

maftools : 總結(jié),、分析,、可視化

 頭頭了不起 2020-11-07




02 June, 2020

maftools : 總結(jié)、分析,、可視化 MAF文件maftools : 總結(jié),、分析、可視化 MAF文件

1 簡介


1.1 引用


Mayakonda A, Lin DC, Assenov Y, Plass C, Koeffler HP. 2018. Maftools: efficient and comprehensive analysis of somatic variants in cancer. Genome Resarch PMID: 30341162

2 構(gòu)建MAF文件

  • 對于VCF文件或簡單的表格文件,,簡單的選擇是使用vcf2maf軟件,,該軟件將對VCF進行注釋,確定記錄的優(yōu)先順序,,并生成MAF,。
  • 如果您使用ANNOVAR 進行變異注釋,maftools有一個很方便的函數(shù)annovarToMaf,,用于將注釋輸出轉(zhuǎn)換為MAF格式,。

3 MAF field 要求

MAF文件包含從染色體名稱到cosmic注釋的許多字段。然而,maftools中的大多數(shù)分析使用以下字段,。 - 必填字段: Hugo_Symbol, Chromosome, Start_Position, End_Position, Reference_Allele, Tumor_Seq_Allele2, Variant_Classification, Variant_Type and Tumor_Sample_Barcode. - 推薦的可選字段:包含VAF(變異等位基因頻率)和氨基酸變化信息的非MAF特定字段,。

有關(guān)MAF文件的完整規(guī)范,請參閱NCI GDC文檔頁面,。 本教程在TCGA LAML隊列1中的一個示例MAF文件上演示了maftools的用法和應(yīng)用,。

4 安裝

#  if (!require("BiocManager"))
#      install.packages("BiocManager")
#  BiocManager::install("maftools")

5 該R包概覽


6 讀取并初步探索maf文件

6.1 Required input files

  • MAF文件-可以.gz壓縮文件,,必需輸入文件,。
  • 與MAF中的每個樣本/Tumor_Sample_Barcode相關(guān)的可選但推薦的臨床數(shù)據(jù)。
  • 可選的copy number數(shù)據(jù)(如果可用),??梢允?code>GISTIC輸出格式,也可以是包含sample names, gene names 和 copy-number status (Amp or Del),。

6.2 Reading MAF files

read.maf函數(shù)讀取MAF文件,,以各種方式對其進行匯總,并將其存儲為MAF對象,。盡管MAF文件足夠獨立,,建議您在MAF中提供與示例相關(guān)聯(lián)的注釋文件。如果可用,,還可以集成拷貝數(shù)(copy number data)數(shù)據(jù),。

#path to TCGA LAML MAF file
laml.maf = system.file('extdata', 'tcga_laml.maf.gz', package = 'maftools') 
#clinical information containing survival information and histology. This is optional
laml.clin = system.file('extdata', 'tcga_laml_annot.tsv', package = 'maftools') 

laml = read.maf(maf = laml.maf, clinicalData = laml.clin)
#> -Reading
#> -Validating
#> -Silent variants: 475 
#> -Summarizing
#> -Processing clinical data
#> -Finished in 0.243s elapsed (0.869s cpu)

6.3 MAF 對象

匯總MAF文件存儲為MAF對象。MAF對象包含主MAF文件,、匯總數(shù)據(jù)和任何關(guān)聯(lián)的示例注釋,。 有一些訪問器方法可以從MAF對象訪問有用的slots。

#Typing laml shows basic summary of MAF file.
#> An object of class  MAF 
#>                    ID          summary  Mean Median
#>  1:        NCBI_Build               37    NA     NA
#>  2:            Center genome.wustl.edu    NA     NA
#>  3:           Samples              193    NA     NA
#>  4:            nGenes             1241    NA     NA
#>  5:   Frame_Shift_Del               52 0.271      0
#>  6:   Frame_Shift_Ins               91 0.474      0
#>  7:      In_Frame_Del               10 0.052      0
#>  8:      In_Frame_Ins               42 0.219      0
#>  9: Missense_Mutation             1342 6.990      7
#> 10: Nonsense_Mutation              103 0.536      0
#> 11:       Splice_Site               92 0.479      0
#> 12:             total             1732 9.021      9
#  #Shows sample summry.
#  getSampleSummary(laml)
#  #Shows gene summary.
#  getGeneSummary(laml)
#  #shows clinical data associated with samples
#  getClinicalData(laml)
#  #Shows all fields in MAF
#  getFields(laml)
#  #Writes maf summary to an output file with basename laml.
#  write.mafSummary(maf = laml, basename = 'laml')

7 可視化

7.1 Plotting MAF summary


plotmafSummary(maf = laml, rmOutlier = TRUE, addStat = 'median', dashboard = TRUE, titvRaw = FALSE)

7.2 Oncoplots瀑布圖

7.2.1 Drawing oncoplots


#oncoplot for top ten mutated genes.
oncoplot(maf = laml, top = 10)

注:標記為Multi_Hit的變異是指在同一樣本中發(fā)生多次突變的基因,。 有關(guān)自定義的更多詳細信息,請參閱自定義專題圖小節(jié),。

7.3 Oncostrip


oncostrip(maf = laml, genes = c('DNMT3A','NPM1', 'RUNX1'))


titv 函數(shù)將SNP分類為 Transitions and Transversions ,,并以各種方式返回匯總表的列表,。匯總的數(shù)據(jù)還可以可視化為顯示六個不同轉(zhuǎn)換的總體分布的boxplot圖,以及顯示每個樣本中的轉(zhuǎn)換分數(shù)的堆疊條形圖,。

laml.titv = titv(maf = laml, plot = FALSE, useSyn = TRUE)
#plot titv summary
plotTiTv(res = laml.titv)

7.5 Lollipop plots for amino acid changes


#lollipop plot for DNMT3A, which is one of the most frequent mutated gene in Leukemia.
lollipopPlot(maf = laml, gene = 'DNMT3A', AACol = 'Protein_Change', showMutationRate = TRUE)
#>      HGNC refseq.ID protein.ID aa.length
#> 1: DNMT3A NM_175629  NP_783328       912
#> 2: DNMT3A NM_022552  NP_072046       912
#> 3: DNMT3A NM_153759  NP_715640       723

請注意,lollipopPlot警告用戶針對給定基因的不同轉(zhuǎn)錄本的可用性,。如果我們事先知道轉(zhuǎn)錄本ID,,我們可以將其指定為refSeqIDprotein ID。默認情況下,,lollipopPlot使用較長的轉(zhuǎn)錄本,。

7.5.1 Labelling points


lollipopPlot(maf = laml, gene = 'DNMT3A', showDomainLabel = FALSE, labelPos = 882)
#>      HGNC refseq.ID protein.ID aa.length
#> 1: DNMT3A NM_175629  NP_783328       912
#> 2: DNMT3A NM_022552  NP_072046       912
#> 3: DNMT3A NM_153759  NP_715640       723

