文本 = ['one two three four five'
, 'six seven eight nine ten'
, 'eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen'
, 'sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty'
, 'twenty_one twenty_two twenty_three twenty_four twenty_five']
(‘Vocab size:’, 51, ‘unique words’)
(‘Input max length:’, 5, ‘words’)
(‘Target max length:’, 5, ‘words’)
(‘Dimension of hidden vectors:’, 20)
(‘Number of training stories:’, 5)
(‘Number of test stories:’, 5)
其中,,第一種解碼模型為 普通作弊,,第二種解碼模型為 學(xué)霸模式,第三種解碼模型為 學(xué)弱作弊,,第四種解碼模型為 學(xué)渣作弊,。
- # -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
- “”"
- 測試Encoder-Decoder 2016/03/22
- “”"
- from keras.models import Sequential
- from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM
- from keras.layers.embeddings import Embedding
- from keras.layers.core import RepeatVector, TimeDistributedDense, Activation
- from seq2seq.layers.decoders import LSTMDecoder, LSTMDecoder2, AttentionDecoder
- import time
- import numpy as np
- import re
- __author__ = ’http://’
- def pad_sequences(sequences, maxlen=None, dtype=’int32′,
- padding=’pre’, truncating=’pre’, value=0.):
- ”’Pads each sequence to the same length:
- the length of the longest sequence.
- If maxlen is provided, any sequence longer
- than maxlen is truncated to maxlen.
- Truncation happens off either the beginning (default) or
- the end of the sequence.
- Supports post-padding and pre-padding (default).
- # Arguments
- sequences: list of lists where each element is a sequence
- maxlen: int, maximum length
- dtype: type to cast the resulting sequence.
- padding: ’pre’ or ’post’, pad either before or after each sequence.
- truncating: ’pre’ or ’post’, remove values from sequences larger than
- maxlen either in the beginning or in the end of the sequence
- value: float, value to pad the sequences to the desired value.
- # Returns
- x: numpy array with dimensions (number_of_sequences, maxlen)
- ”’
- lengths = [len(s) for s in sequences]
- nb_samples = len(sequences)
- if maxlen is None:
- maxlen = np.max(lengths)
- # take the sample shape from the first non empty sequence
- # checking for consistency in the main loop below.
- sample_shape = tuple()
- for s in sequences:
- if len(s) > 0:
- sample_shape = np.asarray(s).shape[1:]
- break
- x = (np.ones((nb_samples, maxlen) + sample_shape) * value).astype(dtype)
- for idx, s in enumerate(sequences):
- if len(s) == 0:
- continue # empty list was found
- if truncating == ’pre’:
- trunc = s[-maxlen:]
- elif truncating == ’post’:
- trunc = s[:maxlen]
- else:
- raise ValueError(‘Truncating type ”%s” not understood’ % truncating)
- # check `trunc` has expected shape
- trunc = np.asarray(trunc, dtype=dtype)
- if trunc.shape[1:] != sample_shape:
- raise ValueError(‘Shape of sample %s of sequence at position %s is different from expected shape %s’ %
- (trunc.shape[1:], idx, sample_shape))
- if padding == ’post’:
- x[idx, :len(trunc)] = trunc
- elif padding == ’pre’:
- x[idx, -len(trunc):] = trunc
- else:
- raise ValueError(‘Padding type ”%s” not understood’ % padding)
- return x
- def vectorize_stories(input_list, tar_list, word_idx, input_maxlen, tar_maxlen, vocab_size):
- x_set = []
- Y = np.zeros((len(tar_list), tar_maxlen, vocab_size), dtype=np.bool)
- for _sent in input_list:
- x = [word_idx[w] for w in _sent]
- x_set.append(x)
- for s_index, tar_tmp in enumerate(tar_list):
- for t_index, token in enumerate(tar_tmp):
- Y[s_index, t_index, word_idx[token]] = 1
- return pad_sequences(x_set, maxlen=input_maxlen), Y
- def tokenize(sent):
- ”’Return the tokens of a sentence including punctuation.
- >>> tokenize(‘Bob dropped the apple. Where is the apple?’)
- ['Bob', 'dropped', 'the', 'apple', '.', 'Where', 'is', 'the', 'apple', '?']
