Change Your Beliefs
Nick Williams
Ten unhelpful beliefs to do with work
You can't make money doing what you love or enjoy
A "proper job" is permanent, pensionable, 9 to 5, five days a week, 48 weeks a year for most of your life, working for someone else
The major purpose of work is to get approval and acceptance - to do the right thing and fit in
Everything good is outside us and needs to be earned, deserved, struggled and worked for
Work is and should be hard, a struggle and even a punishment
Work must involve sacrifice - you can't have it all
Work defines who we are - we are nothing without a good job/career
There isn't enough -scarcity rules
Money and financial rewards/security are the major purposes of work
We create success by eliminating what we don't want, by getting rid of our problems
Five unhelpful beliefs about ourselves around work
I am not good enough - I have to earn and deserve self worth
I am wrong or there is something wrong with me - I have to improve myself to make up my self worth
I am bad or guilty - I have to work hard and sacrifice to pay off my guilt
I am nothing - I have to keep proving my self worth
I am separate - I have to make the world realise that I am special and have self worth
If beliefs like these influenced you and your working life, then perhaps it's time for change. But to be able to change your outer world of work, you may well need to start with your inner world of attitudes, beliefs and ideas. Most of us have grown up with the idea of "I'll believe that when I see it", which is tantamount to saying that when we have changed we'll believe we can change. In truth, the key to all significant life changes is to adopt the attitude of "We'll see it when we believe it" Below I have listed ten of the most helpful beliefs you can begin to adopt when you are approaching any significant career or life change:
Ten beliefs to help you create the work you were born to do
You can find what you love and earn money from it
You can change your attitude and your circumstances
Your inspiration and love can lead to paid work or a great job
You can be authentic and real, and be successful
The purpose of work is to find and give expression to the best of you, and work can be easy and natural
Life supports you when you find your heart, love and passion, and the intelligence inside you will handle many of the details
You can bring more and more of yourself to your work
You have more creativity and resources inside you than you ever imagined
It is safe to be successful, be your best self and shine your light
You are good enough, have lots of gifts, skills and talents and deserve success