


 琢玉軒7 2017-05-01









I have Depression, Now What? Living with a Black Dog

Been feeling sad and tired lately?  Lost interest in the things you normally like to do?  Is it becoming harder to complete the tasks of daily life?  You may have depression.

Living with depression is kind of like living with a big black dog.  

(Please refer to the video in above)

When other people are around you enjoying themselves, the big black dog may keep you from enjoying your life.  The dog may chew up your memory or ability to concentrate.  The dog may pull you back and make going anywhere or doing anything difficult.  The dog may interrupt social occasions, making them less enjoyable or even exhausting.  It may chase away your confidence.  It may seem like you need to hide your depression, this black dog, from others.  The dog may make you less loving and intimate with your partner.  Left unaddressed, the black dog may get bigger and hang around longer.  You may depend on drinking or other drugs to get the black dog to go away.  These are some of the symptoms of depression.

To get rid of depression, it is very important to get professional help from a doctor or medical health professional. The reality is that there are millions of people, in China and around the world, suffering from depression. There is no miracle cure for the black dog, but it can be treated. A combination of medication and professional therapy may be what is necessary to recover. Other tools such as exercise or keeping a journal can also help you on your recovery from depression. All these steps are needed to bring the black dog under control.

Reaching out to people for help is nothing to be ashamed of.  In China many people view depression as a taboo subject. They do not want to discuss mental health and view it as an inappropriate subject. However, this should not be so.  For many people to recover, they need the help and support of people around them. Confiding in a friend or family member about your experiences can be very important to recovery.  With their support and understanding, you may have a smoother path to recovery.

If you have been feeling especially sad lately, know the symptoms of depression. Be sure to get help from a professional. Also, confide in a trusted person. Their help in your personal life can make overcoming depression easier. By taking these steps you will be able to bring your depression under control!

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