- ”’
- return [x.strip() for x in re.split('(\W+)?', sent) if x.strip()]
- def main():
- input_text = ['1 2 3 4 5'
- , '6 7 8 9 10'
- , '11 12 13 14 15'
- , '16 17 18 19 20'
- , '21 22 23 24 25']
- tar_text = ['one two three four five'
- , 'six seven eight nine ten'
- , 'eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen'
- , 'sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty'
- , 'twenty_one twenty_two twenty_three twenty_four twenty_five']
- input_list = []
- tar_list = []
- for tmp_input in input_text:
- input_list.append(tokenize(tmp_input))
- for tmp_tar in tar_text:
- tar_list.append(tokenize(tmp_tar))
- vocab = sorted(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, (set(tmp_list) for tmp_list in input_list + tar_list)))
- # Reserve 0 for masking via pad_sequences
- vocab_size = len(vocab) + 1 # keras進(jìn)行embedding的時(shí)候必須進(jìn)行l(wèi)en(vocab)+1
- input_maxlen = max(map(len, (x for x in input_list)))
- tar_maxlen = max(map(len, (x for x in tar_list)))
- output_dim = vocab_size
- hidden_dim = 20
- print(‘-’)
- print(‘Vocab size:’, vocab_size, ’unique words’)
- print(‘Input max length:’, input_maxlen, ’words’)
- print(‘Target max length:’, tar_maxlen, ’words’)
- print(‘Dimension of hidden vectors:’, hidden_dim)
- print(‘Number of training stories:’, len(input_list))
- print(‘Number of test stories:’, len(input_list))
- print(‘-’)
- print(‘Vectorizing the word sequences…’)
- word_to_idx = dict((c, i + 1) for i, c in enumerate(vocab)) # 編碼時(shí)需要將字符映射成數(shù)字index
- idx_to_word = dict((i + 1, c) for i, c in enumerate(vocab)) # 解碼時(shí)需要將數(shù)字index映射成字符
- inputs_train, tars_train = vectorize_stories(input_list, tar_list, word_to_idx, input_maxlen, tar_maxlen, vocab_size)
- decoder_mode = 1 # 0 最簡單模式,,1 [1]向后模式,,2 [2] Peek模式,3 [3]Attention模式
- if decoder_mode == 3:
- encoder_top_layer = LSTM(hidden_dim, return_sequences=True)
- else:
- encoder_top_layer = LSTM(hidden_dim)
- if decoder_mode == 0:
- decoder_top_layer = LSTM(hidden_dim, return_sequences=True)
- decoder_top_layer.get_weights()
- elif decoder_mode == 1:
- decoder_top_layer = LSTMDecoder(hidden_dim=hidden_dim, output_dim=hidden_dim
- , output_length=tar_maxlen, state_input=False, return_sequences=True)
- elif decoder_mode == 2:
- decoder_top_layer = LSTMDecoder2(hidden_dim=hidden_dim, output_dim=hidden_dim
- , output_length=tar_maxlen, state_input=False, return_sequences=True)
- elif decoder_mode == 3:
- decoder_top_layer = AttentionDecoder(hidden_dim=hidden_dim, output_dim=hidden_dim
- , output_length=tar_maxlen, state_input=False, return_sequences=True)
- en_de_model = Sequential()
- en_de_model.add(Embedding(input_dim=vocab_size,
- output_dim=hidden_dim,
- input_length=input_maxlen))
- en_de_model.add(encoder_top_layer)
- if decoder_mode == 0:
- en_de_model.add(RepeatVector(tar_maxlen))
- en_de_model.add(decoder_top_layer)
- en_de_model.add(TimeDistributedDense(output_dim))
- en_de_model.add(Activation(‘softmax’))
- print(‘Compiling…’)
- time_start = time.time()
- en_de_model.compile(loss=’categorical_crossentropy’, optimizer=’rmsprop’)
- time_end = time.time()
- print(‘Compiled, cost time:%fsecond!’ % (time_end - time_start))
- for iter_num in range(5000):
- en_de_model.fit(inputs_train, tars_train, batch_size=3, nb_epoch=1, show_accuracy=True)
- out_predicts = en_de_model.predict(inputs_train)
- for i_idx, out_predict in enumerate(out_predicts):
- predict_sequence = []
- for predict_vector in out_predict:
- next_index = np.argmax(predict_vector)
- next_token = idx_to_word[next_index]
- predict_sequence.append(next_token)
- print(‘Target output:’, tar_text[i_idx])
- print(‘Predict output:’, predict_sequence)
- print(‘Current iter_num is:%d’ % iter_num)
- if __name__ == ’__main__‘:
- main()