7.6 Rainfall plots

腫瘤基因組,,特別是實體瘤的特征是基因組位點具有局部性的超突變 5.這種超突變的基因組區(qū)域可以通過在線性基因組尺度上繪制變異間距離圖來可視化。這些地塊通常被稱為rainfallPlot,,我們可以使用rainfallPlot來繪制這樣的地塊,。如果detectChangePoints設(shè)置為TRUE,則rainfall plot還會亮顯事件間距離的潛在更改所在的區(qū)域,。

brca <- system.file("extdata", "brca.maf.gz", package = "maftools")
brca = read.maf(maf = brca, verbose = FALSE)
rainfallPlot(maf = brca, detectChangePoints = TRUE, pointSize = 0.6)
#>    Chromosome Start_Position End_Position nMuts Avg_intermutation_dist
#> 1:          8       98129391     98133560     6               833.8000
#> 2:          8       98398603     98403536     8               704.7143
#> 3:          8       98453111     98456466     8               479.2857
#> 4:          8      124090506    124096810    21               315.2000
#> 5:         12       97437934     97439705     6               354.2000
#> 6:         17       29332130     29336153     7               670.5000
#>    Size Tumor_Sample_Barcode C>G C>T
#> 1: 4169         TCGA-A8-A08B   4   2
#> 2: 4933         TCGA-A8-A08B   1   7
#> 3: 3355         TCGA-A8-A08B  NA   8
#> 4: 6304         TCGA-A8-A08B   1  20
#> 5: 1771         TCGA-A8-A08B   3   3
#> 6: 4023         TCGA-A8-A08B   4   3




laml.mutload = tcgaCompare(maf = laml, cohortName = 'Example-LAML')

7.8 Plotting VAF


plotVaf(maf = laml, vafCol = 'i_TumorVAF_WU')

7.9 Genecloud


geneCloud(input = laml, minMut = 3)

8 處理拷貝數(shù)數(shù)據(jù)


我們可以匯總GISTIC程序生成的輸出文件,。如前所述,我們需要GISTIC生成的四個文件,,即all_lesions.conf_XX.txt,、amp_genes.conf_XX.txtdel_genes.conf_XX.txtscores.gistic,,其中XX為置信度,。詳情見GISTIC documentation]。

all.lesions <- system.file("extdata", "all_lesions.conf_99.txt", package = "maftools")
amp.genes <- system.file("extdata", "amp_genes.conf_99.txt", package = "maftools")
del.genes <- system.file("extdata", "del_genes.conf_99.txt", package = "maftools")
scores.gis <- system.file("extdata", "scores.gistic", package = "maftools")

laml.gistic = readGistic(gisticAllLesionsFile = all.lesions, gisticAmpGenesFile = amp.genes, gisticDelGenesFile = del.genes, gisticScoresFile = scores.gis, isTCGA = TRUE)
#> -Processing Gistic files..
#> --Processing amp_genes.conf_99.txt
#> --Processing del_genes.conf_99.txt
#> --Processing scores.gistic
#> --Summarizing by samples

#GISTIC object
#> An object of class  GISTIC 
#>           ID summary
#> 1:   Samples     191
#> 2:    nGenes    2622
#> 3: cytoBands      16
#> 4:       Amp     388
#> 5:       Del   26481
#> 6:     total   26869

與MAF對象類似,,訪問GISTIC對象slots的方法有getSampleSummary,、getGeneSummarygetCytoBandSummary??梢允褂?code>write.Gistic Summary函數(shù)將匯總結(jié)果寫入輸出文件,。 ### 8.2可視化GISTIC結(jié)果。 有三種類型的曲線圖可用于可視化GISTIC結(jié)果,。


gisticChromPlot(gistic = laml.gistic, markBands = "all")

8.2.2 Bubble plot

gisticBubblePlot(gistic = laml.gistic)

8.2.3 oncoplot


gisticOncoPlot(gistic = laml.gistic, clinicalData = getClinicalData(x = laml), clinicalFeatures = 'FAB_classification', sortByAnnotation = TRUE, top = 10)

8.2.4 Visualizing CBS segments

tcga.ab.009.seg <- system.file("extdata", "TCGA.AB.3009.hg19.seg.txt", package = "maftools")
plotCBSsegments(cbsFile = tcga.ab.009.seg)

9 數(shù)據(jù)分析

9.1 體細胞突變互動

許多癌癥致病基因在其突變模式中是共生的或表現(xiàn)出很強的排他性,。這種互斥或共現(xiàn)的基因組可以使用somaticInteractions函數(shù)來檢測,,該函數(shù)執(zhí)行成對的費舍爾精確測試來檢測這種重要的基因?qū)Α?code>somaticInteractions函數(shù)還使用cometExactTest來識別涉及6中>2 個基因的潛在改變的基因組。

#exclusive/co-occurance event analysis on top 10 mutated genes. 
somaticInteractions(maf = laml, top = 25, pvalue = c(0.05, 0.1))
#>      gene1  gene2       pValue oddsRatio  00 11 01 10              Event
#>   1: ASXL1  RUNX1 0.0001541586 55.215541 176  4 12  1       Co_Occurence
#>   2:  IDH2  RUNX1 0.0002809928  9.590877 164  7  9 13       Co_Occurence
#>   3:  IDH2  ASXL1 0.0004030636 41.077327 172  4  1 16       Co_Occurence
#>   4:  FLT3   NPM1 0.0009929836  3.763161 125 17 16 35       Co_Occurence
#>   5:  SMC3 DNMT3A 0.0010451985 20.177713 144  6 42  1       Co_Occurence
#>  ---                                                                    
#> 296: PLCE1  ASXL1 1.0000000000  0.000000 184  0  5  4 Mutually_Exclusive
#> 297: RAD21  FAM5C 1.0000000000  0.000000 183  0  5  5 Mutually_Exclusive
#> 298: PLCE1  FAM5C 1.0000000000  0.000000 184  0  5  4 Mutually_Exclusive
#> 299: PLCE1  RAD21 1.0000000000  0.000000 184  0  5  4 Mutually_Exclusive
#> 300:  EZH2  PLCE1 1.0000000000  0.000000 186  0  4  3 Mutually_Exclusive
#>              pair event_ratio
#>   1: ASXL1, RUNX1        4/13
#>   2:  IDH2, RUNX1        7/22
#>   3:  ASXL1, IDH2        4/17
#>   4:   FLT3, NPM1       17/51
#>   5: DNMT3A, SMC3        6/43
#>  ---                         
#> 296: ASXL1, PLCE1         0/9
#> 297: FAM5C, RAD21        0/10
#> 298: FAM5C, PLCE1         0/9
#> 299: PLCE1, RAD21         0/9
#> 300:  EZH2, PLCE1         0/7

