The following list shows the individual transactions with examples of how they are used:
This transaction can be used in agency business for income deriving from commission (e.g. del credere commission). The account key is used in the calculation schemas for agency business to determine the associated revenue accounts.
This transaction can be used in agency business if turnover (business volume) postings are activated in Customizing for the payment types. The account key is specified in Customizing for the billing type.
This transaction can be used in agency business for commission expenses. The account key is used in the calculation schemas for agency business to determine the associated expense accounts.
This transaction is used in Inventory Management in the case of withdrawals from consignment stock or when consignment stock is transferred to own stock if the material is subject to standard price control and the consignment price differs from the standard price.
This transaction is used for transfer postings from one material to another if the complete value of the issuing material cannot be posted to the value of the receiving material. This applies both to materials with standard price control and to materials with moving average price control. Price differences can arise for materials with moving average price if stock levels are negative and the stock value becomes unrealistic as a result of the posting. Transaction AUM can be used irrespective of whether the transfer posting involves a transfer between plants. The expenditure/income is added to the receiving material.
If you use the "subsequent settlement" function with regard to conditions (e.g. for period-end volume-based rebates), provisions for accrued income are set up when goods receipts are recorded against purchase orders if this is defined for the condition type.
The rebate income generated in the course of "subsequent settlement" (end-of-period rebate settlement) is posted via this transaction.
If a goods receipt occurs after settlement accounting has been effected for a rebate arrangement, no further provisions for accrued rebate income can be managed by the "subsequent settlement" facility. No postings should be made to the account normally used for such provisions. As an alternative, you can use this transaction to post provisions for accrued rebate income to a separate account in cases such as the one described.
This account is posted when closing entries are made for a cumulation run. This account is a supplementary account to the stock account; that is, the stock account is added to it to determine the stock value that was calculated via the cumulation. In the process, the various valuation areas (for example, commercial, tax), that are used in the balance sheet are taxed separately.
Changes in stocks are posted in Inventory Management at the time goods receipts are recorded or subsequent adjustments made with regard to subcontract orders. If the account assigned here is defined as a cost element, you must specify a preliminary account assignment for the account in the table of automatic account assignment specification (Customizing for Controlling) in order to be able to post goods receipts against subcontract orders. In the standard system, cost center SC-1 is defined for this purpose.
This transaction is used for all postings to stock accounts. Such postings are effected, for example:
Because this transaction is dependent on the valuation class, it is possible to manage materials with different valuation classes in separate stock accounts. Caution Take care to ensure that:
Otherwise differences would arise between the total stock value of the material master records and the balance on the stock account.
This transaction/event key is only relevant to Brazil. It is used if a revaluation report is used for company codes in Brazil. The revaluation report uses the actual prices determined by the material ledger/actual costing t
This transaction/event key is needed to post the price differences. The account specified here is posted with the price differences for "other" consumptions.
Transaction/event key for the payment/invoice list documents in Purchasing. The account key is needed in the calculation schema for payment/settlement processing to determine the associated revenue accounts.
This transaction is used in Invoice Verification if you define a tolerance for minor differences and the balance of an invoice does not exceed the tolerance.
These transactions are used only ifPurchase Account Managementis active in the company code. Note Due to special legal requirements, this function was developed specially for certain countries (Belgium, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, and Finland). Before you use this function, check whether you need to use it in your country.
These transactions are used to post delivery costs (incidental procurement costs) in the case of goods receipts against purchase orders and incoming invoices. Which transaction is used for which delivery costs depends on the condition types defined in the purchase order. You can also enter your own transactions for delivery costs in condition types.
The transaction is used for goods and invoice receipts in connection with subcontract orders. If the account assigned here is defined as a cost element, you must specify a preliminary account assignment for the account in the table of automatic account assignment specification (Customizing for Controlling) in order to be able to post goods receipts against subcontract orders. In the standard system, cost center SC-1 is defined for this purpose.
