can also help your son learn from your mistakes. But if you wait too
long to teach him then he’s not going to listen. Remember, he’ll
probably be just like you when you were a teenager: He’ll be stubborn,
thickheaded and he’ll think he knows everything.
a little bit more open to you when he’s six years old and in the first
grade. That’s also when they’ll start to teach him about money in school
-- how to add quarters, dimes and nickels. So, start giving him some
basic money management lessons. And remember, if you tell him something,
he’ll probably forget it. If you teach it to him, he might remember.
But if you involve him, he’ll learn. To make it easier for you (and
him), here are the four most important lessons to teach your son about
personal finance.
1- You have to earn money
第一堂課 必須自己賺錢
people like to give their kids allowances as a way of teaching them how
to manage money. That might be fine at first, but eventually he’s going
to have to understand that adulthood doesn’t come with an allowance.
You have to earn money and you earn money by working -- and working is
generally hard. If he understands you don’t come across money easily
then he’ll understand that money has value. He’ll also be less likely to
blow it on high-end video game systems when the rent is due.
him involved: Give your son chores to do around the house. Make sure
the chores are somewhat hard for him. It’s even a good thing if he
complains about doing them. If he does a good job, tell him so and pay
him a little bit of money. Money might not mean much to him when he’s in
the first grade, but he’ll understand its value soon enough. When he
does, he’ll understand that earning it involves some sacrifice.
2- You have to follow your money
第二堂課 必須記錄費(fèi)用支出
are all kinds of online tools and spreadsheets to help track your
spending. Nearly all of them will stress the importance of dividing your
purchases between your “needs” (groceries, rent/mortgage, insurance
premiums) and your “wants” (bar tabs, weekend trips to Vegas). The
implication, of course, is that if you are overspending then you need to
cut your “wants” spending.
sounds like common sense, right? Well, so is the key to losing weight:
diet and exercise. Still, there are millions of overweight people in the
world and bookstores are packed with all of the “secret,” “painless”
and “miracle” ways to lose weight. Make sure your son knows that there
are no secret/painless/miracle personal finance tips, either. You have
to understand what you are spending your money on and make adjustments
him involved: This finance lesson to teach your son involves sitting
down with him and drawing two columns on a blank piece of paper. Title
one column “Needs” and the other “Wants.” Ask him to help you fill in
each column for all of the items you spend money on each month. Explain
why each item is a need or a want, making sure he understands what the
consequences will be if you don’t pay the mortgage, car payment, buy
groceries, and so on. You’ll be able to reinforce this lesson every time
you’re in a store with him and he begs for candy or a new toy. Ask him,
“Is that a need or a want?”
3- You have to save money
第三堂課 必須要存錢
you teach him the concept of “needs vs. wants,” you can move on to
stress the importance of savings, specifically the importance of
penciling in “savings” as an item in the “needs” section.
tell him how important it is to have a short-term emergency savings
account. If he has one, then it means that he won’t have to go into debt
when his car breaks down, he loses his job or some other unforeseeable
emergency happens to him. Then tell him that having a long-term savings
account means he’ll be able to buy a house at an earlier age, start his
own business before he has a family and be able to live comfortably when
he’s his grandfather’s age.
him involved: Let him keep 1/3 of the money he makes from doing chores
in a piggy bank in his room. But tell him you are going to keep track of
the rest of the money with 1/3 going to an account that he can use for
things while he’s still young and 1/3 going to an account that he can
have when he turns 18. As these amounts grow larger, you can open up a
savings account for him at the bank so he can track his money online.
4- You can’t spend what you don’t have
第四堂課 必須量入為出
you teach your son no other lesson (financial or otherwise), teach him
this: Live within your means. Don’t spend more than you make. Most
financial hardships come down to people not being able to abide by this
one simple precept. If your son “gets it,” then you’ve done him a huge
favor that he’ll thank you for later.
people do spend money on things they can’t afford, they go into debt.
And credit card debt can take years to pay off. If you can teach your
son at an early age how credit card companies make money, he’ll probably
have an edge on his peers when he gets to college.
him involved: Go back to your “needs and wants” columns. Ask him what
happens if he is only earning $100 per month but he is spending $75 on
both needs and wants. He’ll have to borrow the extra $50 -- so after one
year he’ll owe a credit card $600 plus interest. Use an online
calculator to do a “time value of money” calculation that shows him how
much debt you can run up when you’re using a credit card that charges
17% interest. Then show him how long it will take to pay it off if you
only make the minimum payment. Make sure he understands that the more
economical solution would be to cut $25 from the ”wants” column.
finance lessons to teach your son
you want him to learn to hit a baseball, you don’t sit him down and
describe Albert Pujols’ s swing. You take him in the backyard and pitch
to him. It’s the same with money management. He’ll forget your lectures
-- but he’ll learn when you get him involved.
如果你要讓孩子學(xué)會打棒球,,你就不要只是坐下來給他描述阿爾伯特·普侯斯的揮棒有多帥(譯注:Albert Pujols,,美國職棒紅雀隊的一壘手,年薪1600萬美刀,,超級大牛),。你要把孩子帶到場地去然后投球給他。財務(wù)管理也是同樣的道理,。他會忘了你的說教,,但一旦自己參與進(jìn)來他就融會貫通了。