9.2 基于位置聚類的癌癥驅(qū)動基因檢測

maftools有一個名為oncodrive的函數(shù),,它可以從給定的MAF中識別癌癥基因(driver gene),。oncodrive是一個基于oncodriveCLUST算法的函數(shù),,最初是用Python語言實現(xiàn)的,。這一概念是基于這樣一個事實,即致癌基因中的大多數(shù)變異在少數(shù)幾個特定的位點(也就是熱點)上富集,。這種方法利用這些位置來識別癌癥基因,。如果您使用此函數(shù),請注明OncodriveCLUST article 7引用,。

laml.sig = oncodrive(maf = laml, AACol = 'Protein_Change', minMut = 5, pvalMethod = 'zscore')
#>    Hugo_Symbol Frame_Shift_Del Frame_Shift_Ins In_Frame_Del In_Frame_Ins
#> 1:        IDH1               0               0            0            0
#> 2:        IDH2               0               0            0            0
#> 3:        NPM1               0              33            0            0
#> 4:        NRAS               0               0            0            0
#> 5:       U2AF1               0               0            0            0
#> 6:         KIT               1               1            0            1
#>    Missense_Mutation Nonsense_Mutation Splice_Site total MutatedSamples
#> 1:                18                 0           0    18             18
#> 2:                20                 0           0    20             20
#> 3:                 1                 0           0    34             33
#> 4:                15                 0           0    15             15
#> 5:                 8                 0           0     8              8
#> 6:                 7                 0           0    10              8
#>    AlteredSamples clusters muts_in_clusters clusterScores protLen   zscore
#> 1:             18        1               18     1.0000000     414 5.546154
#> 2:             20        2               20     1.0000000     452 5.546154
#> 3:             33        2               32     0.9411765     294 5.093665
#> 4:             15        2               15     0.9218951     189 4.945347
#> 5:              8        1                7     0.8750000     240 4.584615
#> 6:              8        2                9     0.8500000     976 4.392308
#>            pval          fdr fract_muts_in_clusters
#> 1: 1.460110e-08 1.022077e-07              1.0000000
#> 2: 1.460110e-08 1.022077e-07              1.0000000
#> 3: 1.756034e-07 8.194826e-07              0.9411765
#> 4: 3.800413e-07 1.330144e-06              1.0000000
#> 5: 2.274114e-06 6.367520e-06              0.8750000
#> 6: 5.607691e-06 1.308461e-05              0.9000000


plotOncodrive(res = laml.sig, fdrCutOff = 0.1, useFraction = TRUE)

9.3 Adding and summarizing pfam domains

maftools附帶了函數(shù)pfamDomains,,該函數(shù)將pfam結(jié)構(gòu)域信息添加到氨基酸變化中。pnamDomain還根據(jù)受影響的結(jié)構(gòu)域匯總氨基酸變化,。這是為了知道在給定的癌癥隊列中,,哪個結(jié)構(gòu)域最容易受到影響。該函數(shù)的靈感來自于MuSic tool 8中的PFAM注釋模塊,。

laml.pfam = pfamDomains(maf = laml, AACol = 'Protein_Change', top = 10)
#> Warning in pfamDomains(maf = laml, AACol = "Protein_Change", top = 10):
#> Removed 50 mutations for which AA position was not available
#Protein summary (Printing first 7 columns for display convenience)
laml.pfam$proteinSummary[,1:7, with = FALSE]
#>         HGNC AAPos Variant_Classification  N total  fraction   DomainLabel
#>    1: DNMT3A   882      Missense_Mutation 27    54 0.5000000 AdoMet_MTases
#>    2:   IDH1   132      Missense_Mutation 18    18 1.0000000      PTZ00435
#>    3:   IDH2   140      Missense_Mutation 17    20 0.8500000      PTZ00435
#>    4:   FLT3   835      Missense_Mutation 14    52 0.2692308      PKc_like
#>    5:   FLT3   599           In_Frame_Ins 10    52 0.1923077      PKc_like
#>   ---                                                                     
#> 1512: ZNF646   875      Missense_Mutation  1     1 1.0000000          <NA>
#> 1513: ZNF687   554      Missense_Mutation  1     2 0.5000000          <NA>
#> 1514: ZNF687   363      Missense_Mutation  1     2 0.5000000          <NA>
#> 1515: ZNF75D     5      Missense_Mutation  1     1 1.0000000          <NA>
#> 1516: ZNF827   427        Frame_Shift_Del  1     1 1.0000000          <NA>
#Domain summary (Printing first 3 columns for display convenience)
laml.pfam$domainSummary[,1:3, with = FALSE]
#>        DomainLabel nMuts nGenes
#>   1:      PKc_like    55      5
#>   2:      PTZ00435    38      2
#>   3: AdoMet_MTases    33      1
#>   4:         7tm_1    24     24
#>   5:       COG5048    17     17
#>  ---                           
#> 499:    ribokinase     1      1
#> 500:   rim_protein     1      1
#> 501: sigpep_I_bact     1      1
#> 502:           trp     1      1
#> 503:        zf-BED     1      1


9.4 Pan-Cancer comparison


#MutsigCV results for TCGA-AML
laml.mutsig <- system.file("extdata", "LAML_sig_genes.txt.gz", package = "maftools")
pancanComparison(mutsigResults = laml.mutsig, qval = 0.1, cohortName = 'LAML', inputSampleSize = 200, label = 1)
#>       gene pancan            q nMut log_q_pancan     log_q
#>  1:  CEBPA  1.000 3.500301e-12   13   0.00000000 11.455895
#>  2:   EZH2  1.000 7.463546e-05    3   0.00000000  4.127055
#>  3: GIGYF2  1.000 6.378338e-03    2   0.00000000  2.195292
#>  4:    KIT  0.509 1.137517e-05    8   0.29328222  4.944042
#>  5:   PHF6  0.783 6.457555e-09    6   0.10623824  8.189932
#>  6: PTPN11  0.286 7.664584e-03    9   0.54363397  2.115511
#>  7:  RAD21  0.929 1.137517e-05    5   0.03198429  4.944042
#>  8:  SMC1A  0.801 2.961696e-03    6   0.09636748  2.528460
#>  9:   TET2  0.907 2.281625e-13   17   0.04239271 12.641756
#> 10:    WT1  1.000 2.281625e-13   12   0.00000000 12.641756
#>          gene   pancan            q nMut log_q_pancan    log_q
#>   1:   ACVR1B 6.11e-02 1.000000e+00    0     1.213959  0.00000
#>   2:     AKT1 2.68e-10 1.000000e+00    0     9.571865  0.00000
#>   3:      APC 1.36e-13 1.000000e+00    0    12.866461  0.00000
#>   4:    APOL2 7.96e-03 1.000000e+00    0     2.099087  0.00000
#>   5: ARHGAP35 2.32e-12 1.000000e+00    1    11.634512  0.00000
#>  ---                                                          
#> 120:    U2AF1 4.07e-08 4.503311e-13    8     7.390406 12.34647
#> 121:      VHL 2.32e-12 1.000000e+00    0    11.634512  0.00000
#> 122:      WT1 1.00e+00 2.281625e-13   12     0.000000 12.64176
#> 123:   ZNF180 8.60e-02 1.000000e+00    0     1.065502  0.00000
#> 124:   ZNF483 2.37e-02 1.000000e+00    0     1.625252  0.00000


生存分析是基于隊列的測序項目的重要組成部分,。函數(shù)mafSurvive根據(jù)用戶定義基因的突變狀態(tài)或手動提供的組成一組的樣本進行分組,,進行生存分析并繪制Kaplan Meier曲線。此函數(shù)要求輸入數(shù)據(jù)包含TOMOR_SAMPLE_BARCODE(請確保與MAF文件中的匹配),、二進制事件(1/0)和到達事件的時間,。 我們的注釋數(shù)據(jù)已經(jīng)包含生存信息,如果您將生存數(shù)據(jù)存儲在單獨的表中,,請通過參數(shù)clinicalData


