Between Feb 20 and Feb 26, Beijing, Hebei province and its provincial capital Shijiazhuangissued orange alerts, the second-highest level, warning residents about severe air pollutionaffecting the region.
It was the first time that all three places had issued alerts simultaneously.
However, when the smog that had enveloped more than 1.8 million sq km for almost aweek finally lifted, residents of what is known as the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei cluster were allasking the same question: Why, given the toxic state of the air, was the alert only orangeand not red?
A red alert would have signaled a situation so severe that school classes would have beensuspended. Moreover, did the emergency measures actually reduce the number of daysthe area was smog-bound? Some people even asked if the alert had made any difference.
Under guidelines issued by the Environmental Protection Ministry in May, the emergencymeasures used in the event of severe pollution have four color-coded levels.
The color of the warning issued depends on estimates of the air quality for the followingdays.
The estimates are based on the concentrations of six types of airborne pollutants, includingfine particles, which are translated into an Air Quality Index. The higher this indexreading, the higher the level of pollution.
When the alert is blue, the fourth and the lowest level, local governments are obliged toissue a health warning to residents and encourage them to take protective measures.During yellow (third level) or orange alerts, local governments enforce a range ofcompulsory measures to force local industries to reduce emissions, such as temporarilylowering factories' production capacity.
When the alert is red, meaning the AQI far exceeds safe levels, those compulsorymeasures are expanded and strengthened, and classes at middle schools, primary schoolsand kindergartens are suspended.
"Within just 10 hours, a city's AQI can rise from 30 to 300, which indicates severe airbornepollution, but the total emissions of pollutants in the region may not vary much," said YanJingjun, deputy head of the ministry's environmental emergency and accident investigationcenter.
"Measures taken during periods of high airborne pollution can usually reduce emissions byabout 10 percent, a level that cannot immediately dispel the smog and allow the sun to beseen, but the measures can help slow the development of the pollution and shorten itsduration," Yan said.
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