觸痛點,,又稱激發(fā)點,,類似中醫(yī)針灸里講的阿是穴。往往是肌腱末端慢性勞損或急性損傷引起。如果刺激到周圍的神經,,則疼痛或麻木感可沿神經擴散,。局部封閉很適合用于治療這種情況。往往在不知不覺中,,疼痛就消失了,。 警告:請在有WIFI的場所觀看視頻,土豪請隨意,。 A Patient's Guide To Trigger Point 觸痛點病人指南 A trigger point is a small area in the muscle that can be extremely painful. Over exertion, injury, and muscle tension are common causes of the trigger point. 觸痛點是肌肉上極其疼痛的的一小塊區(qū)域,,往往是由于過勞,損傷及肌肉緊張等原因引起,。 Normally, your muscles contract and relax whenever you move. If a muscle does not relax completely, a very tight band of muscle fibers can form a trigger point, causing extreme pain and tenderness. If the surrounding nerves are irritated, the pain can spread to nearby areas. 正常情況下,,當我們活動時,肌肉會收縮和放松,。如果肌肉沒有完全放松,,一束特別緊張的肌纖維就會形成觸痛點,引起極度疼痛和壓痛,。如果周圍的神經受到激惹,,疼痛會擴散到周圍區(qū)域。 Trigger point injections deliver local anesthetic, sometimes combine with steroid medication, directly to the trigger point to inactivate and provide prompt relief. You can receive the short procedure at your doctor's office. Physical therapy treatment aimed at pain relief and muscle stretching often follow the procedure. And before you know it, you will be back to favorite activities. 觸痛點注射將局麻藥(有點聯合激素類藥物)直接注射到觸痛點,,以消除敏感性,,快速緩解癥狀。這個簡短的治療可以在醫(yī)生的辦公室內完成,。隨后往往進行以緩解疼痛和伸展肌肉為目的的物理治療,。在不知不覺中,您就又可以參加平時喜歡的活動了,。 (胡佰文 聽譯) 精彩視頻魅力無限,,收藏轉發(fā)一起分享 您的每一次打開,都會有精彩的內容 您的每一次留言,,都會有滿意的答復 您的每一次點贊,,都是對我們的肯定 您的每一次分享,都是對我們的鼓勵 世界多姿多彩 感謝有您相伴 本公眾號今后推送的文章關閉贊賞功能 如果覺得文章不錯,,您可以選擇: 1.為作者點個贊 2.點擊下方的廣告 |