SQL Server 連接池 (ADO.NET)SQL Server Connection Pooling (ADO.NET)連接到數(shù)據(jù)庫服務器通常由幾個需要很長時間的步驟組成,。Connecting to a database server typically consists of several time-consuming steps. 必須建立物理通道(例如套接字或命名管道),,必須與服務器進行初次握手,必須分析連接字符串信息,,必須由服務器對連接進行身份驗證,,必須運行檢查以便在當前事務中登記,等等,。A physical channel such as a socket or a named pipe must be established, the initial handshake with the server must occur, the connection string information must be parsed, the connection must be authenticated by the server, checks must be run for enlisting in the current transaction, and so on. 實際上,,大多數(shù)應用程序僅使用一個或幾個不同的連接配置。In practice, most applications use only one or a few different configurations for connections. 這意味著在執(zhí)行應用程序期間,,許多相同的連接將反復地打開和關閉,。This means that during application execution, many identical connections will be repeatedly opened and closed. 若要打開的連接,成本降至最低ADO.NETADO.NET使用名為的優(yōu)化方法連接池,。To minimize the cost of opening connections, ADO.NETADO.NET uses an optimization technique called connection pooling. 連接池使新連接必須打開的次數(shù)得以減少,。Connection pooling reduces the number of times that new connections must be opened. 池進程保持物理連接的所有權。The pooler maintains ownership of the physical connection. 通過為每個給定的連接配置保留一組活動連接來管理連接,。It manages connections by keeping alive a set of active connections for each given connection configuration. 每當用戶在連接上調用 只有配置相同的連接可以建立池連接,。Only connections with the same configuration can be pooled. ADO.NETADO.NET 同時保留多個池,每種配置各一個,。 keeps several pools at the same time, one for each configuration. 在使用集成的安全性時,,連接按照連接字符串以及 Windows 標識分到多個池中。Connections are separated into pools by connection string, and by Windows identity when integrated security is used. 還根據(jù)連接是否已在事務中登記來建立池連接,。Connections are also pooled based on whether they are enlisted in a transaction. 在使用 ChangePassword 時,,SqlCredential 實例影響連接池。When using ChangePassword, the SqlCredential instance affects the connection pool. SqlCredential 的不同實例將使用不同的連接池,,即使用戶 ID 和密碼相,,也是如此。Different instances of SqlCredential will use different connection pools, even if the user ID and password are the same. 池連接可以顯著提高應用程序的性能和可縮放性,。Pooling connections can significantly enhance the performance and scalability of your application. 默認情況下,,在 ADO.NETADO.NET 中啟用連接池。By default, connection pooling is enabled in ADO.NETADO.NET. 除非顯式禁用,,否則,,在應用程序中打開和關閉連接時,池進程會對連接進行優(yōu)化,。Unless you explicitly disable it, the pooler optimizes the connections as they are opened and closed in your application. 還可以提供幾個連接字符串修飾符來控制連接池的行為,。You can also supply several connection string modifiers to control connection pooling behavior. 有關更多信息,請參見本主題后面的“使用連接字符串關鍵字控制連接池”,。For more information, see 'Controlling Connection Pooling with Connection String Keywords' later in this topic. 備注 啟用連接池后,,如果發(fā)生超時錯誤或其他登錄錯誤,則將引發(fā)異常,,并且在接下來的五秒內進行的后續(xù)連接嘗試將失敗,,此段時間稱為“阻塞期”。When connection pooling is enabled, and if a timeout error or other login error occurs, an exception will be thrown and subsequent connection attempts will fail for the next five seconds, the 'blocking period'. 如果應用程序嘗試在阻塞期內進行連接,,則將再次引發(fā)第一個異常,。If the application attempts to connect within the blocking period, the first exception will be thrown again. 阻塞期結束后的后續(xù)失敗將導致新的阻塞期,該阻塞期的持續(xù)時間是上一個阻塞期的兩倍,,最長為一分鐘,。Subsequent failures after a blocking period ends will result in a new blocking periods that is twice as long as the previous blocking period, up to a maximum of one minute. 池的創(chuàng)建和分配Pool Creation and Assignment在初次打開連接時,將根據(jù)完全匹配算法創(chuàng)建連接池,該算法將池與連接中的連接字符串關聯(lián),。When a connection is first opened, a connection pool is created based on an exact matching algorithm that associates the pool with the connection string in the connection. 每個連接池都與一個不同的連接字符串相關聯(lián),。Each connection pool is associated with a distinct connection string. 打開新連接時,如果連接字符串并非與現(xiàn)有池完全匹配,,將創(chuàng)建一個新池,。When a new connection is opened, if the connection string is not an exact match to an existing pool, a new pool is created. 按進程、應用程序域,、連接字符串以及 Windows 標識(在使用集成的安全性時)來建立池連接,。Connections are pooled per process, per application domain, per connection string and when integrated security is used, per Windows identity. 連接字符串還必須是完全匹配的;按不同順序為同一連接提供的關鍵字將分到單獨的池中,。