奧爾良公爵(法語:Duc d'Orléans)是從1344年開始使用的一個法國貴族爵位,以其最初的封地奧爾良命名,。這一稱號主要被授予王室的親王。
Duke of Orléans (French: Duc d'Orléans) was one of the highest ranking titles of the French peerage and dates back to the 14th century. Known as princes of the blood (princes du sang), the title of Duke of Orleans was exclusive to princes of the nearest collateral line of the royal family; thus they constituted a junior branch of the ruling house, second in seniority only to members of the primary line.
During the period of the ancien régime the holder of the title often assumed a political role. The Orléans came to the throne with Louis XII (15th century). Louis Philippe II, fifth Duke of Orleans, contributed to the destruction of the ancien regime. At the head of a retrospectively named 'Orleanist' faction centred on the Palais Royal, he contested the authority of his cousin Louis XVI in the adjacent Louvre. It was his son who would eventually ascend the throne in 1830 following the July Revolution as Louis-Philippe I, King of France. The descendants of the family are the Orléanist pretenders to the French throne, and the title has been used by several members of the House. The holder of the title held the style of Serene Highness.
奧爾良第一王朝(瓦盧瓦家族)First creation (1344)
姓名 |
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生卒年 |
備注 |
瓦盧瓦的腓力 Philippe of Valois 1344–1375 |
July 1, 1336 - September 1, 1376 |
法國國王腓力六世之子 Philip VI of France Joan the Lame |
奧爾良第二王朝(瓦盧瓦家族)Second creation (1392)
姓名 |
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生卒年 |
備注 |
路易一世 Louis I 1372–1407 |
March 13, 1372 - November 23, 1407 |
法國國王查理五世之子 Charles V of France Joanna of Bourbon |
查理一世 Charles I 1407–1465 |
November 24, 1394 - January 5, 1465 |
Louis I, Duke of Orléans Valentina Visconti |
路易二世 Louis II 1465–1515 |
June 27, 1462 - January 1, 1515 |
1498年成為法國國王,,稱路易十二 Charles I, Duke of Orléans Marie of Cleves |
奧爾良第三王朝(瓦盧瓦家族)Third creation (1519)
姓名 |
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生卒年 |
備注 |
亨利一世 Henri I 1519–1536 |
March 31, 1519 – July 10, 1559 |
Francis I of France Claude de France |
查理二世 Charles II 1536–1545 |
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January 22, 1522 – September 9, 1545 |
法國國王弗朗索瓦一世之子 Francis I of France Claude de France |
路易三世 Louis III 1549 |
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3 February – 24 October 1549 |
法國國王亨利二世之子 Henry II, King of France Catherine de' Medici |
查理三世 Charles III Maximilien 1550–1560 |
June 27, 1550 – May 30, 1574 |
1560年成為法國國王,,稱查理九世 Henry II, King of France Catherine de' Medici |
亨利·亞歷山大 Henri II 1560–1574 |
September 19, 1551 – August 2, 1589 |
1574年成為法國國王,稱亨利三世 Henry II, King of France Catherine de' Medici |
奧爾良第四王朝(波旁家族)Fourth creation (1607)
姓名 |
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生卒年 |
備注 |
尼古拉斯·亨利 Nicholas Henri 1607–1611 |
16 April 1607 - 17 November 1611 |
亨利四世之子 Henry IV of France Marie de' Medici |
奧爾良第五王朝(波旁家族)Fifth creation (1626)
At the death of Nicholas Henri, his younger brother Gaston was given the title of Orléans but was not officially allowed to be styled as the Duke of Orléans till his marriage with the heiress Marie de Bourbon, Duchess de Montpensier in her own right (she had been betrothed to Nicholas at the age of 3). They were the 備注 of Anne Marie Louise of Orléans, Duchess of Montpensier. At her death in 1693, much of her vast wealth went to her cousin, Philippe I, Duke of Orléans.
姓名 |
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生卒年 |
備注 |
加斯東 Gaston 1626–1660 |
25 April 1608 - 2 February 1660 |
亨利四世之子 Henry IV of France Marie de' Medici |
奧爾良第六王朝(波旁家族) Sixth creation (1660)
Upon the death of Gaston of Orléans, the Appanage of the Duchy of Orléans reverted back to the crown. The appanage was given to Philippe, the brother of Louis XIV of France.
It was Philippe and his second wife, the famous court writer Elizabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate, founded the modern House of Orléans - their surviving son being the Regent of France for the young Louis XV.
As a Fils de France, Philippe was styled as Philippe of France (Philippe de France). Upon his death, his son inherited but as only a Petit-Fils de France (Grandson of France via Louis XIII) he had to revert to the sur姓名 of Orléans. Philippe I de France was addressed as Royal Highness (Son Altesse royale) as was his son Philippe II. Philippe I was also known as Monsieur at his brothers court. At the death of Philippe II, his son Louis d'Orléans took the title and took on the style of Serene Highness as the head of the cadet branch of the House of Bourbon. His son and grandson would take on the style on their successions. After 1709, the Orléans branch of the House of Bourbon were the First Princes of the Blood - this meant that the dukes could be addressed as Monsieur le Prince and that, should there be no possilble heirs to the throne of France, then the Orléans family could claim it.
姓名 |
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生卒年 |
備注 |
腓力一世 Philippe I 1660–1701 |
September 21, 1640 - June 8, 1701 |
路易十三之子 Louis XIII of France Infanta Ana of Spain |
腓力二世 Philippe II 1701–1723 |
August 2, 1674 - December 2, 1723 |
攝政王 Philippe I, Duke of Orléans Elizabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate |
路易 Louis 1723–1752 |
August 4, 1703 - February 4, 1752 |
Philippe II, Duke of Orléans Francoise-Marie de Bourbon |
路易·腓力一世 Louis Philippe I 1752–1785 |
May 12, 1725 - November 18, 1785 |
Louis, Duke of Orléans Margravine Auguste Marie Johanna of Baden-Baden |
路易·腓二一世 Louis Philippe II 1785–1793 |
April 13, 1747 - November 6, 1793 |
Louis Philippe I, Duke of Orléans Louise Henriette de Bourbon |
路易·腓力三世 Louis Philippe III 1793–1830 |
6 October 1773 - August 26, 1850 |
1830年成為法國國王,,稱路易·菲利普一世 Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orléans Louise Marie Adélaide de Bourbon |
斐迪南·腓力 Ferdinand Philippe 1830–1842 |
September 3, 1810 - July 13, 1842 |
路易·菲利普一世之子 Louis Philippe III, Duke of Orléans Princess Maria Amalia Teresa of the Two Sicilies |
腓力 Philippe 1842–1869 (did not use the title) |
24 August 1838 – 8 September 1894 |
Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of Orléans Duchess Helen of Mecklenburg-Schwerin |
腓力 Philippe 1869–1926 |
August 24, 1869 - March 28, 1926 |
巴黎伯爵 Philippe, Count of Paris Princess Marie Isabelle of Orléans |
- 1935年-1960年 :弗朗索瓦 Francois Gaston Michel Marie of Orléans (1935年-1960年) 巴黎伯爵亨利的次子
- 1960年至今 :雅克 Jacques Jean Jaroslav Marie of Orléans (1941年-) 巴黎伯爵亨利第四子