LSM proposes the Master in Business Engineering 120 and Masters in Management 120 and 60 as main Master programmes. Furthermore, the two Masters 120 are also available in premium international and specialized tracks versions. Those are: Premium international tracks
Specialized tracks
The relative positioning of those premium and specialized tracks in terms of content is presented in the figure above, with the versions highlighted in red including a distinctive international dimension, and the programmes on the right involving a more intensive exposure to our corporate partners. Moreover, the Doctoral School degree (three years, 180 ECTS, in English) targets students having completed with honours a Master degree in Management or in Business Engineering and develops specialised knowledge and skills in management research in order to prepare the completion of a PhD thesis. This programme is totally offered in English and attracts numerous international students (39%). By numbers, it is the largest doctoral programme in Belgium. The International Executive MBA programme (18 months, part-time on Friday and Saturday and including three study trips, in English) targets business executives and entrepreneurs with 5 to 10 years of management experience and emphasizes international business, strategic thinking, networking and leadership and decision making skill.