VESSEL’S PARTICULAR Inspection When the sample water cock was shut and the oil content meter cannot take sample from the effluent of oily bilge separator, the 15PPM alarm was not activated . Neither was the bilge overboard automatic stopping device. DESCRIPTION :15PPM BILGE ALARM NOT ACTIVATE AND BILGE DISCHARGE NOT AUTOMATICS TOP WHEN SAMPLE WATER COCK BE CLOSED, WHICH RESULT IN OIL CONTENT METER CANNOT MONITOR THE EFFLUENT FROM 15PPM BILGE SEPARATOR. 17/70 Convention Reference MEPC.107(49):REVISED GUIDELINESAND SPECIFICATIONS FOR POLLUTION PREVENTION EQUIPMENT FOR MACHINERY SPACEBILGES OF SHIPS 6.2.2 The arrangement onboard ship for the extraction of samples from the 15 ppm Bilge Separator dischargeline to the 15 ppm Bilge Alarm should give a truly representative sample ofthe effluent with an adequate pressure and flow. 4.2.10 To avoid wilful manipulation of 15 ppm Bilge Alarms, the followingitems should be included: .1 every access of the 15 ppm Bilge Alarm beyond theessential requirements of paragraph 4.2.8 requires the breaking of a seal; and .2 the 15 ppm Bilge Alarm should be soconstructed that the alarm is always activated whenever clean water is used forcleaning or zeroing purposes. Rectification Discussion: ·The design of this type of oil meter sampling cock makes discharge violation possible in terms of oily water. ·RO should correctly comprehend requirement of convention andregulation, and eliminate any chance of non-conformity at the stage of designand planning. ·During inspection PSCO should look at if the function of OWS completely complies with convention requirements. |