前言唐三彩是一種流行于唐代兩京地區(qū)的多彩低溫釉陶器,,20世紀初最早在洛陽邙山的唐墓中發(fā)現(xiàn),因其釉色以黃、綠、白三種顏色為主而得名。唐三彩是唐代陶工在漢魏單彩低溫釉陶的基礎(chǔ)上創(chuàng)燒的多彩釉陶新品系,呈現(xiàn)出的是一種瑰麗多姿,、光彩奪目的藝術(shù)效果,在唐代陶瓷發(fā)展中獨樹一幟,。洛陽唐三彩以高嶺土為原料,,胎質(zhì)潔白細膩、器類豐富,、造型優(yōu)美,、釉色艷麗,代表了中國多彩釉陶的發(fā)展高峰,。洛陽唐三彩主要發(fā)現(xiàn)于隋唐洛陽城的四郊,,時代多屬武則天至玄宗的盛唐時期,主要作為陪葬明器使用,。這些唐三彩包羅萬象,,絢麗斑斕,從不同維度再現(xiàn)了唐代東都洛陽地區(qū)豐富多彩,、欣欣向榮的社會生活圖景,,體現(xiàn)的是一種昂揚進取、開放多元的盛唐氣象。 英姿風發(fā)文武俑眉目機發(fā),,判若生人”,。三彩男俑的塑造蘊含著獨特的時代特征,文官俑一般溫文謙恭,,武士俑則剛毅威武,,其形象刻畫逼真,神態(tài)表達生動,。造型上的瞬間定格,,將每個人物的身份等級、性格特點和內(nèi)心情感淋漓盡致地展現(xiàn)出來,,神完氣足,栩栩如生,。 三彩文官俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of civil official 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618-907) 洛陽博物館藏 Collected in Luoyang Museum 三彩文官俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of civil official 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618- -907) 1981年洛陽市龍門煤礦出土 Excavated in Longmen, Luoyang, 1981 三彩文官俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of civil official 唐代(618-907) Tang Dynasty (618- -907) 1981年洛陽市龍門唐墓出土 Excavated from a Tang tomb in Longmen, Luoyang, 1381 三彩文官俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of civil official 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618 -907) 1970年洛陽市關(guān)林地質(zhì)隊出土 Excavated at Guanlin, Luoyang, 1970 三彩武官俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of military officer 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618 -907) 洛陽博物館藏 Collected in Luoyang Museum 三彩文官俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of civil official 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618-907) 洛陽博物館藏 Collected in Luoyang Museum 三彩文官俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of civil official 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618- -907) 1965年洛陽市關(guān)林配件廠出土 Excavated at Guanlin, Luoyang, 1965 三彩文官俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of civil official 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618- -907) 洛陽博物館藏 Collected in Luoyang Museum 三彩武士俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of warrior 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618-907) 1979年洛陽邙山徐村唐墓出土 Excavated from a Tang tomb at Xu village, Mangshan mountain, Luoyang, 1979 三彩武官俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of military officer 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618 -907) 洛陽博物館藏 Collected in Luoyang Museum 三彩武官俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of military officer 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618 -907) 洛陽博物館藏 Collected in Luoyang Museum 三彩武官俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of military officer 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618- -907) 1985年洛陽市石油一公司唐墓出土 Excavated from a Tang tomb in Luoyang, 1985 三彩武官俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of military officer 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618- -907) 洛陽市關(guān)林唐墓出土 Excavated from a Tang tomb at Guanlin, Luoyang 風姿綽約仕女俑“態(tài)濃意遠淑且真,,肌理細膩骨肉勻”,。女俑是唐三彩人物俑中最精彩,最具有想象力和生命力的作品。洛陽三彩女俑形象刻畫的惟妙惟肖,,高髻長裙,,面容豐腴,神態(tài)優(yōu)雅,,氣度高貴,,形體富有曲線變化,呈現(xiàn)出盛世華貴,,多姿多彩,,饒有生機的藝術(shù)特征,展現(xiàn)了唐朝女性所特有的開放,、尚新的時代風尚,。 三彩丫髻女俑 Tri-color glazed pottery female figurine with “Y”- shaped bun 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618- -907) 1981年洛陽市龍門安菩夫婦墓出土 Excavated from the combined tomb of General Anpu and his wife in Longmen, Luoyang, 1981 三彩半翻髻女俑 Tri-color glazed pottery female figurine in turn-over bun 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618- -907) 1965年洛陽關(guān)林59號唐墓出土 Excavated from a Tang tomb at Guanlin, Luoyang, 1965 三彩螺髻女俑 Tri-color glazed pottery female figurine with spiral-shaped bun 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618- -907) 1981年洛陽市龍門]安菩夫婦墓出土 Excavated from the combined tomb of General Anpu and his wife in Longmen, Luoyang, 1981 黃釉螺髻女侍俑 Yellow glazed pottery female figurine with spiral-shaped bun 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618- -907) 1981年洛陽市龍]安菩夫婦墓出土 Excavated from the combined tomb of General Anpu and his wife in Longmen, Luoyang, 1981 三彩丫髻女俑 Tri-color glazed pottery female figurine with“Y”- shaped bun 唐代(618-907) Tang Dynasty (618-907) 洛陽博物館藏 Collected in Luoyang Museum 三彩垂練髻女俑 Tri-color glazed pottery female figurine with double buns 唐代(618-907) Tang Dynasty(618- -907) 1972年洛陽市澗西谷水唐墓出土 Excavated from a Tang tomb at Gushui, Jianxi District, Luoyang, 1972 三彩螺髻女侍俑 Tri-color glazed