


 小白學視覺 2022-01-18






關(guān)于語義分割的一件有趣的事情是它不區(qū)分實例,,即如果此圖像中有兩只狗,它們將僅被描述為一個標簽,,即 dog ,,而不是 dog1 和 dog2。


  • 自動駕駛

  • 工業(yè)檢驗

  • 衛(wèi)星圖像中值得注意的區(qū)域分類

  • 醫(yī)學影像監(jiān)查


  • 第一種方法是滑動窗口,,我們將輸入圖像分解成許多小的局部圖像,,但是這種方法在計算上會很昂貴。所以,,我們在實踐中并沒有真正使用這個方法,。

  • 另一種方法是完全卷積網(wǎng)絡,其中網(wǎng)絡有一整堆卷積層,,沒有完全連接的層,,從而保留了輸入的空間大小,這在計算上也是極其昂貴的,。

  • 第三個也是最好的一個方法,,那就是對圖像進行上采樣和下采樣。因此,,我們不需要對圖像的完整空間分辨率進行所有卷積,,我們可能會在原始分辨率下遍歷少量卷積層,然后對該特征圖進行下采樣,然后對其進行上采樣,。



  • 導入處理所需的必要庫,,
    Pytorch 的重要功能,例如數(shù)據(jù)加載器,、變量,、轉(zhuǎn)換和優(yōu)化器相關(guān)函數(shù)。

    導入 VOC12 和 cityscapes 的數(shù)據(jù)集類,,從 transform.py 文件導入 Relabel,、ToLabel 和 Colorize 類,從 iouEval.py 文件中導入 iouEval 類,。

#SSCV IIITH 2K19import randomimport timeimport numpy as npimport torchprint(torch.__version__)import mathfrom PIL import Image, ImageOpsfrom torch.optim import SGD, Adam, lr_schedulerfrom torch.autograd import Variablefrom torch.utils.data import DataLoaderfrom torchvision.transforms import Resizefrom torchvision.transforms import ToTensor, ToPILImagefrom dataset import cityscapesfrom dataset import idd_liteimport sysprint(sys.executable)from transform import Relabel, ToLabel, Colorizeimport matplotlibfrom matplotlib import pyplot as plt%matplotlib inlineimport importlibfrom iouEval import iouEval, getColorEntry #importing iouEval class from the iouEval.py filefrom shutil import copyfile
  • 定義幾個全局參數(shù):

NUM_CHANNELS = 3 #RGB ImagesNUM_CLASSES = 8 #IDD Lite has 8 labels or Level1 hierarchy of labelsUSE_CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available() IMAGE_HEIGHT = 160DATA_ROOT = '/tmp/school/6-segmentation/user/1/6-segmentation/idd1_lite’BATCH_SIZE = 2NUM_WORKERS = 4NUM_EPOCHS = 100ENCODER_ONLY = Truedevice = torch.device(“cuda” )#device = 'cuda’color_transform = Colorize(NUM_CLASSES)image_transform = ToPILImage()IOUTRAIN = FalseIOUVAL = True
  • 增強,,即對圖像和目標執(zhí)行隨機增強的不同功能:

class MyCoTransform(object): def __init__(self, enc, augment=True, height=160): self.enc=enc self.augment = augment self.height = height pass def __call__(self, input, target): # Resizing data to required size input = Resize((self.height,320), Image.BILINEAR)(input) target = Resize((self.height,320), Image.NEAREST)(target)if(self.augment): # Random horizontal flip hflip = random.random() if (hflip < 0.5): input = input.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) target = target.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) #Random translation 0–2 pixels (fill rest with padding) transX = random.randint(0, 2) transY = random.randint(0, 2)input = ImageOps.expand(input, border=(transX,transY,0,0), fill=0) target = ImageOps.expand(target, border=(transX,transY,0,0), fill=7) #pad label filling with 7 input = input.crop((0, 0, input.size[0]-transX, input.size[1]-transY)) target = target.crop((0, 0, target.size[0]-transX, target.size[1]-transY))input = ToTensor()(input) target = ToLabel()(target) target = Relabel(255,7)(target) return input, target
  • 加載數(shù)據(jù)我們將遵循 pytorch 推薦的語義,并使用數(shù)據(jù)加載器加載數(shù)據(jù),。

best_acc = 0co_transform = MyCoTransform(ENCODER_ONLY, augment=True, height=IMAGE_HEIGHT)co_transform_val = MyCoTransform(ENCODER_ONLY, augment=False, height=IMAGE_HEIGHT)#train datadataset_train = idd_lite(DATA_ROOT, co_transform, 'train’)print(len(dataset_train))#test datadataset_val = idd_lite(DATA_ROOT, co_transform_val, 'val’)print(len(dataset_val))loader_train = DataLoader(dataset_train, num_workers=NUM_WORKERS, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True)loader_val = DataLoader(dataset_val, num_workers=NUM_WORKERS, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=False)
  • 既然是分類問題,,我們就使用交叉熵損失,但為什么呢,?


criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
  • 現(xiàn)在讓我們加載模型并優(yōu)化它,!

model_file = importlib.import_module('erfnet’)model = model_file.Net(NUM_CLASSES).to(device)optimizer = Adam(model.parameters(), 5e-4, (0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-08, weight_decay=1e-4) start_epoch = 1
  • 所以,,編碼的最終本質(zhì)就是訓練!

import ossteps_loss = 50my_start_time = time.time()for epoch in range(start_epoch, NUM_EPOCHS+1): print(“ — — — TRAINING — EPOCH”, epoch, “ — — -”)epoch_loss = [] time_train = []doIouTrain = IOUTRAIN doIouVal = IOUVALif (doIouTrain): iouEvalTrain = iouEval(NUM_CLASSES)model.train() for step, (images, labels) in enumerate(loader_train):start_time = time.time() inputs = images.to(device) targets = labels.to(device) outputs = model(inputs, only_encode=ENCODER_ONLY)# zero the parameter gradients optimizer.zero_grad() # forward + backward + optimize loss = criterion(outputs, targets[:, 0]) loss.backward() optimizer.step()epoch_loss.append(loss.item()) time_train.append(time.time() — start_time)if (doIouTrain): #start_time_iou = time.time() iouEvalTrain.addBatch(outputs.max(1)[1].unsqueeze(1).data, targets.data) #print (“Time to add confusion matrix: “, time.time() — start_time_iou)# print statistics if steps_loss > 0 and step % steps_loss == 0: average = sum(epoch_loss) / len(epoch_loss) print('loss: {average:0.4} (epoch: {epoch}, step: {step})’, “// Avg time/img: %.4f s” % (sum(time_train) / len(time_train) / BATCH_SIZE))average_epoch_loss_train = sum(epoch_loss) / len(epoch_loss)iouTrain = 0 if (doIouTrain): iouTrain, iou_classes = iouEvalTrain.getIoU() iouStr = getColorEntry(iouTrain)+’{:0.2f}’.format(iouTrain*100) + '\033[0m’ print (“EPOCH IoU on TRAIN set: “, iouStr, “%”) my_end_time = time.time()print(my_end_time — my_start_time)

在訓練了 100 個 epoch 之后,,我們會看到:

  • 驗證:

#Validate on val images after each epoch of trainingprint(“ — — — VALIDATING — EPOCH”, epoch, “ — — -”)model.eval()epoch_loss_val = []time_val = []if (doIouVal): iouEvalVal = iouEval(NUM_CLASSES)for step, (images, labels) in enumerate(loader_val): start_time = time.time()inputs = images.to(device) targets = labels.to(device) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(inputs, only_encode=ENCODER_ONLY) #outputs = model(inputs) loss = criterion(outputs, targets[:, 0]) epoch_loss_val.append(loss.item()) time_val.append(time.time() — start_time)#Add batch to calculate TP, FP and FN for iou estimation if (doIouVal): #start_time_iou = time.time() iouEvalVal.addBatch(outputs.max(1)[1].unsqueeze(1).data, targets.data) #print (“Time to add confusion matrix: “, time.time() — start_time_iou) if steps_loss > 0 and step % steps_loss == 0: average = sum(epoch_loss_val) / len(epoch_loss_val) print('VAL loss: {average:0.4} (epoch: {epoch}, step: {step})’, “// Avg time/img: %.4f s” % (sum(time_val) / len(time_val) / BATCH_SIZE))average_epoch_loss_val = sum(epoch_loss_val) / len(epoch_loss_val)iouVal = 0if (doIouVal):iouVal, iou_classes = iouEvalVal.getIoU() print(iou_classes) iouStr = getColorEntry(iouVal)+’{:0.2f}’.format(iouVal*100) + '\033[0m’ print (“EPOCH IoU on VAL set: “, iouStr, “%”)

  • 可視化輸出:

# Qualitative Analysisdataiter = iter(loader_val)images, labels = dataiter.next()if USE_CUDA: images = images.to(device)inputs = images.to(device)with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(inputs, only_encode=ENCODER_ONLY)label = outputs[0].max(0)[1].byte().cpu().datalabel_color = Colorize()(label.unsqueeze(0))label_save = ToPILImage()(label_color)plt.figure()plt.imshow(ToPILImage()(images[0].cpu()))plt.figure()plt.imshow(label_save)



隨意使用我們新設(shè)計的模型,嘗試增加更多的 epoch 并觀察我們的模型表現(xiàn)得更好!



    轉(zhuǎn)藏 分享 獻花(0



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