#Survival analysis based on grouping of DNMT3A mutation status
mafSurvival(maf = laml, genes = 'DNMT3A', time = 'days_to_last_followup', Status = 'Overall_Survival_Status', isTCGA = TRUE)
#> DNMT3A 
#>     48 
#>     Group medianTime   N
#> 1: Mutant        245  45
#> 2:     WT        396 137

9.5.2 Predict genesets associated with survival


#Using top 20 mutated genes to identify a set of genes (of size 2) to predict poor prognostic groups
prog_geneset = survGroup(maf = laml, top = 20, geneSetSize = 2, time = "days_to_last_followup", Status = "Overall_Survival_Status", verbose = FALSE)

#>     Gene_combination P_value    hr  WT Mutant
#>  1:      FLT3_DNMT3A 0.00104 2.510 164     18
#>  2:      DNMT3A_SMC3 0.04880 2.220 176      6
#>  3:      DNMT3A_NPM1 0.07190 1.720 166     16
#>  4:      DNMT3A_TET2 0.19600 1.780 176      6
#>  5:        FLT3_TET2 0.20700 1.860 177      5
#>  6:        NPM1_IDH1 0.21900 0.495 176      6
#>  7:      DNMT3A_IDH1 0.29300 1.500 173      9
#>  8:       IDH2_RUNX1 0.31800 1.580 176      6
#>  9:        FLT3_NPM1 0.53600 1.210 165     17
#> 10:      DNMT3A_IDH2 0.68000 0.747 178      4
#> 11:      DNMT3A_NRAS 0.99200 0.986 178      4

以上結(jié)果顯示與生存不良相關(guān)的基因組合(N=2)(P < 0.05),。利用函數(shù)mafSurvGroup可以繪制上述結(jié)果的KM曲線

mafSurvGroup(maf = laml, geneSet = c("DNMT3A", "FLT3"), time = "days_to_last_followup", Status = "Overall_Survival_Status")
#>     Group medianTime   N
#> 1: Mutant      242.5  18
#> 2:     WT      379.5 164


癌癥在突變模式方面各不相同,。我們可以比較兩個不同的隊列來檢測這種差異突變的基因,。例如,Madan et. al 9的研究表明,,復(fù)發(fā)的急性早幼粒細胞白血病(APL)患者往往存在PML和RAR基因突變,,而這兩種基因在疾病的初發(fā)期是不存在的??梢允褂煤瘮?shù)mafComapre來檢測兩個隊列(在這種情況下是原發(fā)性和復(fù)發(fā)性APL)之間的這種差異,,該函數(shù)對兩個隊列之間的所有基因執(zhí)行Fisher測試,以檢測差異突變的基因,。

#Primary APL MAF
primary.apl = system.file("extdata", "APL_primary.maf.gz", package = "maftools")
primary.apl = read.maf(maf = primary.apl)
#Relapse APL MAF
relapse.apl = system.file("extdata", "APL_relapse.maf.gz", package = "maftools")
relapse.apl = read.maf(maf = relapse.apl)

9.6.1 Forest plots 森林圖

以上結(jié)果顯示兩個基因PML和RARA在復(fù)發(fā)性APL中較原發(fā)性APL高度突變,。我們可以將這些結(jié)果可視化為 forestplot森林圖

#Considering only genes which are mutated in at-least in 5 samples in one of the cohort to avoid bias due to genes mutated in single sample.
pt.vs.rt <- mafCompare(m1 = primary.apl, m2 = relapse.apl, m1Name = 'Primary', m2Name = 'Relapse', minMut = 5)
#> $results
#>    Hugo_Symbol Primary Relapse         pval         or       ci.up
#> 1:         PML       1      11 1.529935e-05 0.03537381   0.2552937
#> 2:        RARA       0       7 2.574810e-04 0.00000000   0.3006159
#> 3:       RUNX1       1       5 1.310500e-02 0.08740567   0.8076265
#> 4:        FLT3      26       4 1.812779e-02 3.56086275  14.7701728
#> 5:      ARID1B       5       8 2.758396e-02 0.26480490   0.9698686
#> 6:         WT1      20      14 2.229087e-01 0.60619329   1.4223101
#> 7:        KRAS       6       1 4.334067e-01 2.88486293 135.5393108
#> 8:        NRAS      15       4 4.353567e-01 1.85209500   8.0373994
#> 9:      ARID1A       7       4 7.457274e-01 0.80869223   3.9297309
#>         ci.low      adjPval
#> 1: 0.000806034 0.0001376942
#> 2: 0.000000000 0.0011586643
#> 3: 0.001813280 0.0393149868
#> 4: 1.149009169 0.0407875250
#> 5: 0.064804160 0.0496511201
#> 6: 0.263440988 0.3343630535
#> 7: 0.337679367 0.4897762916
#> 8: 0.553883512 0.4897762916
#> 9: 0.195710173 0.7457273717
#> $SampleSummary
#>     Cohort SampleSize
#> 1: Primary        124
#> 2: Relapse         58
forestPlot(mafCompareRes = pt.vs.rt, pVal = 0.1, color = c('royalblue', 'maroon'), geneFontSize = 0.8)

9.6.2 Co-onco plots


genes = c("PML", "RARA", "RUNX1", "ARID1B", "FLT3")
coOncoplot(m1 = primary.apl, m2 = relapse.apl, m1Name = 'PrimaryAPL', m2Name = 'RelapseAPL', genes = genes, removeNonMutated = TRUE)
#coBarplot(m1 = primary.apl, m2 = relapse.apl, m1Name = "Primary", m2Name = "Relapse")

9.6.3 Lollipop plot-2棒棒糖圖


lollipopPlot2(m1 = primary.apl, m2 = relapse.apl, gene = "PML", AACol1 = "amino_acid_change", AACol2 = "amino_acid_change", m1_name = "Primary", m2_name = "Relapse")

9.7 臨床富集分析


fab.ce = clinicalEnrichment(maf = laml, clinicalFeature = 'FAB_classification')
#> M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 
#> 19 44 44 21 39 19  3  3

#Results are returned as a list. Significant associations p-value < 0.05
fab.ce$groupwise_comparision[p_value < 0.05]
#>    Hugo_Symbol Group1 Group2 n_mutated_group1 n_mutated_group2
#> 1:        IDH1     M1   Rest         11 of 44         7 of 149
#> 2:        TP53     M7   Rest           3 of 3        12 of 190
#> 3:      DNMT3A     M5   Rest         10 of 19        38 of 174
#> 4:       CEBPA     M2   Rest          7 of 44         6 of 149
#> 5:       RUNX1     M0   Rest          5 of 19        11 of 174
#> 6:        NPM1     M5   Rest          7 of 19        26 of 174
#> 7:       CEBPA     M1   Rest          6 of 44         7 of 149
#>         p_value OR_low   OR_high       fdr
#> 1: 0.0002597371      0 0.3926994 0.0308575
#> 2: 0.0003857187      0 0.1315271 0.0308575
#> 3: 0.0057610493      0 0.6406007 0.3072560
#> 4: 0.0117352110      0 0.6874270 0.3757978
#> 5: 0.0117436825      0 0.6466787 0.3757978
#> 6: 0.0248582372      0 0.8342897 0.6628863
#> 7: 0.0478737468      0 0.9869971 1.0000000


plotEnrichmentResults(enrich_res = fab.ce, pVal = 0.05)

