創(chuàng)建一個普通的Application,,保存好。把KOLProject放到主Form上,。設(shè)置KOLProject的屬性projectDest為新的KOL’s project的名字,,這個名字是任意的,設(shè)置后將生成一個新的dpr文件,,這個dpr文件是符合KOL的要求,,這個名字內(nèi)不可以有路徑。然后再放一個KOLForm上去,,將主Form轉(zhuǎn)成KOLForm,。全部保存后關(guān)閉所有的文件,再重新打開新設(shè)置的名字的project就行了,。 MCK的功能就是將一個VCL的控件映射為KOL的控件,,利用了DELPHI的GUI設(shè)計功能來設(shè)計KOL。所以每當放一個KOL控件,,就會生成一段KOL代碼,,非常地有用。不過有個限制,,必須要在同一個目錄下,。 KOL利用DELPHI編譯器會自動SmartLink的功能,成功地將一個GUI程序減少到來二十幾K左右,,加上UPX壓縮后就剩下十幾K了,。 dunit的使用非常簡單,只要將dunit的源碼都放在可以搜索到目錄下就了,?;旧现恍枰粋€TestFramework.pas文件就夠了,如果需要運行GUI則還要一個GUITestRunner.pas文件,。 一般來說如果與want配合則要使用dll,,創(chuàng)建一個dll,不需要任何form,,加入單元:TestFrameWork,ShareMem和所有需要測試的單元。 將dpr里面的 ?我使用過程中遇到的問題: 2,、找不到Proxies.Pas ? 你的使用方法不對,,請仔細閱讀 (09-5-20,這種方法似乎不對:編譯的程序更大了,又拐到了forms.dcu上去了,,哈哈,。) * III. STARTING NEW KOL MIRROR PROJECT ******************************* 1. Start Delphi and choose File|New Application. 2. DO NOT place any components on the form at this stage. Choose File|Save All and select the destination folder for your project. Note that ALL FILES of your project ALWAYS HAVE TO BE PLACED IN THE SAME DIRECTORY! 3. Place the TKOLProject component onto the form. 4. The name of the output MCK file can be set by changing the ProjectDest property (path MUST NOT be included). If you type MySuperKOLProj, for instance, then the output MCK project will be named MySuperKOLProj.DPR. The EXE file's name will be (as you might have guessed already) MySuperKOLProj.EXE. 5. Drop the TKOLForm component onto the form. 6. In DELPHI5 only: Project | Options | Directories/Conditionals | Search path, add: 7. If TKOLForm component was dropped (5.) AFTER changing ProjectDest property of TKOLProject component (4.), this step is not necessary, and destination project is ready. Otherwise: 8. Open the resulting project (it should be found in the same directory). Now it is high time you removed Project1.* - these files are no longer necessary. 9. Play with your new KOL/MCK Project (adjust Parameters, drop TKOL... components, compile, run, debug, etc.) Enjoy! 幾個對應的屬性: Application->Applet Form1->Form1.Form |