--//當工作中遇到oracle的性能問題時,查看awr報表提供很好的解決問題途徑.但是有時候很容易想當然. --//比如以前我一看到 log file sync等待事件就很主觀的認為redo 磁盤IO不行,實際上真實的情況可能有許多原因. --//比如提交進程太多,cpu調度不過來.總之需要wait chains確定問題的本源. --//上午看了大師Tanel Poder的dash_wait_chains.sql與ash_wait_chains.sql腳本,簡單學習它的使用. --//dash_wait_chains.sql 是基于DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY視圖.而ash_wait_chains.sql基于V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY視圖. --//二者命令執(zhí)行格式差不多,僅僅學習ash_wait_chains.sql就ok了.
--//實際上根本不需要學習與記憶,看看腳本的開頭就知道如何執(zhí)行與使用: -- Usage: -- @ash_wait_chains <grouping_cols> <filters> <fromtime> <totime> -- -- Example: -- @ash_wait_chains username||':'||program2||event2 session_type='FOREGROUND' sysdate-1/24 sysdate -- -- Other: -- This script uses only the in-memory V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY, use -- @dash_wait_chains.sql for accessiong the DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY archive -- -- Oracle 10g does not have the BLOCKING_INST_ID column in ASH so you'll need -- to comment out this column in this script. This may give you somewhat -- incorrect results in RAC environment with global blockers. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--//我做一點點簡單的修改: COL wait_chain FOR A300 WORD_WRAP --//修改為: COL wait_chain FOR A200 WORD_WRAP
--//我的工作環(huán)境最大顯示寬度是271列.如果設置再小,字體顯示就太小,我同事許多設置才237. $ echo $COLUMNS 271
--//因為我還需要管理10g的數(shù)據(jù)庫,根據(jù)前面的說明,可以拷貝腳本命名為ash_wait_chains10g.sql. --//注解如下,當然對于rac環(huán)境可能不正確. -- AND PRIOR d.blocking_inst_id = d.inst_id
--//作者還重新定義字段program,event為program2,event2.這樣顯示更加直觀,占用寬度更小一些. --//以下是測試部分:
1.環(huán)境: qqqqqqqqqqq> @ ver1 PORT_STRING VERSION BANNER ------------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
qqqqqqqqqqq> @ tpt/ash/ash_wait_chains program2||':'||event2 1=1 trunc(sysdate)+9/24 trunc(sysdate)+10/24 -- Display ASH Wait Chain Signatures script v0.2 BETA by Tanel Poder ( http://blog. ) %This SECONDS AAS WAIT_CHAIN ------ ---------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- 33% 4362 .1 -> (XXXYYY.EXE) :ON CPU 10% 1368 0 -> (NSSn) :LNS wait on SENDREQ 10% 1323 0 -> (LGWR) :LGWR-LNS wait on channel 6% 735 0 -> (XXXYYY.EXE) :log file sync -> (LGWR) :LGWR-LNS wait on channel 5% 605 0 -> (CAPAA-PIPE) :ON CPU 5% 604 0 -> (XXXYYY.exe) :ON CPU 4% 573 0 -> (wnwp.exe) :ON CPU 3% 378 0 -> (DIAn) :ON CPU 2% 274 0 -> (sqlplus) :ON CPU 2% 246 0 -> (httpd.exe) :ON CPU 2% 230 0 -> (PSPn) :ON CPU 1% 115 0 -> (CKPT) :ON CPU 1% 111 0 -> (LMSn) :ON CPU 1% 111 0 -> (wnwp.exe) :log file sync -> (LGWR) :LGWR-LNS wait on channel 1% 89 0 -> (routine.exe) :ON CPU 1% 87 0 -> (oracle) :ON CPU 1% 86 0 -> (sqlplus) :control file sequential read 1% 83 0 -> (LGWR) :ON CPU 1% 76 0 -> (routine.exe) :log file sync -> (LGWR) :LGWR-LNS wait on channel 1% 72 0 -> (ARCn) :ON CPU 1% 69 0 -> (XXXYYY.EXE) :gc current block 2-way 1% 68 0 -> (XXXYYY.EXE) :gc cr block 2-way 0% 63 0 -> (LGWR) :log file parallel write 0% 55 0 -> (LMON) :ON CPU 0% 55 0 -> () :null event 0% 47 0 -> (XXXYYY.EXE) :log file sync 0% 46 0 -> (nnnn.exe) :log file sync -> (LGWR) :LGWR-LNS wait on channel 0% 39 0 -> (LMSn) :gcs log flush sync -> (LGWR) :LGWR-LNS wait on channel 0% 38 0 -> (XXXYYY.EXE) :direct path read 0% 38 0 -> (XXXYYY.EXE) :gc cr block busy 30 rows selected.
--//開始不理解AAS表示什么.表示如下 ROUND(COUNT(*) / ((CAST(&4 AS DATE) - CAST(&3 AS DATE)) * 86400), 1) AAS --//相當于每秒取樣幾次. --//參數(shù)3,參數(shù)4是時間范圍,我建議使用類似例子的格式.你僅僅需要知道1/24表示1小時,1/1440表示1分鐘就ok了. --//比如你需要查看當天8:15到9:10的情況,時間可以寫成: trunc(sysdate)+8/24+15/1440 trunc(sysdate)+9/24+10/1440 --//另外注意一點:V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY保留信息有限制,時間太久的可能查詢不到.要改用dash_wait_chains.sql腳本查詢. --//參數(shù)2可以加入一些過濾例子:session_type='FOREGROUND' 或者使用 1=1 表示全部.