9.8 藥物與基因的相互作用


dgi = drugInteractions(maf = laml, fontSize = 0.75)


dnmt3a.dgi = drugInteractions(genes = "DNMT3A", drugs = TRUE)
#> Number of claimed drugs for given genes:
#>      Gene N
#> 1: DNMT3A 7
#Printing selected columns.
dnmt3a.dgi[,.(Gene, interaction_types, drug_name, drug_claim_name)]
#>      Gene interaction_types    drug_name drug_claim_name
#> 1: DNMT3A                                            N/A
#> 2: DNMT3A                   DAUNORUBICIN    Daunorubicin
#> 3: DNMT3A                     DECITABINE      Decitabine
#> 4: DNMT3A                     IDARUBICIN      IDARUBICIN
#> 5: DNMT3A                     DECITABINE      DECITABINE
#> 6: DNMT3A         inhibitor   DECITABINE   CHEMBL1201129
#> 7: DNMT3A         inhibitor  AZACITIDINE      CHEMBL1489

如果您認為此函數(shù)對你有用 10,,請引用DGIdb article,。 免責(zé)聲明:此功能中使用的資源僅用于研究目的。它不應(yīng)用于緊急情況或醫(yī)療或?qū)I(yè)建議,。,。


OncogenicPathways函數(shù)查看TCGA隊列中已知的致癌信號通路的富集情況 11

OncogenicPathways(maf = laml)
#>        Pathway  N n_affected_genes fraction_affected
#>  1:    RTK-RAS 85               18        0.21176471
#>  2:      Hippo 38                7        0.18421053
#>  3:      NOTCH 71                6        0.08450704
#>  4:        MYC 13                3        0.23076923
#>  5:        WNT 68                3        0.04411765
#>  6:       TP53  6                2        0.33333333
#>  7:       NRF2  3                1        0.33333333
#>  8:       PI3K 29                1        0.03448276
#>  9: Cell_Cycle 15                0        0.00000000
#> 10:   TGF-Beta  7                0        0.00000000


PlotOncogenicPathways(maf = laml, pathways = "RTK-RAS")


9.10 腫瘤異質(zhì)性與數(shù)學(xué)成績

9.10.1 腫瘤樣本的異質(zhì)性


#Heterogeneity in sample TCGA.AB.2972
tcga.ab.2972.het = inferHeterogeneity(maf = laml, tsb = 'TCGA-AB-2972', vafCol = 'i_TumorVAF_WU')
#>    Tumor_Sample_Barcode cluster   meanVaf
#> 1:         TCGA-AB-2972       2 0.4496571
#> 2:         TCGA-AB-2972       1 0.2454750
#> 3:         TCGA-AB-2972 outlier 0.3695000
#Visualizing results
plotClusters(clusters = tcga.ab.2972.het)

上圖清楚地顯示了兩個平均變異等位基因頻率為45%的克隆(主克隆)和另一個次要克隆的變異等位基因頻率為25%。 雖然變異等位基因頻率的聚類使我們對異質(zhì)性有了一個很好的認識,,但也可以用數(shù)值來衡量異質(zhì)性的程度,。MATH score(上圖中的副標題)是腫瘤內(nèi)異質(zhì)性的一種簡單的定量測量,它計算出VAF分布的寬度,。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),,較高的MATH scores 與較差的結(jié)果有關(guān)。MATH score也可以作為生存分析的代理變量-11.

9.10.2 忽略拷貝數(shù)更改區(qū)域的變異,。

我們可以使用拷貝數(shù)信息來忽略位于拷貝數(shù)改變區(qū)域的變異,??截悢?shù)改變會導(dǎo)致變異等位基因頻率異常高/低,這往往會影響聚類,。去除這些變異可以改進聚類和密度估計,,同時保留有生物學(xué)意義的結(jié)果??截悢?shù)信息可以作為從分割程序生成的分割文件來提供,,例如來自“DNACopy” Bioconductor package的圓形二進制分割的R包6

seg = system.file('extdata', 'TCGA.AB.3009.hg19.seg.txt', package = 'maftools')
tcga.ab.3009.het = inferHeterogeneity(maf = laml, tsb = 'TCGA-AB-3009', segFile = seg, vafCol = 'i_TumorVAF_WU')
#>    Hugo_Symbol Chromosome Start_Position End_Position Tumor_Sample_Barcode
#> 1:        PHF6         23      133551224    133551224         TCGA-AB-3009
#>        t_vaf Segment_Start Segment_End Segment_Mean CN
#> 1: 0.9349112            NA          NA           NA NA
#>    Hugo_Symbol Chromosome Start_Position End_Position Tumor_Sample_Barcode
#> 1:         NF1         17       29562981     29562981         TCGA-AB-3009
#> 2:       SUZ12         17       30293198     30293198         TCGA-AB-3009
#>        t_vaf Segment_Start Segment_End Segment_Mean       CN    cluster
#> 1: 0.8419000      29054355    30363868      -0.9157 1.060173 CN_altered
#> 2: 0.8958333      29054355    30363868      -0.9157 1.060173 CN_altered
#Visualizing results. Highlighting those variants on copynumber altered variants.
plotClusters(clusters = tcga.ab.3009.het, genes = 'CN_altered', showCNvars = TRUE)


9.11 突變Signatures

每一種癌癥,在進展過程中都會留下一個Signatures,,其Signatures是特定的核苷酸替換模式,。 Alexandrov et.al已經(jīng)顯示出這樣的突變signatures,源自5的7,000多個癌癥樣本,。這樣的signatures可以通過分解核苷酸替換矩陣來提取,,基于突變堿基周圍的直接堿基將其分類為96個替換類別。還可以將提取的signatures與那些signatures進行比較validated signatures,。 signatures分析的第一步是獲得突變堿基周圍的相鄰堿基,,并形成突變矩陣。


#Requires BSgenome object
library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19, quietly = TRUE)
laml.tnm = trinucleotideMatrix(maf = laml, prefix = 'chr', add = TRUE, ref_genome = "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19")
#> Warning in trinucleotideMatrix(maf = laml, prefix = "chr", add = TRUE, ref_genome = "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19"): Chromosome names in MAF must match chromosome names in reference genome.
#> Ignorinig 101 single nucleotide variants from missing chromosomes chr23
#> -Extracting 5' and 3' adjacent bases
#> -Extracting +/- 20bp around mutated bases for background C>T estimation
#> -Estimating APOBEC enrichment scores
#> --Performing one-way Fisher's test for APOBEC enrichment
#> ---APOBEC related mutations are enriched in  3.315 % of samples (APOBEC enrichment score > 2 ;  6  of  181  samples)
#> -Creating mutation matrix
#> --matrix of dimension 188x96

