上世紀(jì)70年代末,滬上名印家陸康帶我去拜識他的老師陳巨來之后,,我常常去巨老家叩教,,聽巨來先生說舊聞軼事。陳巨來(1905-1984),,浙江平湖人,,晚年別署“安持老人”,刻印初從嘉興陶惕若,,旋師趙時棡,,亦仿黃收甫。白文專摹漢鑄印,,力攻元朱文,,其師趙時棡評其為“篆書醇雅,刻印深厚,,元朱文為近代第一”,。記得我第一次走進富民路33號,那是一座百年老洋房,樓梯寬大,,窗戶高敞,。巨老家一大間客廳朝南,右邊靠墻中間兩只單人沙發(fā),,中間隔著茶幾,,放著幾包香煙及各種牌子的打火機。墻上掛著程十發(fā),、劉旦宅等名家書畫,。先生的弟弟陳左高與其毗鄰,他聽到巨老這邊有客來訪,,就會輕輕推門進來坐在一旁,,與我們一起喝茶交談。左高先生談的近代歷史人物舊聞我最愛聽,。陳巨來自謂先學(xué)趙撝叔,、黃牧甫,此后則取法汪關(guān)及秦古印,,又遍觀宋元名跡收藏印,,始得元朱文要義。據(jù)滬上名印家陳茗屋先生說:“有人常將圓朱文與元朱文混為一談,,其實印章中凡是朱文圓轉(zhuǎn)一路即可稱為圓朱文,,范圍很大。陳巨來治印用的元朱文是圓朱文中的一種,,它是以元代趙孟頫為典范的小篆書法,。趙寫的元朱文是所有的圓朱文中的典范。陳茗屋通過對自己收藏的千余枚陳巨來印稿以及巨來刻的元朱文印研究后發(fā)現(xiàn),,他的線條富有變化,,只是變化得微妙至極,一般人不易察覺,,也不能理解與掌握,。這種優(yōu)美秀潤所表現(xiàn)的張力與陳巨來滿白文線條同樣典雅醇厚,細(xì)微角落處變化得極有“鮮頭”,。我曾聽巨老說,,他為李棻刻書齋印《元元草堂》長方形元朱文印,是他平生第一得意之作,。聽吾師陳茗屋先生說:“倘若把陳巨來元朱文印放大10倍,,馬上可以學(xué)到許多線條的內(nèi)涵。粗細(xì)微妙變化,,等于書法中鋒用筆,,產(chǎn)生飽滿有彈性的圓柱體線條。陳巨來治印線條恰如美女微笑而不是哈哈大笑之效果。觀者只可心領(lǐng)意會,,產(chǎn)生共鳴?!边@就是安持老人印章的迷人之處,。他的元朱文布局疏密勻稱得神逸之氣。巨來先生曾向我說起他訪日之事,。應(yīng)日本國會議員,、有志懇談會會長田英夫邀請,他于1982年6月啟程訪問東京,、京都,、奈良、大阪四城市,。日中友好協(xié)會會長秋山公道在東京參議員大禮堂舉行歡迎大會,,先生作了“自三代以來中國篆刻史”的學(xué)術(shù)講座,暢談治印之術(shù),,聽者均為參眾兩院議員,。他還在京都書法會開講“上世紀(jì)20年代至今書法家源流”日本書刻喬魁宿梅舒適聞之,特地從大阪赴來聽演講,。講學(xué)中,,巨來先生當(dāng)眾揮毫?xí)鴥皂撐鍘獭案皇俊薄凹铩庇「饕?。先生說到此,,湊近我耳輕輕說:“選刻此二印足日本人喜歡的吉祥語。其中還有一個奧秘,,即富士,、古田是不分正反字的,便于我即篆刻,?!本迊硐壬L日期間還應(yīng)邀開個人篆刻作品展,但他未帶印蛻,,情急之中,,拿出一冊張大千先生幫他出版的《安持精舍印存》,把每一頁剪拆分開裝入色調(diào)相宜的畫框中,,在展覽廳柔和燈光的映襯下,,粲然奪目。日本友人久不見來自中國一流大師的篆刻藝術(shù),,巨來先生的元朱文線條流暢醇雅,,滿白文渾厚潤澤,無不嘆為觀止。關(guān)于巨來先生,,還有兩事可以作談資,。先生曾告訴我,新中國成立之前,,有一友人攜來一方青田白果青凍石,,請他刻“潤之”二字。先生曰:“潤之何人?”來人笑而不答,,后來才知道這是毛澤東的印章,。陳巨來先生會畫墨松,只是真跡不多見,。我們在《安持精舍印聚》印譜中可以見到一枚長方形元朱文“巨來畫松”印,,從中得到信息,巨老曾畫松,。這方畫印,,篆書遒勁、圓潤,、流轉(zhuǎn),,印的四邊皆有殘,一改陳先生刻元朱文印大多邊框完整之態(tài),。此印四字布置均勻,,若行云流水,氣韻靈動,唯美之盡,,當(dāng)是巨老得意之作,。去年春,滬上印家管繼平告訴我,,他曾在外地一拍賣會上發(fā)現(xiàn)一件吳湖帆,、陳巨來合作雙松圖成扇,扇面左側(cè)水墨畫出一巨松雄渾挺拔,,側(cè)枝斜出作迎客狀,,其后有一青松穿插,別有韻味,,署款:戊寅七月巨來畫墨松,,湖帆補青松......我在著名詞人、書畫家陳運彰先生后人家中看到過一本已經(jīng)泛黃的民國年間陳蒙庵之子陳煥道先生紀(jì)念冊,。從數(shù)十幅名家書畫中意外發(fā)現(xiàn)一頁陳巨來手繪水墨古松圖,。一松兀然特立,枝干橫斜得勢,,松針工筆畫出,,筆筆清健,,濃淡變化有致,著墨不多,,意境超逸大得古趣,。有關(guān)巨老畫松,我曾請教陳巨來外孫孫君輝,,答曰:“外公早年在吳湖帆處得吳先生指教畫松,,有時興起,寥作一,、二幅,頗得元人之畫意,,又似高絡(luò)園先生畫松筆墨之情趣,。有時再由吳湖帆點苔完成兩人合作作品,此類舊作甚罕見,,彌足珍貴,。”At the end of the 1970s,
after Lu Kang, the famous Shanghai seal master, took me to make the acquaintance
of his teacher Chen Julai, I often went to Mr. Chen's home for advice, and
listened to his new and old stories.Chen Julai (1905-1984),
was a native of Ping hu,Zhejiang. In his later years, he got another signature
Elder Anchi. He first took Tao Tiruo in Jiaxing as his teacher to learn seal
engraving, and later took Zhao Shigang as his another teacher. Moreover, he
also imitated Huang Mufu. For white-character seal, he copied Han engraving and
printing seal,and focused on Yuan red-character seal. His teacher ZhaoShigang
praised him by 'his seal character is elegant, sealis profound, and his
Yuan red-character seal is the best inmodern times'.Chen Julai said he first
learned from Zhao Huishu and Huang Mufu, then followed the example of Wang
Guan's seals and ancient Qin seals, and learned from the famous collected seals
of the Song and Yuan dynasties to obtain the essence of Yuan red-character.
Shanghai famous seal masterMr. Chen Mingwu said:'People often confuse
round red character with Yuan red character. Actually, red character can become
round red character after turns. The range is very large. The Yuan red
character used by Chen Julai to carve seals is one kind of round red character.
