譯:十方 既然你恥于否認自己并非不愛他人,, 何以對自己如此漫不經(jīng)心。 好,,只要你愿意,很多人都會對你傾情 而明顯是你對他們不曾動心,。 4 因為你心中有的是瘋狂與怨恨 竟毫不猶豫地謀害自身,。 你試圖毀掉美麗的屋頂, 實則修繕才是你的本分,。 8 哦,,改變你的想法,我的也會改變啊 難道恨比愛更值深紀,? 讓你的內(nèi)心變得仁慈和寬容些吧,, 至少給自己多一點善意。 12 如果真有愛,,就再創(chuàng)造一個你 好讓美借你們的容顏永遠傳遞,。 Sonnet 10 For shame deny that thou bear'st love to any, Who for thyself art so unprovident. Grant,if thou wilt,thou art beloved of many, But that thou none lov'st is most evidents; 4 For thou art so possessed with murd'rous hate That 'gainst thyself thou stick'st not to conspire, Seeking that beauteous roof to ruinate Which to repair should be thy chief desire. 8 O,change thy thought,that I may change my mind! Shall hate be fairer lodged than gentle love? Be as thy presence is,gracious and kind, Or to thyself at aleast kind-hearted prove. 12 Make thee another self for love of me, That beauty still may live in thine or thee. 十一 枯萎有多快,就有多快長成 在你留下的孩子身上,, 你的血脈,、青春, 潺潺流淌,。 4 那里滿是智慧,、美麗和生機, 沒有它,,便只剩愚蠢,、衰老和腐僵。 如若人人如此,時間將會停止,, 不出六十年,,世界便會消亡。 8 上天會令那些將其恩造吝藏的人 變得丑陋,、平庸,、粗暴,并絕其嗣,, 而將最好的恩賜給予他人,, 這些慷慨的饋贈怎不值你珍惜。 12 她似將你刻成了一枚印石,, 你應(yīng)一次次鈐下,,而非滅逝! Sonnet 11 As fast as thou shalt wane,so fast thou grow'st In one of thine from that which thou departest, And that fresh blood which youngly thou bestow'st Thou mayst call thine,when thou from youth convertest. 4 Herein lives wisdom,beauty,and increase; Without this,folly,age,and cold decay. If all were minded so,the times should cease, And threescore year would make the world away. 8 Let those whom nature hath not made for store, Harsh,featureless,and rude,barrenly perish. Look whom she best endowed she gave the more; Which bounteous gift thou shouldst in bounty cherish. 12 She carved thee for her seal,and meant thereby Thou shouldst print more,not let that copy die. |