pottery female figurine with spiral-shaped bun 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618-907) 1981年洛陽市龍]安菩夫婦墓出土 Excavated from the combined tomb of General Anpu and his wife in Longmen, Luoyang, 1981 三彩雙高髻女俑 Tri-color glazed pottery female figurine with double high bun 唐代 (618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618-907) 1965年洛陽關(guān)林59號唐墓出土 Excavated from a Tang tomb at Guanlin, Luoyang, 1965 黃釉螺髻女侍俑 Yellow glazed pottery female figurine with spiral-shaped bun 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty (618 -907) 1981年洛陽市龍門]安菩夫婦墓出土 Excavated from the combined tomb of General Anpu and his wife in Longmen, Luoyang, 1981 黃釉伶俑 Yellow glazed pottery figurine of performer 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618- -907) 1981年洛陽市龍門]安菩夫婦墓出土 Excavated from the combined tomb of General Anpu and his wife in Longmen, Luoyang, 1981 三彩拱手女俑 Tri-color glazed pottery female figurine making an obeisance 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618 -907) 1972年洛陽市澗西谷水唐墓出土 Excavated from a Tang tomb at Gushui, Jianxi District, Luoyang, 1972 三彩騎馬俑 Tri-color glazed pottery horse riding figurine 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618- -907) 1969年洛陽關(guān)林地質(zhì)隊唐墓出土 Excavated from a Tang tomb at Guanlin, Luoyang, 1969 三彩騎馬女俑 Tri-color glazed pottery female rider 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618- -907) 1981年洛陽市龍門安菩夫婦墓出土 Excavated from the combined tomb of General Anpu and his wife in Longmen, Luoyang, 1981 三彩騎馬女俑 Tri-color glazed pottery female rider 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618- -907) 洛陽博物館藏 Collected in Luoyang Museum 異域來客胡人是漢唐以來對新疆以西廣袤地區(qū)人種的泛稱,主要指今中亞,、西亞一帶的少數(shù)民族,。這些胡人一般深目高鼻、連鬢胡須,,具有明顯的印歐人種特征,。他們千里迢迢來到東都或定居或經(jīng)商,,成為名副其實的文化使者。洛陽發(fā)現(xiàn)的三彩胡俑一般伴隨著三彩駱駝或三彩馬出土,,傳遞出盛唐時期商旅駝群紛至沓來,、長途跋涉、穿越荒漠,、溝通中西的形象意境,。 三彩騎馬胡俑 Tri-color glazed pottery Hu figurine on horseback 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618-907) 1981年洛陽市龍門安菩夫婦墓出土 Excavated from the combined tomb of General Anpu and his wife in Longmen, Luoyang, 1981 黃釉胡俑 Yellow glazed pottery figurine of Hu people 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618 -907) 1972年洛陽澗西唐墓出土 Excavated from a Tang tomb at Jianxi District, Luoyang, 1972 三彩牽引胡俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of Hu people 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618-907) 洛陽博物館藏 Collected in Luoyang Museum 三彩牽引胡俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of Hu people 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618 -907) 洛陽市關(guān)林唐墓出土 Excavated from a Tang tomb at Guanlin, Luoyang 三彩風帽男立俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of standing man wearing a cowl-like hat 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618-907) 洛陽博物館藏 Collected in Luoyang Museum 三彩牽引胡俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of Hu people 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618-907) 洛陽博物館藏 Collected in Luoyang Museum 三彩牽引胡俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of Hu people 唐代(618-907) Tang Dynasty(618- -907) 1984年洛陽伊川唐墓出土 Excavated from a Tang tomb in Yichuan, Luoyang, 1984 絲路印記唐代秉持開放、包容的國策,,聞名于世的絲綢之路在這一時期達到鼎盛,。洛陽作為唐代的東都和女皇武則天武周政權(quán)的神都,許多外國使節(jié),、留學生,、僧侶及客商紛紛云集于此。洛陽地區(qū)出土的大量三彩胡人俑,、三彩駱駝,、三彩馬以及異域風格的三彩器皿等,真實生動地再現(xiàn)了盛唐時期洛陽作為絲綢之路東方起點商貿(mào)繁榮,、胡漢交融的盛景,。 三彩駱駝 Tri-color glazed pottery camel 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618-907) 1972年洛陽市澗西谷水唐墓出土 Excavated from a Tang tomb at Gushui, Jianxi District, Luoyang, 1972 三彩牽引胡俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of Hu people 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618-907) 洛陽博物館藏 Collected in Luoyang Museum 三彩駱駝 Tri-color glazed pottery camel 唐代(618-907) Tang Dynasty(618 -907) 洛陽博物館藏 Collected in Luoyang Museum 三彩駱駝 Tri-color glazed pottery camel 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618-907) 1982年洛陽市邙山徐村出土 Excavated from a Tang tomb at Xu village, Mangshan mountain, Luoyang, 1982 三彩牽引胡俑 Tri-color glazed pottery figurine of Hu people 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618- -907) 洛陽博物館藏 Collected in Luoyang Museum 三彩駱駝 Tri-color glazed pottery camel 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618- -907) 洛陽博物館藏 Collected in Luoyang Museum 三彩駱駝 Tri-color glazed pottery camel 唐代(618-907 ) Tang Dynasty(618-907) 1971年洛陽市關(guān)林唐墓出土 Excavated from a Tang tomb at Guanlin, Luoyang, 1971 |