有些人開學要見導師,有些人進入秋招求職季,還有更多的人則在工作中也常常要結(jié)識新人,。人們初次見面時,,會在七秒之內(nèi)對一個人作出評判,因此,,我們只有一次給別人留下好印象的機會,。 英國《每日郵報》網(wǎng)站登出了禮儀專家(Etiquette expert)威廉·漢森 (William Hanson)的建議,告訴我們?nèi)绾蔚皿w地握手,,如何問候寒暄,,以及其他需要注意的細節(jié)。 誰先“出手”,? Off for a job interview? First time meeting the boss? If you're the 'junior' then leave your hand by your side and wait for their hand to extend. 要參加面試,?第一次見上司?如果你是后輩,,把你的雙手置于體側(cè),,等他們來和你握手。 In some more corporate settings it matters whose hand goes out first to who. Better to be safe than sorry. 在一些較正式的商業(yè)場合,,誰先伸出手十分講究,。既然如此,謹慎穩(wěn)妥總好過冒失犯錯,。 把握力度 A good handshake is key and the first step up the professional and social ladder. 一次得體的握手很關鍵,,是邁上職業(yè)和社會化階梯的第一步。 Too firm – perhaps you're compensating for something? 太過用力的話,,別人會認為你可能是想彌補什么,。 Too weak – you're probably a drip. 太過無力的話,別人可能會覺得你是個平庸的人,。 清楚報上名字 Make eye contact for a few seconds and speak clearly so people get your name and don't have to ask again for it. 保持幾秒鐘的眼神交流,。報上名字的時候要發(fā)音清晰,讓別人聽清楚,,可以避免重新問一遍的尷尬,。 不要隨便上兩只手 Your left hand should remain by your side. Don't place it over the other person's right hand. 你的左手應該放在體側(cè),不要把它覆在別人的右手之上,。 不要隔著桌子握手 If you're welcoming a client or colleague into your office then walk around the desk to shake their hand before returning to your seat. 如果你在歡迎客戶或同事進入你的辦公室,,你需要繞過辦公桌去和他們握手,然后再返回你的座位,。 萬能的How do you do So many people inadvertently lie when meeting strangers. 很多人在和陌生人初次見面時無意間說了謊,。 Are you ‘really’ pleased to meet them 你真的很高興見到他嗎? Is it ‘a(chǎn)ctually’ nice to meet them 見到他你真的覺得很好嗎,? Probably, but how do you know? You've only just been introduced. 可能吧,,但你怎么知道呢,?你們才剛剛見面啊。
Avoid lying and being insincere, we can stick with a good old-fashioned 'how do you do?' 想避免說謊和不真誠,,我們可以用一句古老但經(jīng)典的問候:你好,。 It's rhetorical so don't actually answer it, reply instead with the same, 'how do you do?' 這只是一個修辭問句,,并不需要回答,,你只要將同樣的話反問回去即可。
稱呼外國人的姓還是名,? Many will be totally happy with you using their first names. 很多人都會很高興你直呼他們的名字,。 But if they have said both their names when greeting you, and they look to be your social better or the older person then pay them the respect of calling them 'Mr. Bucket' and 'Mrs Leadbetter' – they will probably very quickly say you may call them 'Richard' or 'Margot', but will appreciate the courtesy. 但如果見面時對方告訴你的是姓和名,而他看起來社會階層也比你高,,或是比你年長,,出于尊重的考慮,你可以稱呼他或她為“巴克特先生”或者“利德貝特夫人”,。他們可能很快就會告訴你叫他們“理查德”或“瑪戈特”就好,,但還是會很欣賞你的彬彬有禮。 Familiarity breeds contempt. 俗話說,,親不尊,,熟生蔑。 The formula is simple: 做介紹其實很簡單:
Socially, men are introduced to women; juniors are introduced to seniors. 一般社交場合,人們總是把男人介紹給女人,,把年紀小的介紹給年長者,。 In the world of work, we forget gender and age. Lower rank is introduced to higher rank. 在工作場合中,我們則忽略性別和年齡,,把級別較低者介紹給級別較高者,。 ![]() 眼神交流很重要 Eye contact is so important, which is why we remove sunglasses. But it has to be maintained. 眼神交流十分重要,這也是我們要摘下墨鏡的原因,。而且眼神交流需要一直保持,。 We've all chatted to that person who glances over our shoulder at parties and I am sure we have all wanted to slap them or kick them in the shins. 我們都有過這種經(jīng)歷:聚會中,一些人在和你交流的時候眼神總是掃過你的肩膀,,而非注視著你,,我相信我們都有給他一巴掌或者踢他一腳的沖動。 注意形象,,警惕外貌協(xié)會 However good your handshake or small talk may be, if you look like a sack of potatoes, have that unshaved 'trendy' stubble, bag-woman hair or unpolished shoes then you're undermining everything and doing yourself no favors. 無論你的握手和寒暄有多得體,,如果你胡子拉碴,蓬頭垢面,,不修邊幅,,鞋也不擦,那這糟糕的形象對你百害而無一利。 Work on the whole introduction, verbally, physically and visually. 一個完整的初次見面需要在言語,、體態(tài)和形象上都要下功夫,。
Pay attention to details like this to rise above the rest of the new recruits – it's the soft skills, as well as the hard ones, that will take you to the top. 注意到一些這樣的細節(jié),就會比其他新人略勝一籌,。這是一種軟技能,,它和硬技能一樣,會助你登上人生巔峰,。 編輯:齊磊,、左卓 實習編輯:楊燕媚 中國日報網(wǎng)雙語新聞 (ID:chinadaily_mobile) 為您的英語保鮮
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