our house left side(face the house) is water station. we didn't know the land belongs to water company but assume it were community public park and border trees were our duty to trim, until community mark each house border lines due to neighbours frequently disputed. we also were told nearby pave walking way big stone were the border line is. it turned out we mowed lawns which not belong to us, so i kept request the public mower guy but won't listen so went to our community club house manager and was told the land belongs to water company they can't help. we finally went to dupage county office buidlings and finally found which dept should be responsible. however we lost the contact phone number and tired off disputed with their frequently changed mower guys. our neighbours made complaints recently i can't but call water company and foutunately they knew which dept be responsible and called me. but i was told this year they won't trim trees and we was the only one next to their water station. so i told the person that we came by our house(renter moved out but still clean the house) to make photos and email photos to him. the following (hoping the problem be solved once for all): Dear Sir,. we did contact you dept. many years ago and your people did come twice in different years to trim the trees and set border line so your mower guy knew where the border line is. but your mower guys are frequently changed and assumed the big stone as border (photos: ball not stone as the border, trees and stone) this is why caused the problems. the photos i attached ' ball not stone as the border' to show the border line is where the ball is, not the stone. and ' trees and stone' showing the trees nearby stone didn't exist when we moved in, we did tell mower guys they won't cut off. other photos showing you overgrowed blockaded the road and wood walls already disappeared. i would suggest you come to see in person, and if you tell us when (not Wensday,Thursday) we would come to meet you. ps
our renter moved out still doing clean and would paint the walls, we
live in other city it takes 50 minutes to arrive our renting house. (our names and ph#, address and house PIN number) PS it is 203 elementary schools district. our neighbours made complaints. PS 9/28/2021quite satisfied got water company reponsed as: Thank you for bringing this to my attention. We will be more than willing to trim up whatever trees you’re referring to if they're on our property. I'm going to get my survey crew out there to mark the lot lines. After the property lines are staked and marked we can meet on site to look at which trees you're referring to and we'll get them trimmed. And my response: we will be there, but not available on Wensday and Thursday. --the question is after trim this time, will their mower guys won't forget again? last time the border marked on paved walking way and very easily disappeared.wild weeds grew a trees-like if mower guy didn't cut right away.... ps 9/29/2021 property lines marked, we visited to see and confused. because when spouse bought the house in 1996 did hire residential surveying service which showing 5 points, 4 points related to water company. and should straight line bewteen points.the #5 road side to #4 accordring to water company became #5, #4.5 #4 are not straight line. so i emailed as : we can come to meet you and discuss whether your company better re-install woods wall (we are not professional only worry whether our dirts washed out would cause the damage to our fundation), cut off all border trees so no need to trim trees in future or other solution.... when we moved here in 1996 border trees already there while some wood walls rotten and chipmonks digged at least 5 holes between the woods due to rotten. we can come Friday(10/1/2021), and just let us know when you arrive. 10/1/2021 i point the problem to water company and showed him the residential surveying service did map. He insist their survey using GPS can't be wrong. due to lots weeds tree blockade the view so i told him can't tell right now. but we both remove all border trees(the reason is one of water company guys called me and declared this year can't trim trees and we are the only house next to water station, certainly i am afraid no trees trim any more in the future). i also point our big tree in front the branch went to their side also need trim, and the wild trees in their lands must cut off which didn't exist in 1996. He told me about a week would clean out the mess. 10/2-10/3 we cut off the border weeds tree especially those wrong border marks area(afraid their people refuse to cut off). And the community bushes pick up bundle bushed from May to Nov(Oct?) on the 1st week monday each month. so 10/1 picked up what i made 5 bunches(belong to our lands). estimate 2 more days could clear up border lines which could see more clearly the wrong border marks. PS we received water company upset email On Friday, October 8, 2021, 10:31:34 AM as : PS water company response : We’ve already gone above and beyond our responsibility there as far as
I’m concerned. We will clean the area at least once a year form now on.
As far as the wood wall that is NOT on our property which I have no
record of us installing.
We legally can’t do work on private property so I wouldn’t see us
installing something like that on private property. So I can’t help you
with the wood wall. Thank you. -- i'm going to verify what they did tomorrow, there is 2 huge trees on border and one our big tree branch went to their land i can't do it. the rest of border trees i cut off. then the final answear would be: thanks that would help a lot. |