冷為峰 滬上辭賦 2024年12月25日 11:13 上海 辭賦家:冷為峰 冷為峰,工程技術應用研究員;中賦會副主席,,“全國十佳辭賦家”;“國家一級詩人”,入國家詩人檔案,。出版四部文集《黃海濤聲》,、《長河流韻》,、《芒鞋留痕》、《微風草吟》,。30余篇賦勒石以刻,??鬃淤x被翻譯成英文海外傳播。創(chuàng)作辭賦200余篇,,詩詞3700余首,,兼有楹聯(lián)、古代散文,、歌曲,、新詩等文學4000余篇(首)。 筆者按:值海外風云變幻,,巨浪滔天,,霸權主義猖獗;航母巡弋,,軍國主義抬頭,。對抗不止,列強陳兵布陣,;爭斗不息,,鄰邦鬩墻操戈。民怨沸騰,,大國侍強而凌弱,;民眾遭殃,小邦忍氣以吞聲,。以區(qū)區(qū)三尺布衣之軀訴不平心聲,,揮毫潑墨,口誅筆伐,;二戰(zhàn)如昨,,血史銘記;還世間以和平,,保蒼生以安寧,,留后裔以佳境。登東皋以吶喊,,臨西嶺而吟賦,。 世界賦 曜曜日月,灝灝太虛,。日月盈昃,匯于乾坤之間,;宇宙洪荒,辟于混濁之初,。于是萬邦共處,,佑于萬眾蒼生;千族并存,,賴以億方膏壤,。國無大小,,人無貴賤;地域有界,,行者無疆,。世原一家,何以拓土為業(yè),;地本一族,,焉以開疆為王。天地有其度,,圣賢道其常,。命運以為共,天下以為襄,。其寧惟久,,其道亦彰。天地與之共理,,日月與之同光,。 觀夫鴻圖懋業(yè),亦盛亦廣,。世界組織兮雨后春筍,,區(qū)域聯(lián)盟兮空前高漲。緯地而港灣布棋,,經(jīng)天以交通織網(wǎng),。飛梭兮銀鷹凌虛,長龍兮巨輪通港,。貿(mào)易之自由互惠,,資源之豐富共享。故是能源通而互利,,科技融而無罄,。新絲綢之路,文明于東西貫通,;歐亞大陸橋,,經(jīng)貿(mào)于海陸馳騁。城城氣候互補,,國國環(huán)境相映,。瞰地之闊,仰天之迥,??v橫萬里兮泱泱山川,貫通八極兮綺綺瑰景。大廈摩天而偉,,花木遍地而靚。凌千峰之莽莽,,浪飛渥彩,;攬百川之湯湯,波浮天鏡,。海洋淼淼于無跡,,平原邈邈而何爭。萬物依勢生長,,千鳥隨人和鳴,。經(jīng)緯乎陰陽之幻,體象乎天地之形,。浪漫風情合乎古典主義,,建筑風格并茂;現(xiàn)在流派攜乎文藝復興,,城市特色共榮,。航母呈四海之霸,飛船展九重之雄,。日月同繞,,天地永恒。其情奕奕,,其樂雍雍,。爾乃愛之眾家園,護之地球村,。勿以自掘墳墓,,殃及無辜睦鄰。試看,,環(huán)境惡而氣候劣,,海嘯虐而洪水濫。地震發(fā)而火山噴,,颶風橫而疫病蔓,。岌岌之生命,重重之災難,。世貿(mào)經(jīng)貿(mào)于一體,,經(jīng)濟體合以雙贏;氣候環(huán)境于全球,,生物鏈環(huán)而共建,。吾輩者,擔以重任,克之時艱,。護地球綺麗之環(huán)境,,還后裔美好之家園。嗟夫,,一地之小,,一球之大;一亂俱亂,,一安俱安,。 稽夫文明邃博,灼月炫星,。煒煒史牒,,十大古代兮浩瀚奇觀;悠悠文淵,,四大古國兮燦爛文明,。語言并茂兮東西融合,藝術共榮兮南北貫通,。人文鼎盛以共進,,文化各異而互融。已而文明之交響曲,,千年共鑒,;世界之輝煌史,百邦同步,。世界十大名著兮瀏覽傳統(tǒng)知識之海,,中國四大名著兮遨游古典文學之庫。進化論創(chuàng)自達爾文,,新大陸探自哥倫布,。諾貝爾稱炸藥之王,笛卡爾尊哲學之父,。軍事之巨人拿破侖,,音樂之天才貝多芬。偉大導師于摩爾,,科學榮光以培根,。蓋茨創(chuàng)微軟之始,牛頓研力學之神,。毛公力推三座大山之重,,康德立著三個批判之耘。漢謨拉比法典兮古老完整,,大英百科全書兮權威妙珍,。千項發(fā)明看愛迪生,萬世師表崇孔圣人。異域風俗之秉承,,宗教文化之流長,。丹青抹彩兮熠熠畫卷,翰墨揮毫兮洋洋華章,。奧運會盛典兮激情以燃,,世界杯視宴夢想以翔。天文融乎地理,,煌煌人文以千秋傳世;文治兼乎武功,,赫赫圣賢而萬古流芳,。嗟夫,藝術無界,,文明無界,,一邦之文明,全球之隆昌也,。 若夫和平共處,,望而冀之。青史難載,,戰(zhàn)火不止,。滾滾烽煙,乾坤顛倒,;斑斑血跡,,陰陽錯位。兩戰(zhàn)空前浩劫,,亂舞之妖魔,;萬眾絕后創(chuàng)痍,橫蠻之鬼魅,。且夫地不分南北,,人不分老幼;烈烈乎勇赴國難,,蕩蕩乎義奔戰(zhàn)線,。萬眾同胞兮血肉鑄長城,多國同盟兮正義喪敵膽,。珍珠港山之艦堆,,諾曼底河之血染。格勒保衛(wèi)戰(zhàn)之敵愾,,南京大屠殺之夢魘,。波斯灣之拼火,湄公河之慘案。南聯(lián)盟傾塌于大廈,,科索沃煎熬于內(nèi)戰(zhàn),。七載生靈涂炭于伊拉克,十年鐵蹄踐踏于阿富汗,。犯越之哀鴻處處,,侵朝蒼痍之煎煎。軸心國之殘暴,,擢發(fā)難數(shù),;法西斯之罪惡,罄竹未遍,。時時挽英魂,,萬水嗚咽;處處埋忠骨,,千山饗奠,。是以信仰亦尊,地中海盼諧和之佳音,;利益何爭,,敘利亞祈太平之福祉。慶父不死,,魯難未已,。世間毒瘤,核武爭斗未休,;獨夫野心,,霸權作祟未恥。一己之欲奪民眾意志,,舉國之力禍安寧內(nèi)外,。史作鑒曉之古今,和為貴福于人類,。反戰(zhàn)兮人類吶喊震震,,和平兮天下誓言錚錚。掛自由于瓊芳,,安寧之果醇美,;播和平于玉樹,太平之樹長青,。和諧之曲兮徹于四海,,和煦之風兮拂于八瀛。噫嘻,,后世自有評說,,青史自有公論,。莫以操戈,陷水深于蒼生,;勿再黷武,,置火熱于黎民。遺臭于史冊,,唾棄于后昆,。 蓋聞古往今來曰世,上下四方曰界,。 混濁之初,,日月不怠。悠悠乎千萬年前一物種,,冥冥乎百萬年前一同倫,。血緣連以異國姻,人脈通而殊族婚,。天下熙熙,,皆眾戚也,;天下攘攘,,悉眾親也。飲于一球水,,呼于一球氣,,照于一太陽,沐于一太陰,。同居一村,,焉以相煎;本為一家,,何以互吞,。天澤不以邦遠,地惠不以鄰近,。開牗同拂東西風, 心無界,;仰首共瞻南北斗, 情無垠。千古相承兮焉有爾吾之說,,萬邦共榮兮何有疆土之界,,億眾同享兮豈有地域之分。是故一國盛福及友邦,,一邦衰殃及鄰睦,。造福一方,利及萬眾彪炳于一域,;施愛全球,,功在億兆名垂于千古,。美哉,水繞城,,城依國,,山水一體,江河為母,;乾坤一體,,天地為父。上承天庭之經(jīng)緯,;下合地輿之四履,。橄欖枝施于人間,和平鴿唱于天宇,。蒸蒸焉世漫祥氛,,煦煦焉民有安富。四大洋載舟同航,,五大洲攜手并驅,。壯哉,天行健而煌煌,,地勢坤而炳炳,。世屬當今生,世屬千秋民眾,。民樂其樂,,國盛其盛。則人類幸甚,,全球幸甚,,微風不才,感而詠之,。乃詩曰: 億年演變本同宗,,緣聚緣歡自始終。 日月循環(huán)人共享,,乾坤浩瀚勢無窮,。 橫刀四野陰陽界,逐鹿八荒今古風,。 萬物輪回歸一體,,世間何必論西東。 