城市徒步綠道 讓人們在繁忙生活中獲得放松愉悅 生活在夏日的中山 這幾條城市徒步綠道 值得漫步打卡 This list of lovely walking spots consists of the perfect places to take a leisurely weekend stroll in Zhongshan. Step out into summer on one of these green paths or nature trails where you can unwind, relax, and make the most of this beautiful weather.
Jinzhong Lake Park 壩下人行步道和環(huán)湖綠道 同時具有健身和濕地休閑體驗 一步一景,,身在其中 讓人不自覺地慢下來 People can stroll along the footpaths and greenways around the lake while admiring the beautiful wetland scenery in Jinzhong Lake Park. The park is also equipped with fitness facilities where guests can exercise.
Tianxin Forest Park 百花園、櫻花園 杜鵑園...... 美美的鮮花徒步道 帶你領(lǐng)略那溢出屏幕的迷人景色 Surround yourself in beautiful flowers and sweet scents during the hot days of summer at Tianxin Forest Park. You can take a leisurely stroll on the trails that meander through different flower gardens and feel at peace with beauty all around you.
Qi’ao Historic Trail 穿行在歷史遺跡中 徒步時可從樹木之間的縫隙極目遠(yuǎn)眺 風(fēng)景秀麗的中山盡收眼底 Explore the historic culture on a hike through the relics on the Qi’ao Historic Trail. It offers a panoramic view of the stunning scenery below.
Dajian Mountain Forest Park Hiking Trail 山上樹木茂密,、奇石秀水 登頂時油然而生一股 “會當(dāng)凌絕頂,、一覽眾山小”的豪邁 The Dajian Mountain Forest Park enchants its visitors with lush, dense vegetation, towering trees and bubbling streams. The scenery is always changing as you climb the hiking trail, and the spectacular view from the summit makes the difficult ascent worthwhile.
Tielu Mountain Forest Park 山上視野開闊 南可俯視珠海澳門,西可眺望中山神灣 大好河山盡收眼底 The top of Tielu Mountain offers sweeping views where you can see Zhuhai and Macao to the south and Shenwan town to the west.
Banfu town’s Xijiang River Dike 蟲鳴蛙聲 水杉林郁郁蔥蔥 水鳥不時掠過江面 清風(fēng)夾雜著浪花余音拂耳 沿路盡是舒適,、怡情的水田風(fēng)光 Weary souls will be replenished with the sounds of nature. Listen frogs, birds, and insects sing, feel the gentle breeze, and enjoy the sun's warmth on your skin. You’ll never get bored with the delightful paddy field scenery along the dike.
Changping Road in Cuiheng village, Nanlang town 面朝大海,,海風(fēng)拂面 眺望遠(yuǎn)處珠海的一線江景 暫時忘掉夏日的躁熱 和都市的喧囂 The road creates a perfect space for walking and jogging or watching the sun rise and set in a peaceful environment. Facing the sea, you see the beautiful scenery of Zhuhai in the distance.
Zhupai Wetland Park in Shenwan town 成群結(jié)隊的白鷺漫天飛舞 成為公園里的美麗奇觀 群鷺飛舞,美如夢境 The wetland park provides an excellent habitat for egrets. There are spectacular views at sunset as the flocks of egrets return from afar.
Waterside green path in Minzhong town 綠道沿線經(jīng)過眾多河涌,、果林,、 菜園、魚塘 一派濃濃的沙田水鄉(xiāng)氣息 You will pass by many rivers, fruit forests, vegetable gardens and fish ponds while walking along the green path, and leave with timeless memories of the beautiful landscapes.
Green path in Yakou village, Nanlang town 以紅樹林為生態(tài)走廊 能看到稻田,,也能看到海 沿海濱水+人文旅游是它的最大亮點 There is a mangrove forest that serves as the ecological corridor where you can see rice fields and the sea. It offers coastal fun as well as a spiritual escape.
中山山水之美 趁著周末假日 趕緊自己前去發(fā)現(xiàn)吧,! Go explore the beauty of Zhongshan!