Connection strings must also be an exact match; keywords supplied in a different order for the same connection will be pooled separately. 在以下 C# 示例中創(chuàng)建了三個新的 SqlConnection 對象,,但是管理時只需要兩個連接池,。In the following C# example, three new SqlConnection objects are created, but only two connection pools are required to manage them. 注意,,根據(jù)為 using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( 'Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind')) { connection.Open(); // Pool A is created. } using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( 'Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=pubs')) { connection.Open(); // Pool B is created because the connection strings differ. } using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( 'Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind')) { connection.Open(); // The connection string matches pool A. } 如果 備注 當出現(xiàn)故障轉移等錯誤時,會自動清除池,。The pool is automatically cleared when a fatal error occurs, such as a failover. 添加連接Adding Connections連接池是為每個唯一的連接字符串創(chuàng)建的,。A connection pool is created for each unique connection string. 當創(chuàng)建一個池后,將創(chuàng)建多個連接對象并將其添加到該池中,,以滿足最小池大小的要求,。When a pool is created, multiple connection objects are created and added to the pool so that the minimum pool size requirement is satisfied. 連接根據(jù)需要添加到池中,但是不能超過指定的最大池大?。J值為 100),。Connections are added to the pool as needed, up to the maximum pool size specified (100 is the default). 連接在關閉或斷開時釋放回池中。Connections are released back into the pool when they are closed or disposed. 在請求 SqlConnection 對象時,,如果存在可用的連接,,將從池中獲取該對象。When a SqlConnection object is requested, it is obtained from the pool if a usable connection is available. 連接要可用,,必須未使用,,具有匹配的事務上下文或未與任何事務上下文關聯(lián),并且具有與服務器的有效鏈接。To be usable, a connection must be unused, have a matching transaction context or be unassociated with any transaction context, and have a valid link to the server. 連接池進程通過在連接釋放回池中時重新分配連接,,來滿足這些連接請求,。The connection pooler satisfies requests for connections by reallocating connections as they are released back into the pool. 如果已達到最大池大小且不存在可用的連接,則該請求將會排隊,。If the maximum pool size has been reached and no usable connection is available, the request is queued. 然后,,池進程嘗試重新建立任何連接,直至到達超時時間(默認值為 15 秒),。The pooler then tries to reclaim any connections until the time-out is reached (the default is 15 seconds). 如果池進程在連接超時之前無法滿足請求,,將引發(fā)異常。If the pooler cannot satisfy the request before the connection times out, an exception is thrown. 小心 我們強烈建議您在使用完連接時一定要關閉連接,,以便連接可以返回池,。We strongly recommend that you always close the connection when you are finished using it so that the connection will be returned to the pool. 你可以使用任一 備注 不要在類的 有關打開和關閉連接與關聯(lián)的事件的詳細信息,,請參閱Audit Login Event Class并Audit Logout Event Class SQL Server 文檔中。For more info about the events associated with opening and closing connections, see Audit Login Event Class and Audit Logout Event Class in the SQL Server documentation. 移除連接Removing Connections如果空閑時間達到大約 4-8 分鐘,,或池進程檢測到與服務器的連接已斷開,,連接池進程會將該連接從池中移除。The connection pooler removes a connection from the pool after it has been idle for approximately 4-8 minutes, or if the pooler detects that the connection with the server has been severed. 注意,,只有在嘗試與服務器進行通信之后才能檢測到斷開的連接,。Note that a severed connection can be detected only after attempting to communicate with the server. 如果發(fā)現(xiàn)某連接不再連接到服務器,則會將其標記為無效,。If a connection is found that is no longer connected to the server, it is marked as invalid. 無效連接只有在關閉或重新建立后,,才會從連接池中移除。Invalid connections are removed from the connection pool only when they are closed or reclaimed. 如果存在一個與已消失的服務器的連接,,即使連接池進程尚未檢測到斷開的連接,,也可以從池中取出此連接并將連接標記為無效,。If a connection exists to a server that has disappeared, this connection can be drawn from the pool even if the connection pooler has not detected the severed connection and marked it as invalid. 這種情況是因為檢查連接是否仍有效的系統(tǒng)開銷將造成與服務器的另一次往返,從而抵消了池進程的優(yōu)勢,。This is the case because the overhead of checking that the connection is still valid would eliminate the benefits of having a pooler by causing another round trip to the server to occur. 發(fā)生此情況時,,初次嘗試使用該連接將檢測連接是否曾斷開,并引發(fā)異常,。