World fu According to the author: the value of overseas changes, monstrous waves, rampant hegemonism; Aircraft carrier patrol, militarism on the rise. More than confrontation, the Great Powers Chen Bing deployment; They fight, they fight. The people are angry, and the great powers serve the strong and bully the weak. The people of the land are weak, and the people are weak. complained of grievances with a mere three-foot cloth body, splashed ink, and criticized the pen; World War II as yesterday, the history of blood remember; Peace be upon him, peace be unto him, and peace to him. Then he cried out, and cried out to the West. The sun and the moon are too empty. The sun and the moon make money, sink between heaven and earth; The universe is full of turbidity. So all nations live together and bless all living beings; Thousands of families coexist, depending on billions of gypsum soil. The country is not big or small, the person is not noble or low; Territory has boundaries, but the walker has no boundaries. Shiyuan family, how to develop the land for the occupation; The land is a family, how to open the border as king. Heaven and earth have their limits, sages say their constant. Fate thinks common, the world thinks Xiang. Its peace only long, its way also open. The heavens and the earth are in common, and the sun and the moon are in the same light. View Fu Hongtu yao industry, also flourishing also wide. World organizations have sprung up, and regional alliances have grown ever since. Wefts and harbors cloth chess, through the day to traffic weaving net. Flying shuttles, silver eagles, long dragons, giant ships to the harbor. Free trade is mutually beneficial, resources are abundantly shared. Therefore, energy is mutually beneficial, technology is integrated but never exhausted. The New Silk Road, the civilization in the east and west; Eurasian continental bridge, trade and trade in sea and land gallop. The climate of the land and the environment of the country are complementary. The vastness of the earth, the vastness of the sky. The vast mountains and rivers, the eight poles and the beautiful scenery. Buildings are skyscrapers, flowers and trees everywhere and beautiful. Ling thousand peaks of the vast, wave flying color; The soup of all rivers, the sky mirror of waves. The sea is in the shadow, the plain is in the shadow of the dispute. All things grow according to the situation, and birds sing with people. The longitudes and latitudes are the illusion of yin and yang, and the body is like the shape of heaven and earth. Romantic style accords with classicism and architectural style; Now it's a renaissance and a city with its character. The aircraft carrier is the hegemony of the four seas, and the spaceship is the ninefold. The sun and moon are all around, and the heavens and the earth are eternal. Its emotion is bright, its joy is bright. The home of love, the protection of the global village. Don't dig your own graves, harm the innocent neighbor. Look, bad environment and bad climate, tsunami and flood. Earthquakes and volcanoes erupt, hurricanes and plagues. A life at stake, a disaster. WTO economic and trade integration, economic cooperation for win-win; The climate and environment of the world, together with biological links. Our generation, shoulder heavy responsibility, overcome the difficult times. Protect the beautiful environment of the earth and return the beautiful