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Using Virtual Mode in Spread COM
Submitted By: FarPoint Last Updated: 4/10/2006 10:39:43 AM
Level: Beginner  
Product(s): Spread 7  
Description: This article describes the use of virtual mode in a Spread COM control.  

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This article describes using virtual mode in a Spread COM control.
This article consists of the following sections:

Throughout this article, we assume that you are familiar with the Microsoft? Visual Basic? development environment and with Spread features, such as adding the control to your toolbox, putting the control on a form, and data binding. We also assume that you have installed the Spread ActiveX control. If you are not familiar with these things, please review the Spread User's Guide (for any Spread COM product version 3.0 or later) and the tutorial, "Adding Data in Spread COM," available on the FarPoint web site ( www./FarPointSupportSite/Modules/Resources/whitepapers.aspx).

This paper was originally written for version 3.0 of the Spread COM product.
For later versions, simply use the VirtualRefresh Method in place of the VRefresh action.


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How Does Virtual Mode Work?

Using virtual mode with your Spread control can improve your control's performance considerably. Turning virtual mode on lets the control read into a buffer only the amount of data necessary to display the requested rows. With virtual mode turned off, the control reads in an entire recordset before displaying any records.

For example, if you have a Spread control access a large database with thousands of records and virtual mode is turned off, the control will read in all the records in the database before displaying any records in the control. Reading in so many records may take a long time. Accessing the same database with virtual mode turned on means the control will read in only, for example, a few hundred records before displaying them.


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Turning On Virtual Mode

Turn on virtual mode by setting the VirtualMode property to True.

Be Aware

Virtual Mode Behavior. There will obviously be some behavioral differences resulting from buffering a subset of records rather than reading in the entire set of records. For example, your application will not be able to sort your database or perform similar tasks that require the use of the entire recordset at once. Since virtual mode increases responsiveness by dealing with just a subset of the recordset at a time, then by definition virtual mode is not capable of performing database-wide tasks. Be aware also, that a Spread control using virtual mode cannot print using the SmartPrint option or freeze rows. Refer to the Spread COM User's Guide when you need more details about the Spread control's behavior when using virtual mode.

Specifying the number of rows

While in virtual mode, the control ignores the setting of the MaxRows property and uses the number of items specified by the VirtualMaxRows property. The default setting of the VirtualMaxRows property is –1, which specifies that the control use however many items are in the recordset, but that the control does not know the exact number.

If you prefer, you can tell the control the exact number of items in the recordset, or you can guess the number of items. If you guess the number of items, overestimate, because the control will read in only the number of items specified by the VirtualMaxRows property.

For best results, for example, to have the control best reflect where the user is in the recordset, set the VirtualMaxRows property to the number of items in the recordset.

Be Aware

Changing the recordset at run time. If you set the VirtualMaxRows property to the number of items in your recordset for a bound database, then bind the Spread control to a different recordset at run time, set VirtualMaxRows to –1 or to the number of items in the new recordset before you refresh the Data control. If you do not reset the value of the VirtualMaxRows property, the Spread control might not read in all the records in the new recordset.

What can I do with virtual mode?

You can customize how many records are buffered, along with many other virtual mode features. The topic How Can I Customize Virtual Mode?describes many of your options for customizing virtual mode. You will see some of these customization options in use in the examples in this white paper.

When virtual mode is turned on and the control requests additional data, the QueryData event occurs, offering you an opportunity to include your own code to add more data or further customize the control. 

How does virtual mode handle property settings?

A spreadsheet can have properties that determine the behaviors of individual cells, rows, columns, and the entire sheet. An application using virtual mode will typically set sheet and column properties in a Form_Load event. Then, as each subset of rows comes into view, the application will typically set row and cell properties for those rows. The row and cell properties come from an external source (the source of the data, such as a bound database, a file, or an array). The properties may be set automatically, as when bound to a database, or set in the application's code (such as in the QueryData event).

As you work with virtual mode, particularly if you use the QueryData event, keep in mind these distinctions about how the Spread control is handling property settings.


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How Can I Customize Virtual Mode?

As described earlier, virtual mode reads in a certain amount of data, which is then available for viewing or working with. Additional data is not read into the control until it is requested by the user or the application.

The amount of data read into the control is called the virtual page. You can set the number of records to include in the virtual page. The control also can store records that have been read in memory, for faster control access. You can adjust this buffer size to an optimal size to conserve system resources or to increase control responsiveness, depending on your application's needs.

