Have trouble recalling your second-grade teacher's name, or even just what
you ate for dinner last night? If so, that's natural: Both long-term and
short-term memory tend to worsen as people age. The more neuroscientists learn
about this process of decline, however, the more tricks they've uncovered for
how to slow — or even reverse — the
Here are six such tricks for lifting your cognitive
Wake up and smell the rosemary
Scientists have found that aromas can profoundly affect people's cognitive
abilities. In a 2003 study, psychologists asked 144 volunteers to perform a
series of long-term memory, working memory, and attention and reaction tests;
some subjects worked in a scent-free cubicle, some in a cubicle infused with
essential oil from rosemary, and the rest worked in cubicles scented with
As it turned out, those in the rosemary-infused cubicles demonstrated
significantly better long-term and working memory than those in the unscented
cubicles, while those in the lavender-scented cubicles performed worse than the
others in tests of working memory. Furthermore, those exposed to the smell of
rosemary reported feeling more alert than the control (scent-free) group, while
participants working in the lavender cubicles reported feeling less
If you need your brain to perform at its best, you can try placing a rosemary
plant on your windowsill but, unfortunately, you ought to avoid stopping to
smell the lavender.
Food for thought
Everyone hopes to age gracefully, both inside and out. Scientists say a good
diet is one of the main differences between those who are vivacious at 70 and
those who look haggard at
To keep your memory young as your brain gets old, scientists recommend eating
foods that are high in antioxidants, such as blueberries, apples, bananas, dark
green vegetables, garlic and carrots. Antioxidants are molecules that easily
bond with and neutralize electrons called "free radicals" that float around in
the blood stream. These free radicals, which accumulate in your body as you age,
can kill brain cells — but not if you kill them
Secondly, the brain is built mostly of healthy fats, including the most
important of them, Omega-3 fatty acids. In order for the brain to repair itself
and keep its neurons firing properly, you must provide it with the right raw
materials. Omega-3s are found in many types of fish and
Your brain might like some dessert, too. Research shows that eating chocolate
may improve memory and cognition, because it is rich in antioxidants called
flavanols. Don't go overboard, though; chocolate is also chock full of sugar and
saturated fat, which can make you
Juicy fruit for the brain
No one quite knows why, but research shows that chewing gum boosts memory. A
2002 study conducted in the United Kingdom found that gum-chewers performed
significantly better on tests of both long-term and short-term memory than did
In the decade since, scientists have been trying to figure out why this is
the case — and if it really is. Some variations on the initial study probing the
effects of gum-chewing on cognition have found null results (i.e., gum didn't
affect people's performance one way or the other), while most studies have
identified a small but significant
Scientists have various hypotheses to explain the boost. Perhaps chewing gum
simply gets your juices flowing by increasing your heart rate; or maybe it
affects the function of a brain region called the hippocampus by causing the
body to release insulin in preparation for food. Whatever the reason, chewing
gum seems to give you a slight mental
Brain games
To keep your brain in shape, make it sweat. Thinking hard really does sharpen
your memory and cognition, and as the evidence for this has accumulated, a huge
number of "brain fitness" programs have hit the
A program called Lumosity, developed with the help of neuroscientists and
cognitive psychologists from Stanford University and the University of
California at San Francisco, is specifically designed to help aging people
improve their memory, concentration, alertness and even mood. Free online
registration gives you access to more than 30 games; paid registration lets you
track your progress and get feedback about your
And of course, there are always classic brainteasers such as Sudoku and
crossword puzzles that challenge your powers of logic and knowledge recall and
will help keep those synapses
Hit the sack
When your lights switch off, your brain doesn't. As you sleep, your brain
replays the memories of the day, and consolidates them for long-term
That's what research on lab rats suggests, anyway. While rats sleep, two
brain regions — the hippocampus and the medial prefrontal cortex, a region
involved in the retrieval of memories from the distant past (in both humans and
rats) — run through a sped-up version of the day's events. The process is
believed to be important for consolidating and neatly filing away those newly
As a corollary, skipping a night's sleep will cause your new memory files to
get mixed up or lost, and they'll be near impossible to retrieve
Walk back in time
Physical exercise doesn't just bulk up muscles, it bolsters gray matter, too.
Research shows that the memory center in the brain called the hippocampus
shrinks as you age, but a 2011 study found that older adults who walk routinely
actually gain hippocampus
In the study, led by Arthur Kramer of the University of Illinois-Urbana
Champaign, 60 adults age 55 to 80 went on three 40-minute walks per week —
enough aerobic exercise to increase their heart rate. Another 60 participants
did toning workouts, such as weight training, yoga sessions and stretching, for
the same amount of time. After a year of toning, these participants' anterior
hippocampus lost a little more than 1 percent of its volume, on average. By
contrast, a year of aerobic exercise led to about a 2-percent increase in
anterior hippocampus volume, reversing natural hippocampus aging by about two
Scientists believe these brain benefits may arise because exercise induces
mild stress that triggers the production of growth factors in the brain. They
may also result from greater blood flow to the brain, and thus greater delivery
of nutrients and oxygen. Either way, where your memory is concerned, the
research showed that aging isn't a one-way