一分鐘就能讓你更有效率的十個省時術(shù) 翻譯:劉軒
譯 文: 身為大忙人,你一定時常攝取時間管理術(shù)的相關(guān)資訊,,很多市面上流傳的版本不是太復雜就是需要花太多功夫,。這10個省時術(shù)非常簡單。不用一分鐘就能學會在生活中運用以下每一項省時術(shù),,但它們帶來的成效會令你驚艷,。以下10個1分鐘省時術(shù)能讓你成為高效率的代名詞,。
1. 對三件事情說「不」 給你一個挑戰(zhàn):這個禮拜,,試著對三件可能會耗費你體力,、時間或動力的事情說「不」,。省時、省力的最佳方式就是對那些會拖累你的無謂事情說不,。
2. 關(guān)掉所有郵件通知 郵件通知不會占用你太多時間,但它們會耗費你很多注意力,。每次一有新通知你就忍不住去看它(以免遺漏任何重要訊息),,然后你又需要花一些時間才能回到原本專注的事情上,。我認為,,為了提高效率把郵件通知關(guān)掉是必要的。而且它們無法為訊息傳遞足夠的資訊,。在你修改郵件設(shè)定的同時,,也減少了你客戶收信的頻率(而且,,減少用手機收信的頻率能為你省下不少電力)。
3. 列出所有待確認事項 你應(yīng)該早已列出待辦事項,,否則每天會有成千上萬件事情在你腦中盤旋。事實上,,每天追蹤待確認的事項也會殺死許多腦細胞。如果你列出所有待確認事項,,就能確認不會有漏網(wǎng)之魚,也不用總是緊繃神經(jīng)了,。
4. 遵守「兩分鐘原則」 我很喜歡David Allen的 “Getting Things Done”中的兩分鐘規(guī)則。規(guī)則很簡單:當你發(fā)現(xiàn)有新任務(wù)上門(例如收到新郵件),,如果你可以在兩分鐘內(nèi)完成它,就著手做吧,;如果它會占用你超過兩分鐘,,請稍后再安排時間完成它。你實施這個規(guī)則后會發(fā)現(xiàn)它成效很好,,因為你必須先思考優(yōu)先順序再決定該做哪一個,。人們很容易因為安排行程、整理郵件而花掉一堆時間,,但一旦著手做一件事,,就會屏除所有疑慮。就如Allen在專訪中說的:「如果你不在第一時間內(nèi)完成任務(wù),,你會花更多時間整理,、追蹤它?!?/span>
5. 每天列出三個你想得到的結(jié)果 這指的不是待辦事項,,是結(jié)果?!溉?guī)則」是我最喜歡的省時術(shù)之一,,它的優(yōu)勢在于它非常簡單:為自己定下三個今天想達成的結(jié)果,。不是你該做的事情,,而是事成后想得到的結(jié)果。問問自己,,在今天過完前,,你希望實現(xiàn)什么?
6. 開始使用「番茄鐘」法 番茄鐘法是個把時間分段的簡單省時術(shù),。在25分鐘內(nèi),,排除所有造成分心的外務(wù),在當下只專注一件事情,。在完成一次「番茄鐘」后,,休息五分鐘再重復做兩個循環(huán)。接著,,你可以改成每工作25分鐘休息15分鐘(或更長),。番茄鐘法能讓待辦事項變得好掌握,不再感覺太折磨,。
7. 找個讓你更有精力的活動,,安排時間實行它 這個方法其實眾所皆知,但沒人花時間實行它,。你身邊有讓你聊了天就精神百倍動力十足的人嗎,?跟他一起吃個午餐吧。有什么事情能提升你的精力,?例如上班前運動,、冥想或陪孩子們玩,?安排時間進行它們吧。
8. 多一點休息時間 這聽起來可能有點怪,,可是所有省時術(shù)中我最喜歡的就是增加休息時間,。休息能減少疲憊感、讓你慢下腳步,、暫時脫離工作的壓力,、反省并且想出更好的點子。我想就連區(qū)區(qū)一分鐘的休息也能對效率有很大的幫助,。
9. 下載RescueTime追蹤你的電腦使用行為 RescueTime是一個免費的工具(提供Mac, PC或Android版本),,它能追蹤你在電腦上的一舉一動。你只要上網(wǎng)注冊,、下載app,、設(shè)定好并且忘了它的存在,在每周結(jié)束前系統(tǒng)就會寄效率報告給你,。你可以登入RescueTime的網(wǎng)站查詢明細,,就能知道時間都被花到哪去了。這個系統(tǒng)甚至會替你打效率分數(shù),,讓你知道自己多有效率,。
10. 為你一直拖延的事情訂下明確的下一步計劃 人們之所以拖拖拉拉,時常是因為待辦事項太多太繁雜,。選一件你遲遲沒完成的事情,,為它訂下「下一步」該做的事-只要下一步就好。這會讓事情變得比較具體,,也能推你一把,,給你一些動力讓你完成它。
原 文:10 one-minute time hack thatwill make you more productive
You’re busy, and while readingabout powerful time management techniques can be productive, many of the onesout there are simply too complex, complicated or involved to think about. These10 time hacks are as simple as they come. Every single thing in this list willtake you less than one minute to implement into your life, but the results ofeach can be incredible. Here are 10 one-minute time hacks that will make youmore productive. 1. Say “no” to three things Here’s a challenge for you:this week say “no” to three commitments that might zap you of your energy,time, or motivation. One of the easiest ways to get more time, energy, andmotivation is to say no to to pointless commitments that weigh you down.