--//你可以看到這臺服務器的log file sync等待事件實際上由于(LGWR) :LGWR-LNS wait on channel. --//問題在與安裝配置dg時的參數(shù):
qqqqqqqqqqq> show parameter log_archive_dest_2 NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------ ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- log_archive_dest_2 string service=rzdbra lgwr sync reopen=15 max_failure=10 net_timeout=30 optional noaffirm db_unique_name=XXXXXX --//對方配置了sync,這樣在提交時要確定dg方已經寫入日志文件才算提交. --//如果改成async,相關等待LNS wait on SENDREQ,LGWR-LNS wait on channel,log file sync都會消失或者減少.
--//再來看看另外1個10g的數(shù)據(jù)庫: WWWWWWWWW> @ ver1 PORT_STRING VERSION BANNER ------------------- -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
WWWWWWWWW> @ tpt/ash/ash_wait_chains10g program2||':'||event2 1=1 trunc(sysdate)+9/24 trunc(sysdate)+10/24 -- Display ASH Wait Chain Signatures script v0.2 BETA by Tanel Poder ( http://blog. ) %This SECONDS AAS WAIT_CHAIN ------ ---------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30% 3602 .1 -> (xxxzzzz.exe) :db file sequential read 19% 2244 0 -> (DBWn) :ON CPU 11% 1321 0 -> (LGWR) :log file parallel write 9% 1113 0 -> (xxxzzzz.exe) :ON CPU 7% 890 0 -> (xxxzzzz.exe) :db file scattered read 6% 784 0 -> (xxxzzzz.exe) :log file sync -> (LGWR) :log file parallel write 5% 633 0 -> (aaatobbbb.exe) :log file sync -> (LGWR) :log file parallel write 4% 490 0 -> (CKPT) :control file parallel write 1% 106 0 -> (wnwp.exe) :db file sequential read 1% 88 0 -> (JDBC Thin Client) :db file sequential read 1% 86 0 -> (aaatobbbb.exe) :db file scattered read 1% 82 0 -> (mnnn) :db file sequential read 0% 59 0 -> (xxxzzzz.exe) :read by other session 0% 55 0 -> (wnwp.exe) :ON CPU 0% 54 0 -> (JDBC Thin Client) :ON CPU 0% 45 0 -> (plsqldev.exe) :enq: TX - row lock contention 0% 44 0 -> (sqlplus) :ON CPU 0% 27 0 -> (wnwp.exe) :log file sync -> (LGWR) :log file parallel write 0% 27 0 -> (aaatobbbb.exe) :ON CPU 0% 25 0 -> (xxxzzzz.exe) :SQL*Net more data from dblink 0% 25 0 -> (mnnn) :ON CPU 0% 24 0 -> (ARCn) :log file sequential read 0% 19 0 -> (xxxzzzz.exe) :db file parallel read 0% 13 0 -> (CTWR) :ON CPU 0% 13 0 -> (aaatobbbb.exe) :db file sequential read 0% 12 0 -> (Jnnn) :db file sequential read 0% 10 0 -> (aaatobbbb.exe) :log file sync 0% 10 0 -> (SMON) :db file sequential read 0% 10 0 -> (ARCn) :ON CPU 0% 10 0 -> (CJQn) :ON CPU 30 rows selected. --//可以發(fā)現(xiàn)這臺系統(tǒng)磁盤io已經不行.如果負荷在增加就不行.順便說一下這臺機器硬件配置很差.
WWWWWWWWW> @ tpt/ash/ash_wait_chains10g event2 1=1 trunc(sysdate)+7/24 sysdate -- Display ASH Wait Chain Signatures script v0.2 BETA by Tanel Poder ( http://blog. ) %This SECONDS AAS WAIT_CHAIN ------ ---------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------- 32% 4910 .1 -> db file sequential read 32% 4887 .1 -> ON CPU 12% 1896 0 -> log file sync -> log file parallel write ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11% 1761 0 -> log file parallel write 7% 1078 0 -> db file scattered read 4% 650 0 -> control file parallel write 0% 59 0 -> read by other session 0% 45 0 -> enq: TX - row lock contention 0% 34 0 -> SQL*Net more data to client 0% 34 0 -> SQL*Net more data from dblink 0% 24 0 -> log file sequential read 0% 23 0 -> db file parallel read 0% 21 0 -> log file sync 0% 7 0 -> log file switch completion 0% 6 0 -> null event 0% 5 0 -> change tracking file synchronous write 0% 4 0 -> SQL*Net more data from client 0% 4 0 -> control file sequential read 0% 3 0 -> os thread startup 0% 2 0 -> enq: CF - contention -> control file parallel write 0% 1 0 -> SQL*Net break/reset to client 0% 1 0 -> Log archive I/O 0% 1 0 -> latch: library cache 0% 1 0 -> log file sync -> ON CPU 24 rows selected.
--//注意看下劃線,log file sync主要是由于log file parallel write太慢造成的,與前面的不同.這樣定位問題就不會太盲目亂猜.