When this occurs, the first attempt to use the connection will detect that the connection has been severed, and an exception is thrown. 清除池Clearing the Pool ADO.NETADO.NET 2.0 引入了兩種新的方法來清除池:ClearAllPools 和 ClearPool,。 2.0 introduced two new methods to clear the pool: ClearAllPools and ClearPool. 事務支持Transaction Support 連接是根據(jù)事務上下文來從池中取出并進行分配的,。Connections are drawn from the pool and assigned based on transaction context. 除非在連接字符串中指定了 當連接關閉時,,它將被釋放回池中,,并根據(jù)其事務上下文放入相應的子部分。When a connection is closed, it is released back into the pool and into the appropriate subdivision based on its transaction context. 因此,,即使分布式事務仍然掛起,,仍可以關閉該連接而不會生成錯誤。Therefore, you can close the connection without generating an error, even though a distributed transaction is still pending. 這樣,,您就可以在之后提交或中止分布式事務,。This allows you to commit or abort the distributed transaction later. 使用連接字符串關鍵字控制連接池Controlling Connection Pooling with Connection String Keywords 池碎片Pool Fragmentation池碎片是許多 Web 應用程序中的一個常見問題,,應用程序可能會創(chuàng)建大量在進程退出后才會釋放的池,。Pool fragmentation is a common problem in many Web applications where the application can create a large number of pools that are not freed until the process exits. 這樣,將打開大量的連接,占用許多內存,,從而導致性能降低,。This leaves a large number of connections open and consuming memory, which results in poor performance. 因為集成安全性產生的池碎片Pool Fragmentation Due to Integrated Security連接根據(jù)連接字符串以及用戶標識來建立池連接。Connections are pooled according to the connection string plus the user identity. 因此,,如果使用網(wǎng)站上的基本身份驗證或 Windows 身份驗證以及集成的安全登錄,,每個用戶將獲得一個池。Therefore, if you use Basic authentication or Windows Authentication on the Web site and an integrated security login, you get one pool per user. 盡管這樣可以提高單個用戶的后續(xù)數(shù)據(jù)庫請求的性能,,但是該用戶無法利用其他用戶建立的連接,。Although this improves the performance of subsequent database requests for a single user, that user cannot take advantage of connections made by other users. 這樣還使每個用戶至少產生一個與數(shù)據(jù)庫服務器的連接。It also results in at least one connection per user to the database server. 這對特定 Web 應用程序結構會產生副作用,,因為開發(fā)人員必須衡量安全性和審計要求,。This is a side effect of a particular Web application architecture that developers must weigh against security and auditing requirements. 因為許多數(shù)據(jù)庫產生的池碎片Pool Fragmentation Due to Many Databases許多 Internet 服務提供商在一臺服務器上托管多個網(wǎng)站。Many Internet service providers host several Web sites on a single server. 他們可能使用單個數(shù)據(jù)庫確認窗體身份驗證登錄,,然后為該用戶或用戶組打開與特定數(shù)據(jù)庫的連接,。They may use a single database to confirm a Forms authentication login and then open a connection to a specific database for that user or group of users. 與身份驗證數(shù)據(jù)庫的連接將建立池連接,供每個用戶使用,。The connection to the authentication database is pooled and used by everyone. 但是,,每個數(shù)據(jù)庫的連接存在一個獨立的池,這會增加與服務器的連接數(shù),。However, there is a separate pool of connections to each database, which increase the number of connections to the server. 這也會對應用程序設計產生副作用,。This is also a side-effect of the application design. 但是,可以通過一個相對簡單的方式避免此副作用,,而又不會影響連接 SQL Server 時的安全性,。There is a relatively simple way to avoid this side effect without compromising security when you connect to SQL Server. 連接到服務器上的相同數(shù)據(jù)庫而不是為每個用戶或組連接到單獨的數(shù)據(jù)庫,然后執(zhí)行 Transact-SQLTransact-SQL USE 語句來切換到所需數(shù)據(jù)庫,。Instead of connecting to a separate database for each user or group, connect to the same database on the server and then execute the Transact-SQLTransact-SQL USE statement to change to the desired database. 以下代碼段演示如何創(chuàng)建與
C# // Assumes that command is a SqlCommand object and that // connectionString connects to master. command.Text = 'USE DatabaseName'; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( connectionString)) { connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } 應用程序角色和連接池Application Roles and Connection Pooling 通過調用 應用程序角色替代項Application Role Alternatives建議您利用可以使用的安全機制,而不使用應用程序角色,。We recommend that you take advantage of security mechanisms that you can use instead of application roles. 有關詳細信息,,請參閱SQL Server 中創(chuàng)建應用程序角色,。For more information, see Creating Application Roles in SQL Server. 請參閱See Also 連接池Connection Pooling |
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