早就想吧HMM的代碼整理出來,,今天找個(gè)時(shí)間弄一下,。 我看過這篇文章,,其中講解了HMM的實(shí)現(xiàn),。 推薦一下http://hi.baidu.com/kiddyym/blog/item/b7aaa68a841ec27a9f2fb41e.html ********************************************************************* 一下是HMM的代碼 dhmm_em.m function [LL, prior, transmat, obsmat, nrIterations] = … dhmm_em(data, prior, transmat, obsmat, varargin) % LEARN_DHMM Find the ML/MAP parameters of an HMM with discrete outputs using EM. % [ll_trace, prior, transmat, obsmat, iterNr] = learn_dhmm(data, prior0, transmat0, obsmat0, …) % % Notation: Q(t) = hidden state, Y(t) = observation %H% INPUTS: % data{ex} or data(ex,:) if all sequences have the same length % prior(i) % transmat(i,j) % obsmat(i,o) % % Optional parameters may be passed as ‘param_name’, param_value pairs. % Parameter names are shown below; default values in [] – if none, argument is mandatory. % % ‘max_iter’ – max number of EM iterations [10] % ‘thresh’ – convergence threshold [1e-4] % ‘verbose’ – if 1, print out loglik at every iteration [1] % ‘obs_prior_weight’ – weight to apply to uniform dirichlet prior on observation matrix [0] % % To clamp some of the parameters, so learning does not change them: % ‘a(chǎn)dj_prior’ – if 0, do not change prior [1] % ‘a(chǎn)dj_trans’ – if 0, do not change transmat [1] % ‘a(chǎn)dj_obs’ – if 0, do not change obsmat [1] % % Modified by Herbert Jaeger so xi are not computed individually % but only their sum (over time) as xi_summed; this is the only way how they are used % and it saves a lot of memory. [max_iter, thresh, verbose, obs_prior_weight, adj_prior, adj_trans, adj_obs] = … process_options(varargin, ‘max_iter’, 10, ‘thresh’, 1e-4, ‘verbose’, 1, … ‘obs_prior_weight’, 0, ‘a(chǎn)dj_prior’, 1, ‘a(chǎn)dj_trans’, 1, ‘a(chǎn)dj_obs’, 1); previous_loglik = -inf; loglik = 0; converged = 0; num_iter = 1; LL = []; if ~iscell(data) data = num2cell(data, 2); % each row gets its own cell end while (num_iter <= max_iter) & ~converged % E step [loglik, exp_num_trans, exp_num_visits1, exp_num_emit] = … compute_ess_dhmm(prior, transmat, obsmat, data, obs_prior_weight); % M step if adj_prior prior = normalise(exp_num_visits1); end if adj_trans & ~isempty(exp_num_trans) transmat = mk_stochastic(exp_num_trans); end if adj_obs obsmat = mk_stochastic(exp_num_emit); end if verbose, fprintf(1, ‘iteration %d, loglik = %f\n’, num_iter, loglik); end num_iter = num_iter + 1; converged = em_converged(loglik, previous_loglik, thresh); previous_loglik = loglik; LL = [LL loglik]; end nrIterations = num_iter – 1; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [loglik, exp_num_trans, exp_num_visits1, exp_num_emit, exp_num_visitsT] = … compute_ess_dhmm(startprob, transmat, obsmat, data, dirichlet) % COMPUTE_ESS_DHMM Compute the Expected Sufficient Statistics for an HMM with discrete outputs % function [loglik, exp_num_trans, exp_num_visits1, exp_num_emit, exp_num_visitsT] = … % compute_ess_dhmm(startprob, transmat, obsmat, data, dirichlet) % % INPUTS: % startprob(i) % transmat(i,j) % obsmat(i,o) % data{seq}(t) % dirichlet – weighting term for uniform dirichlet prior on expected emissions % % OUTPUTS: % exp_num_trans(i,j) = sum_l sum_{t=2}^T Pr(X(t-1) = i, X(t) = j| Obs(l)) % exp_num_visits1(i) = sum_l Pr(X(1)=i | Obs(l)) % exp_num_visitsT(i) = sum_l Pr(X(T)=i | Obs(l)) % exp_num_emit(i,o) = sum_l sum_{t=1}^T Pr(X(t) = i, O(t)=o| Obs(l)) % where Obs(l) = O_1 .. O_T for sequence