home of the descendants. Sneezer, a small field, a big ball; All chaos, all peace. Jifu's civilization is profound, burning the moon and the stars. Wei Wei Shi ultimatum, ten ancient wonders; Long-lived literature, the four ancient countries are brilliant civilizations. Language and east are fused together, and art is flourishing together. The humanities are flourishing together, and the cultures are different. Already, the symphony of civilizations, a thousand years together; The glorious history of the world, a hundred countries synchronous. The world's top ten masterpieces browse the sea of traditional knowledge, and the China four masterpieces roam the library of classical literature. The theory of evolution came from Darwin, and the new world came from Columbus. Nobel called the king of dynamite and Descartes the father of philosophy. Napoleon the military giant, Beethoven the musical genius. The great teacher was Moore, and the glory of science was Bacon. Gates was the beginning of Microsoft, Newton was the god of mechanics. Mao Gong pushed the weight of three mountains, Kant stood for three criticisms. The Hammurabi Codex is ancient and complete, and the Encyclopedia Britannica is authoritative and precious. Thousands of inventions look at Edison, the master of all ages worship the sage of Confucius. Exotic customs, religious culture of long stream. The evanescent painting scroll, the calligraphy brushes the ocean. The Olympic Games are filled with passion and the World Cup is filled with dreams. Astronomy is integrated with geography, and culture is handed down through the ages. Wenzhi and martial arts, and distinguished, sage and eternal. The art and civilization are boundless. The civilization of a nation is proliferating all over the world. If you live in peace, hope and hope. The history of youth is hard to keep, and the war is not long. The billowing beacon smoke, heaven and earth upside down; Blood stains, yin and yang misplaced. The unprecedented havoc of the two wars, the devil dancing in disorder; After all the destruction, the ghost of the wild. And husband, the land does not divide north and south, people do not divide young and old; Strong to go to the national disaster, swing to the righteous to run to the front. The blood of all our countrymen forged the Great Wall, and the alliance of many nations forged justice. The ship pile of Pearl Harbor, the blood of Normandy. The enemy's sorrow in the battle of the Geler defense, the nightmare of the Nanjing Massacre. The Persian Gulf, the Mekong. The FRY fell to the edifice and Kosovo suffered from civil war. Seven years in Iraq, ten years in Afghanistan. Everywhere, the sorrows of the invasions of the war are fried. The axis' brutality was innumerable; The evils of fascism are never overrun. Always pull the soul, water sobs; Loyal bones are buried everywhere, and a thousand mountains offer a feast. Yes, faith also respects, the Mediterranean hope for harmony of the good news; Interests are contested, and Syria prays for the welfare of peace. I'm glad my father is alive and well. There is a cancer in the world, and the