上述功能執(zhí)行兩個步驟: * 估計APOBEC富集分數(shù) * 為signature分析準備突變矩陣,。

9.11.1 APOBEC Enrichment estimation.

APOBEC誘導(dǎo)的突變在實體瘤中更為常見,,并且主要與TCW基序中發(fā)生的C>T轉(zhuǎn)換事件有關(guān)。上述命令中的APOBEC富集分數(shù)是使用Roberts et al 13描述的方法估計的,。簡而言之,,將發(fā)生在TCW基序內(nèi)的C>T突變富集在給定樣本中的所有C>T突變上,并將其與背景胞嘧啶和發(fā)生在突變堿基20bp內(nèi)的TCW進行比較,。



9.11.2 APOBEC富集與非富集的區(qū)別,。

我們還可以分析APOBEC富集型和非APOBEC富集型的突變模式的差異,,plotApobecDiff是一個函數(shù),它取trinucleotideMatrix估計的APOBEC富集值,,將樣本分為APOBEC富集型和非APOBEC富集型,。一旦分層,它就會比較這兩組人,以確定差異改變的基因,。 請注意,,沒有APOBEC富集的LAML不是此類分析的理想隊列,因此下面的圖表僅用于演示目的,。

plotApobecDiff(tnm = laml.tnm, maf = laml, pVal = 0.2)
#> $results
#>      Hugo_Symbol Enriched nonEnriched       pval        or      ci.up
#>   1:        TP53        2          13 0.08175632 5.9976455  46.608861
#>   2:        TET2        1          16 0.45739351 1.9407002  18.983979
#>   3:        FLT3        2          45 0.65523131 1.4081851  10.211621
#>   4:      DNMT3A        1          47 1.00000000 0.5335362   4.949499
#>   5:      ADAM11        0           2 1.00000000 0.0000000 164.191472
#>  ---                                                                 
#> 132:         WAC        0           2 1.00000000 0.0000000 164.191472
#> 133:         WT1        0          12 1.00000000 0.0000000  12.690862
#> 134:      ZBTB33        0           2 1.00000000 0.0000000 164.191472
#> 135:      ZC3H18        0           2 1.00000000 0.0000000 164.191472
#> 136:      ZNF687        0           2 1.00000000 0.0000000 164.191472
#>          ci.low adjPval
#>   1: 0.49875432       1
#>   2: 0.03882963       1
#>   3: 0.12341748       1
#>   4: 0.01101929       1
#>   5: 0.00000000       1
#>  ---                   
#> 132: 0.00000000       1
#> 133: 0.00000000       1
#> 134: 0.00000000       1
#> 135: 0.00000000       1
#> 136: 0.00000000       1
#> $SampleSummary
#>         Cohort SampleSize  Mean Median
#> 1:    Enriched          6 7.167    6.5
#> 2: nonEnriched        172 9.715    9.0

9.11.3 Signature分析,。

Signature分析包括以下步驟。 - 1.estimateSignatures -在一系列值上運行NMF,,并衡量擬合的好壞-以時間為單位Cophenetic correlation,。 - 2.plotCophenetic-繪制elblow圖,幫助您確定最佳Signature數(shù)量,。最佳可能的Signature是共生相關(guān)性顯著下降的值,。 - 3.ExtractSignaturesSignature-使用非負矩陣分解將矩陣分解為三個N個Signature,根據(jù)上述兩個步驟選擇N個Signature,。如果您已經(jīng)對N‘有了很好的估計,,您可以跳過以上兩步。 - 4.將上述步驟中提取的SignaturecompareSignatures與signatures[11](數(shù)據(jù)庫中已知的[COSMIC](https://cancer./cosmic/signatures/SBS/)簽名進行比對,,并計算余弦相似度,,確定最佳匹配。 - 5.plotSignatures`-plots signatures


#  library('NMF')
#  laml.sign = estimateSignatures(mat = laml.tnm, nTry = 6)


plotCophenetic(res = laml.sign)
#  laml.sig = extractSignatures(mat = laml.tnm, n = 3)

最佳可能值是y軸上的相關(guān)值顯著下降的值。在這種情況下,,它看起來是在n = 3,。LAML的突變率較低,不是特征分析的理想例子,,但對于突變負擔(dān)較高的實體腫瘤,,只要有足夠數(shù)量的樣本,就可以期待更多的特征,。 一旦估計了n,,我們就可以運行main函數(shù)了。


#Compate against original 30 signatures 
laml.og30.cosm = compareSignatures(nmfRes = laml.sig, sig_db = "legacy")
#Compate against updated version3 60 signatures 
laml.v3.cosm = compareSignatures(nmfRes = laml.sig, sig_db = "SBS")


pheatmap::pheatmap(mat = laml.og30.cosm$cosine_similarities, cluster_rows = FALSE, main = "cosine similarity against validated signatures")

Finally plot signatures

maftools::plotSignatures(nmfRes = laml.sig, title_size = 0.8, sig_db = "SBS")

注: - 1.如果您在運行extractSignatures時收到none of the packages are loaded的錯誤,,請手動加載NMF庫并重新運行,。 - 2.如果extractSignaturesestimateSignatures在兩者之間停止,則可能是因為矩陣中的突變計數(shù)較低,。在這種情況下,,重新運行pConstant參數(shù)設(shè)置為小正值(例如0.1)的函數(shù)。

9.11.4 Signature enrichment analysis


#  library("barplot3d")
#  #Visualize first signature
#  sig1 = laml.sig$signatures[,1]
#  barplot3d::legoplot3d(contextdata = sig1, labels = FALSE, scalexy = 0.01, sixcolors = "sanger", alpha = 0.5)
laml.se = signatureEnrichment(maf = laml, sig_res = laml.sig)
#> Signature_1 Signature_2 Signature_3 
#>          60          65          63


plotEnrichmentResults(enrich_res = laml.se, pVal = 0.05)

10 變異的注釋

10.1 將annovar注釋結(jié)果轉(zhuǎn)換為MAF

ANNOVAR是基因組學(xué)17中使用最廣泛的變異注釋工具之一,。ANNOVAR輸出通常是具有各種注釋列的表格格式。此函數(shù)用于將此類注解輸出文件轉(zhuǎn)換為MAF,。此函數(shù)要求在包含任何基于過濾或區(qū)域的注釋之前,,將基于基因的注釋作為第一個操作來運行注解。 例如,,

table_annovar.pl example/ex1.avinput humandb/ -buildver hg19 -out myanno -remove -protocol (refGene),cytoBand,dbnsfp30a -operation (g),r,f -nastring NA

annovarToMaf主要使用基于基因的注釋進行處理,,輸入文件中的其余注釋列將附加到生成的MAF的末尾。 作為示例,,我們將注釋上面用來運行oncotate函數(shù)的同一文件,。我們將使用以下命令使用Annovar對其進行注釋。為簡單起見,,這里我們只包含基于基因的注釋,,但是可以根據(jù)需要包含任意多的注釋。但是要確保第一個操作始終是基于基因的注釋,。

