這首《天仙子》是宋朝詞人張先的享譽之作,。這首詞通過惜春傷春情緒的描寫,感嘆年華易逝和孤獨寂寞的處境,。全詞將作者慨嘆年老位卑,、前途渺茫之情與暮春之景有機地交融在一起,曲調沉郁傷感,,情蘊景中,,用語精準,工于鍛煉字句,,體現(xiàn)了張詞的藝術特色,。其中“云破月來花弄影”是千古傳誦的名句。趙彥春教授的譯文從音形義三方面對這首詞進行了完美還原,,中間八句一韻到底,,讀來怎一“美”字了得! 作者:張先(宋) 英譯:趙彥春 朗誦:孔皓,、梁曉暉 天仙子 水調數(shù)聲持酒聽。 午醉醒來愁未醒,。 送春春去幾時回,。 臨晚鏡。 傷流景,。 往事后期空記省,。 云破月來花弄影。 重重簾幕密遮燈,, 風不定,。 人初靜。 明日落紅應滿徑,。 The Flower Fairy The water tune rings around my wine cup. At noon, still laden with care, I wake up. Spring off, when can spring birds come back to cheep? To the mirror I peep. O’er the scenes gone I weep. In my memory I can but them keep. The two mandarin ducks on the sand sleep. The clouds cast their shade to the blooms to creep. The twin drapes hide the light, no light can seep, The wind does there sweep. I cannot sit down. Morrow, fallen blossoms would the trail drown. 按二維碼 關注我們吧,! 語言與翻譯微信公眾平臺已推送相關文章鏈接: |