This transaction is used for delivery costs (incidental costs of procurement) in connection with subcontract orders. If the account assigned here is defined as a cost element, you must specify a preliminary account assignment for the account in the table of automatic account assignment specification (Customizing for Controlling) in order to be able to post goods receipts against subcontract orders. In the standard system, cost center SC-1 is defined for this purpose.
Offsetting entries for stock postings are used in Inventory Management. They are dependent on the account grouping to which each movement type is assigned. The following account groupings are defined in the standard system:
You can also define your own account groupings. If you intend to post goods issues for cost centers (mvt type 201) and goods issues for orders (mvt type 261) to separate consumption accounts, you can assign the account grouping ZZZ to movement type 201 and account grouping YYY to movement type 261. Caution If you use goods receipts without a purchase order in your system (movement type 501), you have to check to which accounts the account groupings are assignedZOB If you expect invoices for the goods receipts, and these invoices can only be posted in Accounting, you can enter a clearing account (similar to a GR/IR clearing account though without open item management), which is cleared in Accounting when you post the vendor invoice. Note that the goods movement is valuated with the valuation price of the material if no external amount has been entered. As no account assignment has been entered in the standard system, the assigned account is not defined as a cost element. If you assign a cost element, you have to enter an account assignment via the field selection or maintain an automatic account assignment for the cost element.
You cannot assign this transaction/event key to an account. It means that the account assignment is adopted from the purchase order and is used for the purpose of determining the posting keys for the goods receipt.
Exchange rate differences in the case of open items arise when an invoice relating to a purchase order is posted with a different exchange rate to that of the goods receipt and the material cannot be debited or credited due to standard price control or stock undercoverage/shortage.
An exchange rate rounding difference can arise in the case of an invoice made out in a foreign currency. If a difference arises when the posting lines are translated into local currency (as a result of rounding), the system automatically generates a posting line for this rounding difference.
In multi-level periodic settlement in the material ledger, some of the exchange rate differences that have been posted during the period in respect of the raw materials and semi-finished products used in the manufacture of a semi-finished or finished product are debited or credited to that semi-finished or finished product.
Consignment liabilities arise in the case of withdrawals from consignment stock or from a pipeline or when consignment stock is transferred to own stock. Depending on the settings for the posting rules for the transaction/event key KON, it is possible to work with or without account modification. If you work with account modification, the following modifications are available in the standard system:
The contra entry for price difference postings (transaction PRK) arising through settlement via material account determination is carried out with transaction KTR.
If the process of material price determination in the material ledger is not accompanied by revaluation of closing stock, the price and exchange rate differences that should actually be applied to the stock value are contra-posted to accounts with the transaction/event key LKW. If, on the other hand, price determination in the material ledger is accompanied by revaluation of the closing stock, the price and exchange rate differences are posted to the stock account (i.e. the stock is revalued).
Price differences arise for materials valuated at standard price in the case of all movements and invoices with a value that differs from the standard price. Examples: goods receipts against purchase orders (if the PO price differs from the standard pricedardpreis), goods issues in respect of which an external amount is entered, invoices (if the invoice price differs from the PO price and the standard price). Price differences can also arise in the case of materials with moving average price if there is not enough stock to cover the invoiced quantity. In the case of goods movements in the negative range, the moving average price is not changed. Instead, any price differences arising are posted to a price difference account. Depending on the settings for the posting rules for transaction/event key PRD, it is possible to work with or without account modification. If you use account modification, the following modifications are available in the standard system:
In cost object hierarchies, price differences occur both for the assigned materials with standard price and for the accounts of the cost object hierarchy. In the course of settlement for cost object hierarchies after settlement via material account determination, the price differences are posted via the transaction PRK.