In virtual mode, the control does not necessarily know how many rows of data there are in the complete set of data. Because the control might not know the number of rows, the scroll bar cannot use the scroll box to accurately represent where the user is in the data. Therefore, you can either tell the control the total number of records or an estimate of the number of records, or you can have the control display a special scroll bar.

The following sections discuss these ways to customize virtual mode.


Details about Customizing Virtual Mode. Refer to the Spread COM User's Guide when you need more information about customizing virtual mode than is described in the tables and examples in this section.

Optimizing Application Speed or Access

The properties for customizing virtual mode, the VirtualRows and VirtualOverlap properties, are set to default values to help optimize your application's speed. You can adjust the virtual mode properties to further optimize your application as needed.

Be Aware

Some applications, such as binding to a very large database on a remote network, can slow the QueryData event noticeably. The following properties can help improve response time.

The VirtualRows Property

The default number of rows read into the virtual page, as set by the VirtualRows property, is 0. Since the Spread control always requests at least as many rows as can be displayed in the control, having the VirtualRows property equal to 0 lets the control load only as many rows as is necessary for viewing. This behavior is intended for spreadsheets that need to be resized at run time to show more or fewer rows.

If the number of rows visible in your control does not vary, then you may want to set the VirtualRows property to the number of displayable rows. If you want your user to be able to scroll farther in the control without having to wait for more records to load into the virtual page, you can set the VirtualRows property to a larger number than the number of displayable rows.


Deducing the Number of Virtual Rows. In the absence of an adequate VirtualRows value (a value at least as great as the number of displayable rows), the Spread control deduces the number of rows to read into the virtual buffer from the RowsLoaded parameter passed in the QueryData event. The QueryData event occurs whenever the Spread control requests more virtual data.

The VirtualOverlap Property

The default number of rows to hold in memory from the previous virtual page is 0. This behavior frees the Spread control from using any memory for this function unless it is specifically needed.

If you want your user to be able to scroll farther in the control without having to wait for more records to load into the virtual buffer, you can set the VirtualOverlap property to retain a number of rows from the previous virtual page.

Creating a Special Vertical Scroll Bar for Virtual Mode

You can tell the spreadsheet the total number of rows in your data by setting the VirtualMaxRows property. Doing so will allow the vertical scroll bar to accurately represent the user's current location in the data set. If you do not want to or cannot tell the spreadsheet the number of rows in your data, you can tell the vertical scroll bar not to reflect the number of rows of data by setting the VirtualScrollBuffer property, or you can choose to create a special vertical scroll bar that might provide better navigation than the default vertical scroll bar.

Instead of a scroll box, the special vertical scroll bar (shown at right) displays scroll arrows for moving to the first or last page, up or down one page, and up or down one row. You can specify which scroll arrows display. Specify to display the special scroll bar by setting the VScrollSpecial property to True. Customize the arrows it displays by setting the VScrollSpecialType property.


Displaying No Arrows. While it is possible to set the special vertical scroll bar to display no arrows (setting 7), it may not be too useful. Your user will see a blank scroll bar, with no buttons or means of scrolling. You may want to just choose to have no scroll bar instead (set the ScrollBars property to None or Horizontal).


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Summary of Virtual Mode Properties

You can customize virtual mode to act the way you want in specific situations by using the guidelines shown in the following table.

This table of guidelines is for your future reference. You can see these properties in action in the examples in the topic When to Use Virtual Mode.

What is the total number of rows in the recordset?


How many rows do you want read into the virtual buffer at a time?


Ask yourself…

Use property…

With these settings…

(Default: –1)

I know the exact number of rows: Set this property equal to your table's record count. Doing so lets you scroll in the spreadsheet without losing the record pointers. The vertical scroll bar will reflect a more accurate position of its place within the recordset, and the row headers will be able to accurately number the rows.

I have an estimate of the number of rows: Overestimate rather than underestimate the number of rows. The control will not read the records past the value you assign.

I don't know the number of rows: Set this property to –1. Doing so means your spreadsheet does not have a reference to the end of the recordset. You can compensate by displaying the special vertical scroll bar described in Creating a Special Vertical Scroll Bar for Virtual Mode.

(Default: 0)


Set this property to the number of rows you want read into the virtual page, the subset of records that Spread deals with at any one time. It is the amount of data that you can act on (search, for example) when using virtual mode.

Note: If the spreadsheet can display more rows than the VirtualRows propertyindicates, the VirtualRows property value is ignored.