fight over nuclear weapons is not over. Ambition alone, hegemony is shameless. The will of the people is taken away by one's own desire, and the power of the nation is taken away from the peace. History of the ancient and modern, and for the blessing of mankind. Anti-war xi human cry tremor, peace xi the world vow clank. Hanging from because of Qiongfang, the fruit of tranquility mellow; Sow peace in the jade tree, the tree of peace is evergreen. The music of harmony in the sea, the gentle wind in the eight Ying. Hee-hee, later generations have their own comments, and the history of youth has its own public opinion. Do not take the action of Ge, sink deep in the water; Don't be belligerent again, and set fire to the people. Remains in the annals of history, spurned in Houkun. Ancient and modern, the world, the upper and lower four sides of the boundary. At the beginning of the cloud, the sun and the moon are not idle. A species thousands of years ago, a species millions of years ago. Blood ties to foreign marriages, connections and marriages. The world is busy, all the relatives also; The world is bustling, all the relatives also. Drink in a ball of water, breathe in a ball of air, shine in a sun, bathe in a taiyin. Living together in a village, Yan to fry; This is a family, why swallow each other. The heavens are not far away, and the earth is not near. Open the east and west wind, the heart has no boundaries; Looking up at the north and south, the love is boundless. Through the ages, how can I say that all nations share prosperity, how can there be a territorial boundary, and how can hundreds of millions of people share the same enjoyment? Therefore, the prosperity of a nation is blessed with its friends, while the decline of a nation is harmful to its neighbors. Benefit one party, benefit and all in one area; Love the world, the credit in the billions and the fame of the ages. Beautiful, water around the city, the city according to the country, the water as a whole, rivers for the mother; Heaven and earth are the father. The longitude and latitude of the heavenly court; It's a good place to go. The olive branch spreads on earth, the dove of peace sings in heaven. Steaming the auspicious atmosphere of the world, and the people have peace and prosperity. The four ocean ships sail together, the five continents join hands and drive. The heavens are strong and magnificent, and the terrain is kun and zang. The world belongs to the people of today, and the world belongs to the people of the ages. The people are happy, the country is prosperous. The human race is blessed, the world is blessed, the breeze is not talented, and the feeling is chanted. The poem says:The evolution of the same family for hundreds of millions of years, the fate of the happy from always.The sun and the moon circulates and the people share, and the vastness of the universe is infinite.The horizontal sword is four wild yin and yang, and the deer are eight barrens of the present ancient style. All things turn back to one, the world why the West East. Note: Village refers to the global village. (englishman translator)