l. numex = length(data); [S O] = size(obsmat); exp_num_trans = zeros(S,S); exp_num_visits1 = zeros(S,1); exp_num_visitsT = zeros(S,1); exp_num_emit = dirichlet*ones(S,O); loglik = 0; for ex=1:numex obs = data{ex}; T = length(obs); %obslik = eval_pdf_cond_multinomial(obs, obsmat); obslik = multinomial_prob(obs, obsmat); [alpha, beta, gamma, current_ll, xi_summed] = fwdback(startprob, transmat, obslik); loglik = loglik + current_ll; exp_num_trans = exp_num_trans + xi_summed; exp_num_visits1 = exp_num_visits1 + gamma(:,1); exp_num_visitsT = exp_num_visitsT + gamma(:,T); % loop over whichever is shorter if T < O for t=1:T o = obs(t); exp_num_emit(:,o) = exp_num_emit(:,o) + gamma(:,t); end else for o=1:O ndx = find(obs==o); if ~isempty(ndx) exp_num_emit(:,o) = exp_num_emit(:,o) + sum(gamma(:, ndx), 2); end end end end ——– dhmm_logprob.m ——– function [loglik, errors] = dhmm_logprob(data, prior, transmat, obsmat) % LOG_LIK_DHMM Compute the log-likelihood of a dataset using a discrete HMM % [loglik, errors] = log_lik_dhmm(data, prior, transmat, obsmat) % % data{m} or data(m,:) is the m’th sequence % errors is a list of the cases which received a loglik of -infinity if ~iscell(data) data = num2cell(data, 2); end ncases = length(data); loglik = 0; errors = []; for m=1:ncases obslik = multinomial_prob(data{m}, obsmat); [alpha, beta, gamma, ll] = fwdback(prior, transmat, obslik, ‘fwd_only’, 1); if ll==-inf errors = [errors m]; end loglik = loglik + ll; end ——- em_converged.m ——- function [converged, decrease] = em_converged(loglik, previous_loglik, threshold) % EM_CONVERGED Has EM converged? % [converged, decrease] = em_converged(loglik, previous_loglik, threshold) % % We have converged if % |f(t) – f(t-1)| / avg < threshold, % where avg = (|f(t)| + |f(t-1)|)/2 and f is log lik. % threshold defaults to 1e-4. if nargin < 3 threshold = 1e-4; end converged = 0; decrease = 0; if loglik – previous_loglik < -1e-3 % allow for a little imprecision fprintf(1, ‘******likelihood decreased from %6.4f to %6.4f!\n’, previous_loglik, loglik); decrease = 1; end % The following stopping criterion is from Numerical Recipes in C p423 delta_loglik = abs(loglik – previous_loglik); avg_loglik = (abs(loglik) + abs(previous_loglik) + eps)/2; if (delta_loglik / avg_loglik) < threshold, converged = 1; end ——- fwdback.m ——- function [alpha, beta, gamma, loglik, xi_summed, gamma2] = fwdback(init_state_distrib, … transmat, obslik, varargin) % FWDBACK Compute the posterior probs. in an HMM using the forwards backwards algo. % % [alpha, beta, gamma, loglik, xi, gamma2] = fwdback(init_state_distrib, transmat, obslik, …) % % Notation: % Y(t) = observation, Q(t) = hidden state, M(t) = mixture variable (for MOG outputs) % A(t) = discrete input (action) (for POMDP models) % % INPUT: % init_state_distrib(i) = Pr(Q(1) = i) % transmat(i,j) = Pr(Q(t) = j | Q(t-1)=i) % or transmat{a}(i,j) = Pr(Q(t) = j | Q(t-1)=i, A(t-1)=a) if there are discrete inputs % obslik(i,t) = Pr(Y(t)| Q(t)=i) % (Compute obslik using eval_pdf_xxx on your data sequence first.) % % Optional parameters may be passed as ‘param_name’, param_value pairs. % Parameter names are shown below; default values in [] – if none, argument is mandatory. % % For HMMs with MOG outputs: if you want to compute gamma2, you must specify % ‘obslik2′ – obslik(i,j,t) = Pr(Y(t)| Q(t)=i,M(t)=j) [] % ‘mixmat’ – mixmat(i,j) = Pr(M(t) = j | Q(t)=i) [] % or