Tip: For more information about optimizing your application, see The VirtualRows Property.

How many retrieved rows do you want to keep in the buffer when more rows are read?

(Default: 0)


Set this property to the maximum number of rows that you want Spread to keep in memory outside of the virtual page.

Tip: For more information about optimizing your application, see The VirtualOverlap Property.

Do you want the vertical scroll box to reflect the number of rows in the virtual buffer or the total number of rows in the recordset?

(Default: False)


Reflect rows in virtual buffer: Set this property to True.

Reflect rows in total recordset: Set this property to False. Specify the number of rows with the VirtualMaxRows property.

Tip: You can display a special vertical scroll bar instead, especially if you do not know the total size of the recordset. See Creating a Special Vertical Scroll Bar for Virtual Mode.

Do you want to refresh the virtual window?

(run-time only)

Set this property to 30 (SS_ACTION_VMODE_REFRESH).

Tip: The QueryData event (with the ActionRequested parameter equal to 5) occurs when this action takes place.



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Returning Information About Your Data in Virtual Mode

When using virtual mode, you can return information about your data with the properties listed in the following table.

To return…

Use property…

The number of rows in the virtual buffer


The current top row of the virtual buffer




The Virtual Buffer Range. These properties provide the range of rows in the virtual buffer. The Spread control in virtual mode needs to read in more rows when the user scrolls up past the top row displayed (the value of the VirtualCurTop property). Similarly, the control needs more rows when the user scrolls down past the last row displayed (the sum of the values of the VirtualCurTop and VirtualCurRowCount properties).

Refer to the Spread COM User's Guide when you need more information about these properties.


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When to Use Virtual Mode

A Spread control with virtual mode turned on often responds faster and conserves more system resources than a control with virtual mode turned off. The larger your recordset, or the more data you have in your data set, the more likely that using virtual mode will be beneficial.

The following sections describe using virtual mode with a bound control, with an unbound control, and when importing files.


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Using Virtual Mode in a Bound Control

You can bind to a database using virtual mode to improve the performance of your spreadsheet. The larger the number of records in the database, the more valuable virtual mode is for improving responsiveness and conserving system resources.

How "large" should your database be to use virtual mode? Since there are so many possible factors, you should experiment to see if virtual mode improves your particular application. In general, if your application requires thousands of records and tens of columns, it may be a good candidate for using virtual mode. For example, a Spread control bound to a database of 15 columns and 12,000 records could probably benefit from using virtual mode. Even a database as small as 2,000 records can probably benefit.

Be Aware

Bound Virtual Mode Behavior. You can use virtual mode with bound spreadsheets, and it is often very helpful to do so when dealing with large recordsets. However, be aware of the behavior differences resulting from the control handling the subset of records in the virtual buffer rather than the complete set of records in the database. For example, if you have virtual mode turned on and you query the number of records in the database, the Spread control can only tell you the number of records in the virtual buffer. You can return the range of rows in the virtual buffer (see Returning Information About Your Data in Virtual Mode.) Trying to set or return properties for cells outside of this range while in virtual mode will fail.


If you search for data with virtual mode turned on, the Spread control searches only the records that are in the virtual buffer, not all the records in the database. Since Spread does not support any search methods, you would also need to provide the code to loop through the cells and check each cell. An easier way to search data while in virtual mode is to bind the spreadsheet and use the Find method in the Recordset object.

Your Turn

The following steps bind two Spread controls to a large database (10,000 rows), one control with virtual mode turned off and the other with virtual mode turned on and customized.

1.     First, you need a database to bind. For this example, we're using biblio.mdb, a sample database that comes with Visual Basic. Make sure a copy of biblio.mdb resides on your hard disk. If it does not, install it from your Visual Basic installation CD.

2.     Next, you need a program that will display the records in your database. Start a new Visual Basic project.

3.     Now, you need to add the Data control to your project.

a.      Place the standard Visual Basic Data control on the form.

b.      Leave the Data control's name as the default Data1.

c.      In the Data control's properties, specify the database and table you want to bind to:

i.        Set the DatabaseName property to the path and name of your database ( biblio.mdb).

ii.      Set the RecordSource property to the name of a table in your database. For this example, use the Authors table.

4.     You need to add the Spread control and link it to the Data control.

a.      Add the Spread component to your project.

b.      Place a Spread control on the form.

c.      In the Spread control's properties, specify the Data control to use. Set the DataSource property of the Spread control to Data1.

d.      Size the Spread control and the Data control so you can see more cells.

