Resources.LoadAll 加載全部static function LoadAll (path : string, type : Type) : Object[] Description描述 Loads all assets in a folder or file at path in the Resources folder. 加載Resources文件夾中的path文件夾或者文件中的所有資源。 If path refers to a folder, all assets in the folder will be returned. If path refers to a file, only that asset will be returned. Only objects of type will be returned. The path is relative to the Resources folder. The Resources folder can be anywhere inside the Assets folder. 如果path是一個文件夾,,文件中的所有資源都將被返回,。如果path為一個文件,只有這個資源將被返回,。只有type類型的物體將被返回,。Path相對于Resources文件夾。Resources文件夾可以在Assets文件夾中的任何位置,。