During settlement accounting with regard to a product cost collector in repetitive manufacturing, price differences are posted with the transaction PRP in the case of the valuated sales order stock. This transaction is currently used in the following instances only: - Production cost collector in Release 4.0 - Product cost collector in IS Automotive Release 2.0 (product cost collector in connection with APO)
The offsetting (contra) entry to price difference postings (transaction PRP) in the course of settlement accounting with respect to a product cost collector in repetitive manufacturing in the case of the valuated sales order stock is carried out via transaction PRQ. This transaction is currently used in the following instances only: - Production cost collector in Release 4.0 - Product cost collector in IS Automotive Release 2.0 (product cost collector in connection with APO)
In multi-level periodic settlement in the material ledger, some of the price differences posted during the period in respect of the raw materials and semi-finished products used in a semi-finished or finished product are debited or credited to that semi-finished or finished product.
In the course of settlement in the material ledger, price differences from the material ledger are posted with the transaction PRY.
This transaction/event key is used in Invoice Verification within the framework of the revaluation of goods and services supplied for which settlement has already taken place. Any difference amounts determined are posted to the accounts assigned to the transaction/event key RAP (retroactive pricing) as expense or revenue. At the time of the revaluation, the amounts determined or portions thereof) are posted neither to material stock accounts nor to price difference accounts. The full amount is always posted to the "Expense from Revaluation" or "Revenue from Revaluation" account. The offsetting (contra) entry is made to the relevant vendor account.
This transaction/event key is used in Logistics Invoice Verification for the interim posting of price differences in the case of invoice reductions. If a vendor invoice is reduced, two accounting documents are automatically created for the invoice document. With the first accounting document, the amount invoiced is posted in the vendor line. An additional line is generated on the invoice reduction account to partially offset this amount. With the second accounting document, the invoice reduction is posted in the form. of a credit memo from the vendor. The offsetting entry to the vendor line is the invoice reduction account. Hence the invoice reduction account is always balanced off by two accounting documents within one transaction.
Provisions are created for accrued delivery costs if a condition type for provisions is entered in the purchase order. They must be cleared manually at the time of invoice verification.
This transaction/event key is only relevant to Brazil (nota fiscal).
This transaction/event key is used both in Inventory Management and in Invoice Verification if the standard price of a material has been changed and a movement or an invoice is posted to the previous period (at the previous price).
This account is the offsetting account for the BSD account. It is posted during the closing entries for the cumulation run of the material ledger and has to be defined for the same valuation areas.
Unplanned delivery costs are delivery costs (incidental procurement costs) that were not planned in a purchase order (e.g. freight, customs duty). In the SAP posting transaction in Logistics Invoice Verification, instead of distributing these unplanned delivery costs among all invoice items as hitherto, you have the option of posting them to a special account. A separate tax code can be used for this account.
Transaction/event key for tax account determination within the "subsequent settlement" facility for debit-side settlement types. The key is needed in the settlement schema for tax conditions.
Transaction key, which posts inflation postings to a different account within the handling of inflation for the period-end closing.
This transaction/event key is used if already-posted goods issues have to be revaluated following the determination of a new market price within the framework of inflation handling.
This transaction/event key is used if already-effected transfer postings have to be revaluated following the determination of a new market price within the framework of inflation handling. This transaction is used for the receiving plant, whereas transaction WGI (goods receipt, revaluation (inflation)) is used for the plant at which the goods are issued.
Postings to the GR/IR clearing account occur in the case of goods and invoice receipts against purchase orders. For more on the GR/IR clearing account, refer to the SAP Library (documentationMM Material Valuation). Caution You must set theBalances in local currency onlyindicator for the GR/IR clearing account to enable the open items to be cleared. For more on this topic, see the field documentation.
This transaction/event key is not used from Release 4.0 onwards. Prior to 4.0, it was used for postings to the GR/IR clearing account if the material ledger was active. As of Release 4.0, the transaction is no longer necessary, since postings to the GR/IR account in parallel currencies are possible. Customers who used the transaction WRY prior to Release 4.0 must make a transfer posting from the WRY account to the WRX account in order to ensure that the final balance on the WRY account is zero. |