$perl table_annovar.pl variants.tsv ~/path/to/humandb/ -buildver hg19 
-out variants --otherinfo -remove -protocol ensGene -operation g -nastring NA


var.annovar = system.file("extdata", "variants.hg19_multianno.txt", package = "maftools")
var.annovar.maf = annovarToMaf(annovar = var.annovar, Center = 'CSI-NUS', refBuild = 'hg19', tsbCol = 'Tumor_Sample_Barcode', table = 'ensGene')
#> -Reading annovar files
#> -Processing Exonic variants
#> --Adding Variant_Classification
#> --Parsing aa-change
#> -Processing Non-exonic variants
#> --Adding Variant_Classification
#> -Adding Variant_Type
#> -Converting Ensemble Gene IDs into HGNC gene symbols
#> --Done. Original ensemble gene IDs are preserved under field name ens_id
#> Finished in 0.204s elapsed (0.778s cpu)

Annovar在用Ensemble作基因注釋源時,,使用ensemble gene IDs作為基因名稱,。在這種情況下,使用帶有參數(shù)tableannovarToMaf,,該參數(shù)設(shè)置為ensGene將ensemble gene IDs轉(zhuǎn)換為HGNC symbols,。

10.2 將ICGC簡單體細胞突變格式轉(zhuǎn)換為MAF。


#Read sample ICGC data for ESCA
esca.icgc <- system.file("extdata", "simple_somatic_mutation.open.ESCA-CN.sample.tsv.gz", package = "maftools")
esca.maf <- icgcSimpleMutationToMAF(icgc = esca.icgc, addHugoSymbol = TRUE)
#> --Removed 427 duplicated variants
#Printing first 16 columns for display convenience.
print(esca.maf[1:5,1:16, with = FALSE])
#>    Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id Center NCBI_Build Chromosome Start_Position
#> 1:  AC005237.4             NA     NA     GRCh37          2      241987787
#> 2:  AC061992.1            786     NA     GRCh37         17       76425382
#> 3:  AC097467.2             NA     NA     GRCh37          4      156294567
#> 4:    ADAMTS12             NA     NA     GRCh37          5       33684019
#> 5:  AL589642.1          54801     NA     GRCh37          9       32630154
#>    End_Position Strand Variant_Classification Variant_Type
#> 1:    241987787      +                 Intron          SNP
#> 2:     76425382      +                3'Flank          SNP
#> 3:    156294567      +                 Intron          SNP
#> 4:     33684019      +      Missense_Mutation          SNP
#> 5:     32630154      +                    RNA          SNP
#>    Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 dbSNP_RS
#> 1:                C                 C                 T       NA
#> 2:                C                 C                 T       NA
#> 3:                A                 A                 G       NA
#> 4:                A                 A                 C       NA
#> 5:                T                 T                 C       NA
#>    dbSNP_Val_Status Tumor_Sample_Barcode
#> 1:               NA             SA514619
#> 2:               NA             SA514619
#> 3:               NA             SA514619
#> 4:               NA             SA514619
#> 5:               NA             SA514619


10.3 準備MAF文件進行MutSigCV分析,。


#  laml.mutsig.corrected = prepareMutSig(maf = laml)
#  # Converting gene names for 1 variants from 1 genes
#  #    Hugo_Symbol MutSig_Synonym N
#  # 1:    ARHGAP35          GRLF1 1
#  # Original symbols are preserved under column OG_Hugo_Symbol.

11 設(shè)置操作

11.1 子集MAF


#Extract data for samples 'TCGA.AB.3009' and 'TCGA.AB.2933'  (Printing just 5 rows for display convenience)
subsetMaf(maf = laml, tsb = c('TCGA-AB-3009', 'TCGA-AB-2933'), mafObj = FALSE)[1:5]
#>    Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id           Center NCBI_Build Chromosome
#> 1:      ABCB11           8647 genome.wustl.edu         37          2
#> 2:       ACSS3          79611 genome.wustl.edu         37         12
#> 3:        ANK3            288 genome.wustl.edu         37         10
#> 4:       AP1G2           8906 genome.wustl.edu         37         14
#> 5:         ARC          23237 genome.wustl.edu         37          8
#>    Start_Position End_Position Strand Variant_Classification Variant_Type
#> 1:      169780250    169780250      +      Missense_Mutation          SNP
#> 2:       81536902     81536902      +      Missense_Mutation          SNP
#> 3:       61926581     61926581      +            Splice_Site          SNP
#> 4:       24033309     24033309      +      Missense_Mutation          SNP
#> 5:      143694874    143694874      +      Missense_Mutation          SNP
#>    Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2
#> 1:                G                 G                 A
#> 2:                C                 C                 T
#> 3:                C                 C                 A
#> 4:                C                 C                 T
#> 5:                C                 C                 G
#>    Tumor_Sample_Barcode Protein_Change i_TumorVAF_WU i_transcript_name
#> 1:         TCGA-AB-3009       p.A1283V      46.97218       NM_003742.2
#> 2:         TCGA-AB-3009        p.A266V      47.32510       NM_024560.2
#> 3:         TCGA-AB-3009                     43.99478       NM_020987.2
#> 4:         TCGA-AB-3009        p.R346Q      47.08000       NM_003917.2
#> 5:         TCGA-AB-3009        p.W253C      42.96435       NM_015193.3
##Same as above but return output as an MAF object (Default behaviour)
subsetMaf(maf = laml, tsb = c('TCGA-AB-3009', 'TCGA-AB-2933'))
#> An object of class  MAF 
#>                    ID          summary Mean Median
#>  1:        NCBI_Build               37   NA     NA
#>  2:            Center genome.wustl.edu   NA     NA
#>  3:           Samples                2   NA     NA
#>  4:            nGenes               34   NA     NA
#>  5:   Frame_Shift_Ins                5  2.5    2.5
#>  6:      In_Frame_Ins                1  0.5    0.5
#>  7: Missense_Mutation               26 13.0   13.0
#>  8: Nonsense_Mutation                2  1.0    1.0
#>  9:       Splice_Site                1  0.5    0.5
#> 10:             total               35 17.5   17.5


#Select all Splice_Site mutations from DNMT3A and NPM1
subsetMaf(maf = laml, genes = c('DNMT3A', 'NPM1'), mafObj = FALSE,query = "Variant_Classification == 'Splice_Site'")
#>    Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id           Center NCBI_Build Chromosome
#> 1:      DNMT3A           1788 genome.wustl.edu         37          2
#> 2:      DNMT3A           1788 genome.wustl.edu         37          2
#> 3:      DNMT3A           1788 genome.wustl.edu         37          2
#> 4:      DNMT3A           1788 genome.wustl.edu         37          2
#> 5:      DNMT3A           1788 genome.wustl.edu         37          2
#> 6:      DNMT3A           1788 genome.wustl.edu         37          2
#>    Start_Position End_Position Strand Variant_Classification Variant_Type
#> 1:       25459874     25459874      +            Splice_Site          SNP
#> 2:       25467208     25467208      +            Splice_Site          SNP
#> 3:       25467022     25467022      +            Splice_Site          SNP
#> 4:       25459803     25459803      +            Splice_Site          SNP
#> 5:       25464576     25464576      +            Splice_Site          SNP
#> 6:       25469029     25469029      +            Splice_Site          SNP
#>    Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2
#> 1:                C                 C                 G
#> 2:                C                 C                 T
#> 3:                A                 A                 G
#> 4:                A                 A                 C
#> 5:                C                 C                 A
#> 6:                C                 C                 A
#>    Tumor_Sample_Barcode Protein_Change i_TumorVAF_WU i_transcript_name
#> 1:         TCGA-AB-2818        p.R803S         36.84       NM_022552.3
#> 2:         TCGA-AB-2822                        62.96       NM_022552.3
#> 3:         TCGA-AB-2891                        34.78       NM_022552.3
#> 4:         TCGA-AB-2898                        46.43       NM_022552.3
#> 5:         TCGA-AB-2934        p.G646V         37.50       NM_022552.3
#> 6:         TCGA-AB-2968        p.E477*         40.00       NM_022552.3

