Positive Words
Words are a reflection of our thoughts. Positive words come from positive thoughts, negative words from negative thoughts. It is really that simple. Watch the words that come out of your mouth and you will have a good idea of the direction your thoughts are facing, and as a result, your life.
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It is important to always choose our words wisely, but especially vital when we are doing affirmations. Our words are taken literally by our minds. I heard a story that illustrated this exact point! A few years back, a woman shared with me a story about her daughter. Her daughter wanted to increase her wealth. The affirmation she used was: “I want to earn more money.” Well, earn it she did. Her work load doubled. Yes, she was wealthier, but she had to EARN that increase in wealth. Bummer. What started out as a positive intention went honestly awry with an unintended consequence. Think about the words you choose for your affirmations.
How do they describe the results you want? How do they make you feel? Really use your words to accurately portray exactly the results you intend to achieve.
If you want your results to come easily, effortlessly and joyously, say that. If you want to feel light, relaxed, peaceful, content, blessed, say that. Include it all!
Below you will find a list of over 350 positive words for your perusing. As you look over the list, pay attention to how you feel. Imagine having that word in your life as a reality. Which words do you get excited by? Which words move you? Which words bring you to tears? Include those in your affirmations.
The Mini-Lists: the lists below are subsets of the larger positive words list at the bottom of the page if you are searching for something more specific.
Words of Affirmation – great statements to start an affirmation with
Healing Words
Words of Gratitude
Positive Words – The Complete List
Absolutely |
Abundant |
Accept |
Acclaimed |
Accomplishment |
Achievement |
Action |
Active |
Activist |
Acumen |
Adjust |
Admire |
Adopt |
Adorable |
Adored |
Adventure |
Affirmation |
Affirmative |
Affluent |
Agree |
Airy |
Alive |
Alliance |
Ally |
Alter |
Amaze |
Amity |
Animated |
Answer |
Appreciation |
Approve |
Aptitude |
Artistic |
Assertive |
Astonish |
Astounding |
Astute |
Attractive |
Authentic |
Basic |
Beaming |
Beautiful |
Believe |
Benefactor |
Benefit |
Bighearted |
Blessed |
Bliss |
Bloom |
Bountiful |
Bounty |
Brave |
Bright |
Brilliant |
Bubbly |
Bunch |
Burgeon |
Calm |
Care |
Celebrate |
Certain |
Change |
Character |
Charitable |
Charming |
Cheer |
Cherish |
Clarity |
Classy |
Clean |
Clever |
Closeness |
Commend |
Companionship |
Complete |
Comradeship |
Confident |
Connect |
Connected |
Constant |
Content |
Conviction |
Copious |
Core |
Coupled |
Courageous |
Creative |
Cuddle |
Cultivate |
Cure |
Curious |
Cute |
Dazzling |
Delight |
Direct |
Discover |
Distinguished |
Divine |
Donate |
Each Day |
Eager |
Earnest |
Easy |
Ecstasy |
Effervescent |
Efficient |
Effortless |
Electrifying |
Elegance |
Embrace |
Encompassing |
Encourage |
Endorse |
Energized |
Energy |
Enjoy |
Enormous |
Enthuse |
Enthusiastic |
Entirely |
Essence |
Established |
Esteem |
Everyday |
Everyone |
Excited |
Exciting |
Exhilarating |
Expand |
Explore |
Express |
Exquisite |
Exultant |
Faith |
Familiar |
Family |
Famous |
Feat |
Fit |
Flourish |
Fortunate |
Fortune |
Freedom |
Fresh |
Friendship |
Full |
Funny |
Gather |
Generous |
Genius |
Genuine |
Give |
Glad |
Glow |
Good |
Gorgeous |
Grace |
Graceful |
Gratitude |
Green |
Grin |
Group |
Grow |
Handsome |
Happy |
Harmony |
Healed |
Healing |
Healthful |
Healthy |
Heart |
Hearty |
Heavenly |
Helpful |
Here |
Highest Good |
Hold |
Holy |
Honest |
Honor |
Hug |
I affirm |
I allow |
I am willing |
I am. |
I Can |
I choose |
I create |
I follow |
I know |
I know, without a doubt |
I make |
I realize |
I take action |
I trust |
Idea |
Ideal |
Imaginative |
Increase |
Incredible |
Independent |
Ingenious |
Innate |
Innovate |
Inspire |
Instantaneous |
Instinct |
Intellectual |
Intelligence |
Intuitive |
Inventive |
Joined |
Jovial |
Joy |
Jubilation |
Keen |
Key |
Kind |
Kiss |
Knowledge |
Laugh |
Leader |
Learn |
Legendary |
Let Go |
Light |
Lively |
Love |
Loveliness |
Lucidity |
Lucrative |
Luminous |
Maintain |
Marvelous |
Master |
Meaningful |
Meditate |
Mend |
Metamorphosis |
Mind-Blowing |
Miracle |
Mission |
Modify |
Motivate |
Moving |
Natural |
Nature |
Nourish |
Nourished |
Novel |
Now |
Nurture |
Nutritious |
One |
Open |
Openhanded |
Optimistic |
Paradise |
Party |
Peace |
Perfect |
Phenomenon |
Pleasure |
Plenteous |
Plentiful |
Plenty |
Plethora |
Poise |
Polish |
Popular |
Positive |
Powerful |
Prepared |
Pretty |
Principle |
Productive |
Project |
Prominent |
Prosperous |
Protect |
Proud |
Purpose |
Quest |
Quick |
Quiet |
Ready |
Recognize |
Refinement |
Refresh |
Rejoice |
Rejuvenate |
Relax |
Reliance |
Rely |
Remarkable |
Renew |
Renowned |
Replenish |
Resolution |
Resound |
Resources |
Respect |
Restore |
Revere |
Revolutionize |
Rewarding |
Rich |
Robust |
Rousing |
Safe |
Secure |
See |
Sensation |
Serenity |
Shift |
Shine |
Show |
Silence |
Simple |
Sincerity |
Smart |
Smile |
Smooth |
Solution |
Soul |
Sparkling |
Spirit |
Spirited |
Spiritual |
Splendid |
Spontaneous |
Still |
Stir |
Strong |
Style |
Success |
Sunny |
Support |
Sure |
Surprise |
Sustain |
Synchronized |
Team |
Thankful |
Therapeutic |
Thorough |
Thrilled |
Thrive |
Today |
Together |
Tranquil |
Transform |
Triumph |
Trust |
Truth |
Unity |
Unusual |
Unwavering |
Upbeat |
Value |
Vary |
Venerate |
Venture |
Very |
Vibrant |
Victory |
Vigorous |
Vision |
Visualize |
Vital |
Vivacious |
Voyage |
Wealthy |
Welcome |
Well |
Whole |
Wholesome |
Willing |
Wonder |
Wonderful |
Wondrous |
Xanadu |
Yes |
Yippee |
Young |
Youth |
Youthful |
Zeal |
Zest |
Zing |
Zip |
Get the definition & an example affirmation for the more than 390 positive words above...exclusive download now available! |