5.     Repeat Step 1 through 4 for another Spread control and another data control (vaSpread2 and Data2) on the same form. Label the controls as shown in the following figure:

6.     In the Form_Load() event, add the following code:

Private Sub Form_Load()
' Turn on virtual mode for Spread2
vaSpread2.VirtualMode = True
' Indicate an unknown recordset size
vaSpread2.VirtualMaxRows = -1
' Set the size of the virtual buffer
vaSpread2.VirtualRows = 20
' Set the size of the overlap
vaSpread2.VirtualOverlap = 10
' Set up the special vertical scroll bar to display all arrows
vaSpread2.ScrollBars = ScrollBarsBoth
vaSpread2.VScrollSpecial = True
vaSpread2.VScrollSpecialType = 0
End Sub

7.     Run the project. Your project should look similar to the following figure.

8.     Move around in the data in both controls to compare the differences in behavior.

Besides differences in response speed, you might notice that the numbering of the rows is different between the controls. The control that is in virtual mode does not know the exact number of rows, and therefore the row numbering is incorrect. You might want to hide the row header for spreadsheets that are in virtual mode, rather than having it display incorrect row numbers.

Do More

Customize Virtual Mode. You can customize virtual mode in many ways. Try adjusting some of the virtual mode settings in this example, or adding or deleting different virtual mode properties. See Summary of Virtual Mode Propertiesfor a listing of the virtual mode properties, their settings, and uses.


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Using Virtual Mode in an Unbound Control

If you choose to use virtual mode to increase your unbound spreadsheet's performance, you need to use the QueryData event to populate your cells.

When virtual mode is turned on, the QueryData event occurs when the Spread control requests additional data. For example, when the form first loads, the control requests a certain number of rows of data. You can populate these requested cells with your data. Then, as you scroll through the spreadsheet, the QueryData event occurs every time the form needs more data to replenish the virtual buffer. On each request, you can populate the new cells with your data.

Your Turn

The following steps create a virtual spreadsheet that handles a small set of 25 records. When you run the finished example, you can see in the Immediate window the sequence of events and their associated parameters that occur for all of the actions for which the QueryData event occurs:

–       Populating the form during load

–       Scrolling down past the last row in the current virtual page

–       Scrolling up past the first row in the current virtual page

–       Pressing the Page Up, Page Down, Home, or End key in the special virtual scroll bar

–       Pressing a defined key (F5) to refresh the virtual page

1.     Start a new Visual Basic project.

2.     Add a Spread control and size the control to see several rows and columns.

3.     In the Form_Load() event, add the following code to declare variables, define the data, and customize virtual mode:

Private Sub Form_Load()
'Declare variables.
Private mNames() As String
'Define data to input.
ReDim mNames(25)
mNames(0) = "Ann-Marie"
mNames(1) = "Bo"
mNames(2) = "Bob"
mNames(3) = "Bobby"
mNames(4) = "Brian"
mNames(5) = "Cheri"
mNames(6) = "Chris"
mNames(7) = "Don"
mNames(8) = "Gina"
mNames(9) = "Greg"
mNames(10) = "Gregg"
mNames(11) = "Jim"
mNames(12) = "John"
mNames(13) = "Julia"
mNames(14) = "Kevin"
mNames(15) = "Leanne"
mNames(16) = "Lydia"
mNames(17) = "Mark"
mNames(18) = "Rick"
mNames(19) = "Robby"
mNames(20) = "Ronnie"
mNames(21) = "Scott"
mNames(22) = "Sean"
mNames(23) = "Teri"
mNames(24) = "Tiwanna"
'Display a single column.
vaSpread1.MaxCols = 1
'Turn on virtual mode.
vaSpread1.VirtualMode = True
'Define number of rows in recordset.
vaSpread1.VirtualMaxRows = 25
'Specify the virtual mode special scroll bar.
vaSpread1.VScrollSpecial = True
End Sub

4.     In the KeyDown event, add the following code to your project to define the F5 key as the function to refresh the current virtual page:

' Define F5 as key to refresh the current virtual page.
Private Sub vaSpread1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As
If KeyCode = vbKeyF5 Then vaSpread1.Action = ActionVModeRefresh
End Sub

5.     Add the following code to your project to load the data using the QueryData event.

Because your spreadsheet is not bound to a database, you need to indicate the number of rows that are loaded in the QueryData event. The following code indicates how many rows you actually put into the Spread control. In most cases, it is the same number the control is asking for. After each data request, this code sets the value of the RowsLoaded parameter to the number of rows that were loaded. The Row parameter is the first row of the virtual page. The RowsNeeded parameter is how many rows need to be loaded into the virtual page. The Direction parameter indicates if you are scrolling up or down.