2. Turn off all of your emailalerts New email alerts don’t costyou much time, but they cost you a ton of attention. Every time a new alertcomes in, you look at it (just in case it happens to be important), and thenyou have to re-orient yourself to what you were trying to focus on before. Inmy opinion, they’re worth shutting off completely. Also, they don’t conveynearly enough information about the message you received to be overly useful. Whileyou’re in there tinkering with your email settings, I think it’s also useful toreduce the frequency of how often your mail client checks for new messages(plus, having your phone check for new email less often will save you batterylife).
3. Start keeping a list ofeverything you’re waiting on You likely already have ato-do list because if you didn’t, you would have a thousand commitmentsbouncing around in your head everyday. But it’s just as mentally taxing to keeptrack of everything you’re waiting for. When you maintain a list of everythingyou’re waiting for, you can make sure nothing slips through the cracks, and youcan worry a lot less about the things you need to stay on top of.
4. Live by the two-minute rule One of my favorite elements ofDavid Allen’s “Getting Things Done” methodology is his two-minute rule. Therule is quite simple: the moment you realize you have to do something (likewhen you receive an email you have to action), if it will take less than twominutes, do it. If it will take more than two minutes, schedule completing itlater. In practice the rule works incredibly well, because it takes thethinking out of prioritizing tasks and picking which one to do. It’s very easyto lose a ton of time scheduling tasks, organizing your emails, and so on. Whenyou just do something, you eliminate all of that cruft. As Allen put it in arecent interview with him, “it will take you longer to stack and track [sometasks] and remind yourself than if you finish it the first time it’s in yourface”.
5. Make a list of threeoutcomes you want to get out of today Not to-dos; outcomes. The“rule of 3″ is one of my favorite productivity rituals, and its power lies in itssimplicity. Define three outcomes you want to make happen today. Not things youhave to do; actual results you want to get done. Ask yourself, if it’s the endof the day, what three things do you want to have accomplished?
6. Start working on pomodorotime The Pomodoro Technique is asimple time management technique that breaks your time down into chunks. For 25minutes you turn off all possible distractions, and then work on only one thingfor that time. After your first “pomodoro,” you take a five-minute break, thenwash, rinse, and repeat two more times. After that, you work for another25 minutes and take a 15-minute (or longer) break. This technique reduces theugly, ambiguous tasks on your to-do list down into something you do in a seriesof easy-to-manage, 25-minute chunks of time.
7. Find one activity thatgives you more energy, and schedule doing it This one seems almost tooobvious to put on the list, but no one takes the time to do it. Are therecertain people that provide you a ton of energy and motivation after you talkto them? Schedule a lunch with them. Are there certain things you do that giveyou a ton of energy, like hitting the gym before work, meditating, or spendingtime with your kids? Schedule time for that too.
8. Take more breaks It might soundcounterintuitive, but taking more breaks is one of my favorite ways to becomemore productive. Breaks prevent you from becoming fatigued and tired, and theyhelp you slow down, step back from your work, reflect, and come up with betterideas. I think even taking a one-minute break can have profound affects on yourproductivity.
9. Download RescueTime totrack how you spend time on your computer RescueTime is a free utility(for Mac, PC, or Android) that tracks exactly how you spend time on yourcomputer. You simply sign up for the service, download the app, set it, forgetit, and at the end of every week the service will send you an email sayingexactly how productive you were. You can then log onto the company’s website tosee detailed stats on precisely where your time went, and the service even presentsyou with a productivity score that shows you how productive you were.
10. Define the very next stepsyou need to take to do something you’re procrastinating on One of the largest reasonspeople procrastinate with getting things done is that their tasks and to-dosare too ambiguous. Take one thing you’re procrastinating on, and define thevery next thing you have to do to get it done. This will make the task lessambiguous, and it will also give you a kick in the butt to get it done. (全文完)
過去這段時間,,我上傳了幾篇有關(guān)時間和自我管理的文章,,得到很多回響。我發(fā)現(xiàn),,確實有不少朋友礙于語言,,很容易錯過一些原文資訊。所以接下來,,我會不時分享一些在網(wǎng)路上看到的好文,。 很感謝這些英文的網(wǎng)站和部落格,幾乎每天都會教我一些很棒的生活撇步,。我相信,,大家若多看一些這種網(wǎng)站,少看一些沒營養(yǎng)的「新聞」,,會讓生活過得更有精神,、更有效,。 翻譯不算專業(yè),主要以易懂為原則,,只希望非通英語的朋友們能及時看到這些有用的文章,。 歡迎各位轉(zhuǎn)載,但轉(zhuǎn)載時請尊重版權(quán),,注明英文原文的來源,。 劉軒
原文來源: http://www./articles/productivity/10-one-minute-time-hacks-that-will-make-you-more-productive.html