101 Important Questions To Ask Yourself
“The key to wisdom is knowing all the right questions.” – John Simone
What questions do you ask yourself every day?
- Who are you?
- What are you passionate about?
- What are the achievements you are most proud of?
- What are you most grateful for in life? (Day 14 of Live a Better Life in 30 Days Program is about expressing gratitude.)
- What are the most important things to you in life?
- How would you describe yourself?
- What are your values? What do you represent? What do you want to embody? (On Day 15 of Live a Better Life in 30 Days Program, you will identify your values.)
- Do you love yourself?
- … Why or Why not?
- How can you love yourself more today?
- What is your ideal self? What does it mean to be your highest self?
- Look at your life now. Are you living the life of your dreams?
- If you have one year left to live, what would you do?
- If you have one month left to live, what would you do?
- If you have one week left to live, what would you do?
- If you have one day left to live, what would you do?
- If you have an hour left to live, what would you do?
- If you have one minute left to live, what would you do?
- What would you do today if there is no more tomorrow?
- What are the biggest things you’ve learned in life to date?
- What advice would you give to yourself 3 years ago?
- If you are yourself 1 year from the future, how would you advise the you now? (On Day 22 of Live a Better Life in 30 Days Program, we travel to the future to give advice to the us today.)
- Is there something you’re still holding on to? Is it time to let it go?
- What are you busy with today? Will this matter 1 year from now? 3 years? 5 years?
- What are your Quadrant 2 tasks?
- What opportunities are you looking for?
- How can you create these opportunities?
- What are your biggest goals and dreams?
- What’s stopping you from pursuing them? …Why? How can you overcome them?
- If you are to do something for free for the rest of your life, what would you want to do?
- What would you do if you cannot fail; if there are no limitations in money, resources, time or networks?
- What do you want to achieve 1 year from now?
- … 3 years?
- … 5 years?
- … 10 years?
- How important are these goals to you?
- What if these goals are doubled? Tripled? Magnified by 10? How would you feel? Would you prefer to achieve these or your previous goals?
- Who are the people who have achieved similar goals? … What can you learn from them?
- Are you putting any parts of your life on hold? … Why?
- What’s the top priority in your life right now?
- What are you doing about it?
- If you were to die tomorrow, what would be your biggest regret? What can you do now to make sure that doesn’t happen?
- For every experience you get: What are the biggest things you have learned?
- How can you do this better the next time?
- If you had 1 million dollars, what would you do with it?
- Do you love your job?
- What is your ideal career?
- How can you start creating your ideal career starting today?
- What is your ideal diet?
- What do you need to do to achieve your ideal diet?
- What is your ideal home like?
- What do you need to do to achieve your ideal home?
- What is your ideal physical look?
- What do you need to do to achieve your ideal physical look?
- What is your ideal life?
- What can you do to start living your ideal life?
- What would you want to say to yourself 1 year in the future?
- … 3 years?
- … 5 years?
- … 10 years?
- What do you fear most in life?
- Is there anything you are running away from?
- Are you settling for less than what you are worth? … Why?
- What is your inner dialogue like? (Day 26 of Be a Better Me in 30 Days Program is about uncovering your limiting thoughts.)
- What limiting beliefs are you holding on to?
- Are they helping you achieve your goals?
- If not, is it time to let them go?
- What empowering beliefs can you take on to help you achieve your goals?
- What bad habits do you want to break?
- What good habits do you want to cultivate?
- What are the biggest actions you can take now to create the biggest results in your life?
- Where are you living right now – the past, future or present?
- Are you living your life to the fullest right now?
- What is the meaning of life?
- What is your purpose in life? Why do you exist? What is your mission?
- How can you make your life more meaningful, starting today?
- What drives you?
- What are the times you are most inspired, most motivated, most charged up?
- What did you do during those times? How can you do more of that starting today?
- How can you change someone’s life for the better today?
- Who are the 5 people you spend the most time with?
- Are these people enabling you or holding you back?
- What qualities do you want to embody? (Refer to Q7: Values and Q11: Ideal Self) Where can youmeet people who embody these qualities?
- Who inspire you the most?
- How can you be like them?
- What is your ideal life partner like?
- Where can you find him/her?
- How can you get to know him/her?
- Are you afraid of letting others get close to you?
- … Why?
- Who is/are the most important person(s) to you in the world?
- Are you giving them the attention you want to give?
- How can you spend more time with them starting today?
- What kind of person do you enjoy spending time with?
- How can you be this person to others?
- Who do you want to be like in 1 year?
- … 3 years?
- … 5 years?
- … 10 years?
- Who are your mentors in life? (formal or informal)
- What is one thing you’re going to do differently after reading this article?