#Same as above but include only 'i_transcript_name' column in the output
subsetMaf(maf = laml, genes = c('DNMT3A', 'NPM1'), mafObj = FALSE, query = "Variant_Classification == 'Splice_Site'", fields = 'i_transcript_name')
#>    Hugo_Symbol Chromosome Start_Position End_Position Reference_Allele
#> 1:      DNMT3A          2       25459874     25459874                C
#> 2:      DNMT3A          2       25467208     25467208                C
#> 3:      DNMT3A          2       25467022     25467022                A
#> 4:      DNMT3A          2       25459803     25459803                A
#> 5:      DNMT3A          2       25464576     25464576                C
#> 6:      DNMT3A          2       25469029     25469029                C
#>    Tumor_Seq_Allele2 Variant_Classification Variant_Type
#> 1:                 G            Splice_Site          SNP
#> 2:                 T            Splice_Site          SNP
#> 3:                 G            Splice_Site          SNP
#> 4:                 C            Splice_Site          SNP
#> 5:                 A            Splice_Site          SNP
#> 6:                 A            Splice_Site          SNP
#>    Tumor_Sample_Barcode i_transcript_name
#> 1:         TCGA-AB-2818       NM_022552.3
#> 2:         TCGA-AB-2822       NM_022552.3
#> 3:         TCGA-AB-2891       NM_022552.3
#> 4:         TCGA-AB-2898       NM_022552.3
#> 5:         TCGA-AB-2934       NM_022552.3
#> 6:         TCGA-AB-2968       NM_022552.3

11.1.2 Subsetting by clinical data


#Select all samples with FAB clasification M4 in clinical data 
laml_m4 = subsetMaf(maf = laml, clinQuery = "FAB_classification %in% 'M4'")

12 預(yù)編譯的TCGA MAF對象

還有一個R數(shù)據(jù)包,,其中包含來自TCGA Firehose和TCGA-MC3項目的預(yù)編譯TCGA MAF對象,對那些使用TCGA突變數(shù)據(jù)的人特別有幫助,。每個數(shù)據(jù)集都存儲為包含體細胞突變和臨床信息的MAF對象,。由于Bioconductor包裝尺寸的限制和其他困難,這份報告沒有提交給Bioconductor,。不過,,你仍然可以從GitHub下載TCGAmutations包。

#  devtools::install_github(repo = "PoisonAlien/TCGAmutations")

13 References

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  4. Alexandrov, L.B. et al. Signatures of mutational processes in human cancer. Nature 500, 415-21 (2013).
  5. Tamborero, D., Gonzalez-Perez, A. & Lopez-Bigas, N. OncodriveCLUST: exploiting the positional clustering of somatic mutations to identify cancer genes. Bioinformatics 29, 2238-44 (2013).
  6. Dees, N.D. et al. MuSiC: identifying mutational significance in cancer genomes. Genome Res 22, 1589-98 (2012).
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  15. Ramos, A.H. et al. Oncotator: cancer variant annotation tool. Hum Mutat 36, E2423-9 (2015).
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  17. Lawrence MS, Stojanov P, Polak P, Kryukov GV, Cibulskis K, Sivachenko A, Carter SL, Stewart C, Mermel CH, Roberts SA, et al: Mutational heterogeneity in cancer and the search for new cancer-associated genes. Nature 2013, 499:214-218.

14 Session Info

#> R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
#> Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
#> Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
#> LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
#> locale:
#> [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats4    parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
#> [8] methods   base     
#> other attached packages:
#>  [1] pheatmap_1.0.12                   doParallel_1.0.15                
#>  [3] iterators_1.0.12                  foreach_1.4.7                    
#>  [5] NMF_0.22.0                        Biobase_2.46.0                   
#>  [7] cluster_2.1.0                     rngtools_1.4                     
#>  [9] pkgmaker_0.27                     registry_0.5-1                   
#> [11] BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19_1.4.0 BSgenome_1.54.0                  
#> [13] rtracklayer_1.46.0                Biostrings_2.54.0                
#> [15] XVector_0.26.0                    GenomicRanges_1.38.0             
#> [17] GenomeInfoDb_1.22.0               IRanges_2.20.1                   
#> [19] S4Vectors_0.24.0                  BiocGenerics_0.32.0              
#> [21] maftools_2.2.10                  
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#>  [1] splines_3.6.1               R.utils_2.9.0              
#>  [3] assertthat_0.2.1            GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.2     
#>  [5] Rsamtools_2.2.3             yaml_2.2.0                 
#>  [7] pillar_1.4.2                lattice_0.20-38            
#>  [9] glue_1.3.1                  digest_0.6.23              
#> [11] RColorBrewer_1.1-2          colorspace_1.4-1           
#> [13] R.oo_1.23.0                 htmltools_0.4.0            
#> [15] Matrix_1.2-17               plyr_1.8.5                 
#> [17] XML_3.98-1.20               pkgconfig_2.0.3            
#> [19] bibtex_0.4.2                zlibbioc_1.32.0            
#> [21] purrr_0.3.3                 xtable_1.8-4               
#> [23] scales_1.1.0                BiocParallel_1.20.0        
#> [25] tibble_2.1.3                ggplot2_3.3.0              
#> [27] withr_2.1.2                 SummarizedExperiment_1.16.0
#> [29] survival_2.44-1.1           magrittr_1.5               
#> [31] crayon_1.3.4                mclust_5.4.5               
#> [33] evaluate_0.14               R.methodsS3_1.7.1          
#> [35] tools_3.6.1                 data.table_1.12.6          
#> [37] lifecycle_0.1.0             matrixStats_0.55.0         
#> [39] gridBase_0.4-7              stringr_1.4.0              
#> [41] munsell_0.5.0               DelayedArray_0.12.0        
#> [43] compiler_3.6.1              rlang_0.4.5                
#> [45] grid_3.6.1                  RCurl_1.95-4.12            
#> [47] bitops_1.0-6                rmarkdown_2.1              
#> [49] gtable_0.3.0                codetools_0.2-16           
#> [51] reshape2_1.4.3              R6_2.4.1                   
#> [53] GenomicAlignments_1.22.0    knitr_1.25                 
#> [55] dplyr_0.8.5                 stringi_1.4.3              
#> [57] Rcpp_1.0.3                  wordcloud_2.6              
#> [59] tidyselect_0.2.5            xfun_0.10


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