lt is seal script calligraphy copied after Zhao Mengfu of the Yuan Dynasty. The
Yuan red character written by Zhao is a model of all round red
characters'.Mr. Chen once told me that
the rectangle Yuan red-character seal Yuan Yuan Cao Tang he carved for Li Fen's
study was the work he was most satisfied with. My teacher Mr. Chen Mingwu said:
'If Chen Julai's Yuan red-character seal is magnified ten times, we can learn
the connotation of a lot of lines immediately. The subtle changes in thickness
are equal to the middle tips in calligraphy. They can produce rich and elastic
cylinder lines. Chen Julai's seal lines are like smiles rather than laughs of
beauties. The viewer can only understand the intentions and have resonance. This
is the charm of Elder Anchi's seals. The layout of his Yuan red character is
extremely symmetrical.Mr. Chen once mentioned
his visit in Japan Invited by Hideo Den, senator of the Diet of Japan and
president of Aspiring Senators Talkfest, he set out in June 1962 to visit
Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara and Osaka. Akiyama Gongdao, the president of Japan-ChinaFriendship Association
held a welcoming ceremony in Tokyo Senator Auditorium. Mr. Chen gave an academic
lecture on China's seal cutting history since the three dynasties, talking
about the art of seal cutting. The listeners were all the house and senate senators.
He also gave a lecture on calligraphers since the 20s to present in Kyoto
Calligraphy Association. Mei Shushi, a giant in Japanese calligraphy and seal cutting
circles, made a special trip from Osaka to listen to his lecture. In the
lecture, Mr. Chen wielded his writing brush to write five pages of album and carved'Fuji
( Fu Shi)' seal and 'Yoshida ( Ji Tian )' seal. During the visit
to Japan, Mr. Chen was also invited to hold a personal seal cutting exhibition,
but he did not take his seal. Having no choice, he took out Collectionof
Anchi's Excellent Seals published by Mr. Zhang Daqian. He cut and split every
page into the frames of appropriate colors. Reflected by the mild light in the exhibition
hall, they were beaming and attractive. Mr.Chen's Yuan red characters had
smooth and elegant lines, while white characters were profound and smooth.
Everyone present was amazed.Mr. Chen Julai could paint
ink pine, but there are few authentic works. There is a rectangle seal 'Ju
Lai Hua Song'in the collection of seal stamps Anchi's Excellent Seals,
from which we can know that Mr.Chen once drew ink pine. On this rectangular painting
seal, the seal characters are powerful and smooth. The seal's four sides have
residues, which is different from the usual complete frame of his Yuan red-character
seals. The four characters are uniformly arranged and looks like floating
clouds and flowing water, as well as flexible and beautiful. It deserves tobe
Mr. Chen's favorite work. Last spring, Shanghai seal master Guan Jiping told me
that he once found a fan with two pines created jointly by Wu Hufan and Chen Julai
at an auction. On the left side of the fan, there is a huge pine, vigorous,
tall and straight. Its branches incline as a welcoming shape, followed by a
green pine, which is really charming. The inscriptions are: 'in July,
Julai drew an ink pine and Hufan drew the green pine.' such works are very
rare and precious.