WashU EpiGenome Browser 是我用過最贊的瀏覽器,沒有之一,。希望大伙跟著教程好好學習下,! 還有更多教程見:http://epigenomegateway./support/workshop2015keystone.html 在這個瀏覽器里面可以任意加載已有的公共數(shù)據(jù),選擇基因,,選擇坐標 這個教程總共講解了12個操作范例,,如下:
This tutorial has 12 demos: [1-3] Loading the EpiGenome Browser and public data hubs [4-5] Exploring Metadata [6] Genome navigation [7] Sessions [8-9] Track visualization & customization [10] Adding new tracks [11] Using EpiGenome Browser apps [12] Loading human genetic variation tracks Loading the EpiGenome Browser and public data hubs To access the Browser, go to epigenomegateway./browser. Browse the menu to select the genome you want to use.
Load the public data hub.
A data hub is a collection of publicly available data. There are several available, including hubs of data from the Roadmap Epigenome Project and the ENCODE Consortium. The “Reference human epigenomes from Roadmap Epigenomics Consortium” is a collection of 4 hubs. Click the “Reference human epigenomes from Roadmap Epigenomics Consortium” box to access these hubs.
Orientation to the Wash U Epigenome browser view.
Exploring Metadata Use the colormap panel and information box to find metadata terms associated with tracks. The information box for each track displays metadata terms associated with that track and information about the experiment that generated that track.
[A] [B] The colormap organizes metadata terms for quick display.
[A] Add metadata terms to the colormap by right-clicking on one of the titles, “Assay” or “Sample” and select “+ Add metadata terms”. [B] Mark the “Track type” check box to add that category to the metadata colormap. [C] Drag the RefSeq genes track above the chromosome ideogram. See that it now acquires a box in the metadata heatmap. Mouse-over to see that the “Track type” is “hammock”.
[A] [B] [C] The facet table is an intuitive way to browse large amounts of data by using metadata to stratify datasets.
The green numbers in each cell represent the number of tracks available for that Assay/Sample. The red number is the number of tracks for that Assay/Sample currently displayed. Access the facet table through the Tracks button. Then click the track number icon.
Genome navigation Genome navigation in the Wash U EpiGenome browser.
Sessions The sessions app allows you to save a browsing status to revisit later. Each session can have several versions.
This workshop has a pre-saved session associated with it that includes different versions throughout the tutorial. If you get lost during the workshop, you can catch up by loading the pre-saved session. To start again at any point, load the saved session status for the section just completed, indicated by the ? and green highlighted-text. [A] Click the Apps button to enter the Sessions function from the apps menu. [B] Enter the session ID in the “Retrieve” text box and click “Retrieve”. The session ID for this workshop is ddSQFzBWvS.
[A] [B]
[C] Track visualization & customization Track navigation & customization is processed by right-clicking a track to enter the Configure menu.
[A] Enter the configure menu for H3K9me3 fibroblasts by right-clicking on the H3K9me3 track. [B] Click the “positive” button to change the color to blue. To exit the menu, click anywhere outside the configure menu box.
[A] [B] Use the matplot feature to compare two numerical tracks on the same y-axis scale.
[A] Use the multiple select function to select both H3K9me3 tracks. Hold the Shift button and right-click on both H3K9me3 tracks. They will be highlighted in yellow. [B] Then right-click to open the options menu and choose Apply matplot.
[A] [B]
Adding new tracks Use the dataset search box to find data sets using keywords.
To test our hypothesis that the EDC genes are cell type-specifically expressed, we will add keratinocyte and fibroblast RNA-seq datasets. [A] Click the Tracks button to access the dataset search box. Search for “keratinocyte AND RNA”. Note: the search function is case-sensitive and plural-sensitive! [B] Then choose the result “RNA-seq of Penis Foreskin Keratinocyte Primary Cells”. It will turn green. Click the green “Add 1 track” button to add the track.
[A] [B]
Using EpiGenome Browser apps Use applications found in the browser’s Apps menu to generate quantitative tests of our hypothesis. The Gene set app allows the user to submit a list of genes or genomic positions to the browser for analysis.
To examine our hypothesis that the SPRR genes are differentially expressed between epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts, we will use the SPRR gene set list. [A] Open the Apps menu and navigate to the Gene & region set app.
[B] In the genes panel, the double green arrow button can be used to find more gene models for genes in the gene set. This workshop uses all RefSeq gene models. Below the genes panel is the gene-region specifications. This tells the browser what gene-associated regions to analyze. We want to analyze the entire gene plus the 5kb upstream region.
[C] Configure the gene set region: (1) Click the “change >>” button to access the default gene-regions. (2) Ensure that the radio button for “5’ and 3’ flanking” is selected. (3) Move the green cursor to the “5 kb” mark. (4) Then select “entire gene or interval” radio button.
To test the hypothesis that the DNase hypersensitivity regions are proximal enhancers, we will use the Scatterplot app to plot DNase vs H3K4me1 signal in the keratinocyte sample.
[A] [B] In the Scatterplot app window: (1) Click “Choose a gene set” button and select the “SPRR genes”. (2) Click “choose track>>” to select the x-axis track. (3) Select “H3K4me1 of Penis Foreskin Keratinocyte Primary Cells”. (4) Click “choose track>>” to select the y-axis track. (5) Select “DNase hypersensitivity of Penis Foreskin Keratinocyte Primary Cells”. (6) Click “SUBMIT” to run the app.
[B] Now the app window is displaying the scatterplot with specified x- and y-axes. The result shows a general positive correlation, where an increase in DNase hypersensitivity corresponds with an increase in H3K4me1 signal in keratinocytes. Configure the scatterplot using the options at the below the graph.
Last use the Gene plot app to quantify the RNA signal over SPRR genes in both cell types.
[A] [B] Configure the gene plot data: (1) In the first box of the app window, click the “Choose a gene set” button and select “SPRR genes”. In the “Data track” box, click “Select numerical track >>” (2) and choose the “RNA-seq of Penis Foreskin Keratinocyte Primary Cells” (3).
[B] [C] Configure the gene plot graph: (4) In the “Graph type” box, select the “gene parts” plot. (5) Click the orange button to “Make gene plot”.
[C] [D] The gene plot show the data for the RNA-seq track chosen over the SPRR gene bodies. Data are averaged, binned, and plotted on a normalized “metagene” along the x-axis. The y-axis is the RNA-seq values. [D] To generate the same plot for fibroblast RNA-seq data, click the “Go back” button.
[F] Loading human genetic variation tracks View human genetic variation tracks in the EpiGenome Browser.
The EpiGenome Browser allows visualization of human genetic variation. HapMap and dbSNP tracks are found under the “Variation” category of Annotation tracks. [A] Click the “X” to exit the gene set view to return to the linear genome.
[A] [B] Click the Tracks button and select “Annotation tracks”. [C] Scroll to “Population variation,” then chose “dbSNP release 137”.
[B] [C]
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