周維平,,字順卿,號甘石,,齋號思平堂,,“中國書畫之鄉(xiāng)”甘肅省定西市人,大學(xué)本科畢業(yè)于中南大學(xué),,現(xiàn)為中國書畫家協(xié)會篆刻委員會會員,、中國工藝美術(shù)師協(xié)會會員、重慶巴渝印社會員,、蘇富比文化藝術(shù)發(fā)展中心藝術(shù)總監(jiān),、中國國際工藝美術(shù)師協(xié)會會員、重慶青年書畫社會員,、甘肅隴原書畫院副院長,,定居重慶市九龍坡區(qū)?! ?/p>
酷愛書畫,,癡迷篆刻,穿越千年拜在古人門下,,以古人為師,廣泛學(xué)習(xí)古文字和古今篆刻理論知識,,尋根溯源,,自秦漢印始,上追鐘鼎古璽,,后步歷代尤明清流派,,忠實篆刻傳統(tǒng),自成一家風(fēng)格,?!∽淌瞧叻肿挚蹋瑫ㄊ亲痰那疤?,真草隸篆的學(xué)習(xí)從不懈怠,?! ?/p>
篆刻得到了國內(nèi)幾位篆刻大師的指導(dǎo)和好評。已為數(shù)十位中書協(xié),、中美協(xié)及省級書畫家協(xié)會會員好友治印,,是國內(nèi)多家書畫專業(yè)網(wǎng)站的入駐藝術(shù)家,已在多家報紙及專業(yè)期刊上大量發(fā)表作品,,出版多套篆刻作品紀念郵票,,與國內(nèi)多家知名畫廊合作?! ?/p>
Gan Shi, seal engraver of Siping hall, Zhou Weiping, Zi Shunqing, Gan Shi, Zhai Siping hall, born in Dingxi City, Gansu Province, the hometown of Chinese calligraphy and painting, graduated from Central South University with a bachelor's degree. Now he is a member of seal cutting Committee of Chinese Calligrapher's Association, a member of China Arts and Crafts Association, a member of Chongqing Bayu printing society, an art director of Sotheby's cultural and art development center, and a Chinese International engineer He is a member of art artists association, a member of Chongqing Youth painting and calligraphy society, and vice president of Gansu Longyuan painting and Calligraphy Institute. He has settled in Jiulongpo District, Chongqing.
He loved calligraphy and painting, was obsessed with seal cutting, and worshipped the ancients for thousands of years. He took the ancients as a teacher, extensively studied ancient characters and ancient and modern seal cutting theories, and traced the roots. Since the Qin and Han Dynasty seal, he has been catching up with Zhong Ding ancient seal. Later generations, especially the Ming and Qing schools, are faithful to the seal cutting tradition and have their own style. Seal cutting is divided into seven parts and three parts. Calligraphy is the premise of seal cutting. The study of real grass official seal never slackens.
Seal cutting has been guided and praised by several domestic seal cutting masters. He has worked for dozens of good friends of Chinese Calligraphy Association, Chinese American Association and Provincial Association of calligraphers and painters. He is a resident artist of many professional websites of calligraphy and painting in China. He has published a large number of works in many newspapers and professional journals, published many sets of seal cutting works commemorative stamps, and cooperated with many famous painting galleries in China.
It is the first person to seal with aluminum alloy materials in China. Its aluminum alloy seal cutting works have been collected by many provincial and ministerial leaders and celebrities as high-end gifts, and appreciated by the original leaders who also like seal cutting.