1 隨性,不足掛齒的小事 Not a problem. 別放在心上,。 Any time. 有事隨時說,。 Don't mention it. 別提了,沒關系,。 No worries. 別擔心,,不是大事。 It's nothing. 這沒什么,。 2 偏正式的感謝 You are truly welcome. 真的很感謝,。 With pleasure. 很樂意幫忙。 It's my pleasure. 是我的榮幸,。 3 做出貢獻時的感謝 I'm happy to help. 能幫上忙我很開心,。 Anything for you/ the team/the company. 為你/團隊/公司做貢獻我很開心。 Anything to make you smile/happy. 只要可以讓你笑/開心,,我都愿意做,。 |