Knowing when and how to gather optimizer statistics has become somewhat of dark art especially in a data warehouse environment where statistics maintenance can be hindered by the fact that as the data set increases the time it takes to gather statistics will also increase. By default the DBMS_STATS packages will gather global (table level), partition level, and sub-partition statistics for each of the tables in the database. The only exception to this is if you have hash sub-partitions. Hash sub-partitions do not need statistics, as the optimizer can accurately derive any necessary statistics from the partition level statistic because the hash partitions are all approximately the same size due to linear hashing algorithm. The optimizer will use global or table level statistics if one or more of your queries touches two or more partitions. The optimizer will use partition level statistics if your queries do partition elimination, such that only one partition is necessary to answer each query. If your queries touch two or more partitions the optimizer will use a combination of global and partition level statistics. The optimizer will user sub-partition level statistics if your queries do partition elimination, such that only one sub-partition is necessary. If your queries touch two more sub-partitions the optimizer will use a combination of sub-partition and partition level statistics. SQL> exec dbms_stats.set_table_prefs('SH', 'SALES', 'INCREMENTAL', 'TRUE'); SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats( Owname=>'SH', Tabname=>'SALES', Partname=>'23_MAY_2008', Granularity=>'AUTO'); Incremental Global Stats works by storing a synopsis for each partition in the table. A synopsis is statistical metadata for that partition and the columns in the partition. Each synopsis is stored in the SYSAUX tablespace and takes approximately 10KB. Global statistics are generated by aggregating the synopses from each partition, thus eliminating the need for the full table scan (see Figure below). When a new partition is added to the table you only need to gather statistics for the new partition. The global statistics will be automatically updated by aggregating the new partition synopsis with the existing partitions synopsis. But what if you are not using Oracle Database 11g and you can't afford to gather partition level statistic (not to mention global statistics) after data is loaded? In Oracle Database 10g ( you can use the DBMS_STATS.COPY_TABLE_STATS procedure. This procedure enables you to copy statistics from an existing [sub] partition to the new [sub] partition and will adjust statistics to account for the additional partition of data (for example the number of blks, number of rows). It sets the new partition's high bound partitioning value as the maximum value of the first partitioning column and high bound partitioning value of the previous partition as the minimum value of the first partitioning column for a range partitioned table. For a list-partitioned table it will find the maximum and minimum from the list of values. SQL>exec dbms_stats.copy_table_stats('sh','sales','sales_q3_2000','sales_q44_2000', force=>TRUE); When should you gather Statistics? More information on Incremental Global Statistics or the copy table statistics procedure can be found on the Optimizer developers blog. |