'Use the QueryData event to load and display data.
Private Sub vaSpread1_QueryData(ByVal Row As Long, ByVal RowsNeeded As Long, RowsLoaded As Long, ByVal Direction As Integer, AtTop As Boolean, AtBottom As Boolean)
' Set up Immediate window to display virtual mode row values.
Dim sDebug As String
Dim lRow As Long
sDebug = "QueryData:" & vbCr & vbLf
sDebug = sDebug & vbTab & "VirtualCurTop = " &
vaSpread1.VirtualCurTop & ", VirtualCurRowCount = " &
vaSpread1.VirtualCurRowCount & vbCr & vbLf
sDebug = sDebug & vbTab & "Row = " & Row & ", RowsNeeded = " & RowsNeeded & ", Direction = " & Direction
Select Case Direction
 Case 1
   sDebug = sDebug & " (Down)"
 Case 2
   sDebug = sDebug & " (Up)"
 Case 3
   sDebug = sDebug & " (Top)"
 Case 4
   sDebug = sDebug & " (Bottom)"
 Case 5
   sDebug = sDebug & " (Refresh)"
End Select
' Load data into virtual page
For lRow = Row To Row + RowsNeeded - 1
   vaSpread1.SetText 1, lRow, mNames(lRow - 1)
Next lRow
RowsLoaded = RowsNeeded
' Display data about visible rows in debug window.
sDebug = sDebug & ", RowsLoaded = " & RowsLoaded
Debug.Print "-----"
Debug.Print sDebug
End Sub

6.     Add the following code to your project to display the values that pass when the TopLeftChange event occurs:

'Display previous and current top displayed row number.
Private Sub vaSpread1_TopLeftChange(ByVal OldLeft As Long, ByVal OldTop As Long, ByVal NewLeft As Long, ByVal NewTop As Long)
Dim sDebug As String
sDebug = "TopLeftChange:" & vbCr & vbLf
sDebug = sDebug & vbTab & "VirtualCurTop = " & vaSpread1.VirtualCurTop & ", VirtualCurRowCount = " & vaSpread1.VirtualCurRowCount & vbCr & vbLf
sDebug = sDebug & vbTab & "OldTop = " & OldTop & ", NewTop = " & NewTop
Debug.Print "-----"
Debug.Print sDebug
End Sub

7.     Add the following code to your project to display the values that pass when the VirtualClearData event occurs:

'Display the number of rows cleared.
Private Sub vaSpread1_VirtualClearData(ByVal Row As Long, ByVal RowsBeingCleared As Long)
Dim sDebug As String
sDebug = "VirtualClearData:" & vbCr & vbLf
sDebug = sDebug & vbTab & "VirtualCurTop = " & vaSpread1.VirtualCurTop & ", VirtualCurRowCount = " & vaSpread1.VirtualCurRowCount & vbCr & vbLf
sDebug = sDebug & vbTab & "Row = " & Row & ", RowsBeingCleared = " & RowsBeingCleared
Debug.Print "-----"
Debug.Print sDebug
End Sub

8.     Run the project. Your project should look similar to the figure at right. If necessary, expand the Immediate window to better see the messages that will display as events occur.

9.     Move around in the control's data. Try the following actions using the special virtual scroll bar:

–       Go up or down one row.

–       Go up or down one page.

–       Go to the first or last page.

–       Scroll up past the first row in the current page.

–       Scroll down past the last row in the current page.

Try the following actions using other keys:

–       Press the Page Up or Page Down key.

–       Press F5 to refresh the page.

Notice which messages display in the Immediate window for which navigation actions:

–       When the control requires additional rows to display, the VirtualClearData event occurs to clear out the appropriate number of rows (the specified or calculated VirtualRows value minus the VirtualOverlap value). Then the QueryData event occurs to request the additional rows.

–       When the top row changes, the TopLeftChange event occurs.

Each event displays the values of its parameters in the Immediate window. For example, moving up or down one row may display only the previous ( OldTop ) and current ( NewTop ) row numbers when the TopLeftChange event occurs. Moving beyond the virtual page also displays the messages generated when the VirtualClearData and QueryData events occur.


Use All the QueryData Parameters. In step 5, the last two parameters in the QueryData event are useful when you have no indicator on your recordset that shows the current record, such as for BTrieve type of databases having the possibility of an outside user adding new records to the front of the recordset. In conjunction with the Row and RowsNeeded parameters, you can calculate where to have the record pointer start for leading the virtual page. Use the AtTop and AtBottom parameters to indicate whether you are at the end of your recordset.

Do More

Customize Virtual Mode. You can customize virtual mode in many ways. Try adjusting some of the virtual mode settings in this example, or adding or deleting different virtual mode properties. See Summary of Virtual Mode Propertiesfor a listing of the virtual mode properties, their settings, and uses.


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Using Virtual Mode When Importing Files

In certain cases, you can use virtual mode to speed the operation of importing data from an existing file.

A Spread-formatted file or Excel-formatted file contains a stream of records, each record containing one or more properties. When a Spread control reads such a file, the following process occurs:

1.     The Spread control resets its own virtual mode setting to the default state (False, or turned off).

2.     The Spread control reads and processes the first record from the file. Any properties present in the first record are read and set.

3.     The Spread control reads and processes the remaining records, setting any properties present in the record at the time the record is processed.

If the imported file was saved as a Spread virtual mode spreadsheet, then one of its records contains the virtual mode information (the VirtualMode property set to True or False). The Spread control turns virtual mode on when it processes a record with the VirtualMode property set to True. Since Excel does not provide a VirtualMode property, an
Excel-formatted file cannot contain a virtual mode setting.

Be Aware

Importing Can Negate a Virtual Mode Setting. When importing an existing file, the Spread control automatically sets its own VirtualMode property to False, and then uses the VirtualMode property setting (if any) from the imported file. This process will override whatever value you set for the VirtualMode property in the Spread control.

Virtual Mode Behavior When Importing Non-Spread Files

Non-Spread files (such as an Excel-formatted or tab-delimited file) do not store a setting for the VirtualMode property. When the Spread control imports a non-Spread file, the control's VirtualMode property is automatically set to False. Be aware that this process will override whatever value you set for the VirtualMode property in the Spread control.

Do Not

It is not possible to load a non-Spread file in virtual mode. Attempting to do so will turn virtual mode off in your application.

Virtual Mode Behavior When Importing Spread Files

Only Spread files store a setting for the VirtualMode property. When the Spread control imports a Spread file, the control's VirtualMode property is automatically set to the VirtualMode setting provided by the loaded file. If you import the Spread file through the buffer, the behavior is the same.

The VirtualMode setting transfers from the loaded file as a sheet-level property. (For an overview of the levels of properties, see How does virtual mode handle property settings?.) The other read-write virtual properties (such as VirtualMaxRows and VirtualOverlap) are also stored as sheet-level properties. The read-only virtual properties ( VirtualRowCount and VirtualCurTop) are not stored in the file.

When your application loads a Spread file with virtual mode turned off, the loaded file transfers a copy of all sheet, column, row, and cell properties to your control in the record stream. With virtual mode turned on, the loaded file transfers the sheet and column properties to your control, but it only transfers the properties of the rows and cells that are in the virtual buffer. Thus, the control in virtual mode always holds the sheet and column settings in memory, but it holds the settings only for the buffered rows and cells in memory at any given time.


Create a Spread Template. In most cases, loading a virtual spreadsheet is probably not very useful. You can, however, use such a file as a template. For example, you can use Spread Designer to set sheet and column properties (including the VirtualMode property). Then use Spread Designer to save the properties to a file. In the Form_Load event, your application can load the file (thus restoring the sheet and column properties set with Spread Designer). Your application would be using the file as a template of sheet and column properties; your application can then set the row and cell properties in the QueryData event.


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Acronyms Defined

This white paper uses the following acronyms.




ActiveX Data Objects


BInary File Format 8 (Excel 97 and Excel 2000 format)


Compact Disk


Dynamic Link Library


32-bit ActiveX control extension


16-bit Visual Basic control extension


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? 2004-2005 FarPoint Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Unless otherwise noted, all names of companies, products, street addresses, and persons contained herein are part of a completely fictitious scenario or scenarios and are designed solely to document the use of a FarPoint Technologies, Inc., product.

Spread, Spread for Web Forms, and Spread for Windows Forms are trademarks of FarPoint Technologies, Inc. ActiveX, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, VBScript, Visual Basic, and Visual InterDev are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.


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