mixmat{t}(m,q) if not stationary % % For HMMs with discrete inputs: % ‘a(chǎn)ct’ – act(t) = action performed at step t % % Optional arguments: % ‘fwd_only’ – if 1, only do a forwards pass and set beta=[], gamma2=[] [0] % ‘scaled’ – if 1, normalize alphas and betas to prevent underflow [1] % ‘maximize’ – if 1, use max-product instead of sum-product [0] % % OUTPUTS: % alpha(i,t) = p(Q(t)=i | y(1:t)) (or p(Q(t)=i, y(1:t)) if scaled=0) % beta(i,t) = p(y(t+1:T) | Q(t)=i)*p(y(t+1:T)|y(1:t)) (or p(y(t+1:T) | Q(t)=i) if scaled=0) % gamma(i,t) = p(Q(t)=i | y(1:T)) % loglik = log p(y(1:T)) % xi(i,j,t-1) = p(Q(t-1)=i, Q(t)=j | y(1:T)) – NO LONGER COMPUTED % xi_summed(i,j) = sum_{t=}^{T-1} xi(i,j,t) – changed made by Herbert Jaeger % gamma2(j,k,t) = p(Q(t)=j, M(t)=k | y(1:T)) (only for MOG outputs) % % If fwd_only = 1, these become % alpha(i,t) = p(Q(t)=i | y(1:t)) % beta = [] % gamma(i,t) = p(Q(t)=i | y(1:t)) % xi(i,j,t-1) = p(Q(t-1)=i, Q(t)=j | y(1:t)) % gamma2 = [] % % Note: we only compute xi if it is requested as a return argument, since it can be very large. % Similarly, we only compute gamma2 on request (and if using MOG outputs). % % Examples: % % [alpha, beta, gamma, loglik] = fwdback(pi, A, multinomial_prob(sequence, B)); % % [B, B2] = mixgauss_prob(data, mu, Sigma, mixmat); % [alpha, beta, gamma, loglik, xi, gamma2] = fwdback(pi, A, B, ‘obslik2′, B2, ‘mixmat’, mixmat); if 0 % nargout >= 5 warning(‘this now returns sum_t xi(i,j,t) not xi(i,j,t)’) end if nargout >= 5, compute_xi = 1; else compute_xi = 0; end if nargout >= 6, compute_gamma2 = 1; else compute_gamma2 = 0; end [obslik2, mixmat, fwd_only, scaled, act, maximize, compute_xi, compute_gamma2] = … process_options(varargin, … ‘obslik2′, [], ‘mixmat’, [], … ‘fwd_only’, 0, ‘scaled’, 1, ‘a(chǎn)ct’, [], ‘maximize’, 0, … ‘compute_xi’, compute_xi, ‘compute_gamma2′, compute_gamma2); [Q T] = size(obslik); if isempty(obslik2) compute_gamma2 = 0; end if isempty(act) act = ones(1,T); transmat = { transmat } ; end scale = ones(1,T); % scale(t) = Pr(O(t) | O(1:t-1)) = 1/c(t) as defined by Rabiner (1989). % Hence prod_t scale(t) = Pr(O(1)) Pr(O(2)|O(1)) Pr(O(3) | O(1:2)) … = Pr(O(1), … ,O(T)) % or log P = sum_t log scale(t). % Rabiner suggests multiplying beta(t) by scale(t), but we can instead % normalise beta(t) – the constants will cancel when we compute gamma. loglik = 0; alpha = zeros(Q,T); gamma = zeros(Q,T); if compute_xi xi_summed = zeros(Q,Q); else xi_summed = []; end %%%%%%%%% Forwards %%%%%%%%%% t = 1; alpha(:,1) = init_state_distrib(:) .* obslik(:,t); if scaled %[alpha(:,t), scale(t)] = normaliseC(alpha(:,t)); [alpha(:,t), scale(t)] = normalise(alpha(:,t)); end %assert(approxeq(sum(alpha(:,t)),1)) for t=2:T %trans = transmat(:,:,act(t-1))’; trans = transmat{act(t-1)}; if maximize m = max_mult(trans’, alpha(:,t-1)); %A = repmat(alpha(:,t-1), [1 Q]); %m = max(trans .* A, [], 1); else m = trans’ * alpha(:,t-1); end alpha(:,t) = m(:) .* obslik(:,t); if scaled %[alpha(:,t), scale(t)] = normaliseC(alpha(:,t)); [alpha(:,t), scale(t)] = normalise(alpha(:,t)); end if compute_xi & fwd_only % useful for online EM %xi(:,:,t-1) = normaliseC((alpha(:,t-1) * obslik(:,t)’) .* trans); xi_summed = xi_summed + normalise((alpha(:,t-1) * obslik(:,t)’) .* trans); end %assert(approxeq(sum(alpha(:,t)),1)) end if scaled if any(scale==0) loglik = -inf; else loglik = sum(log(scale)); end else loglik = log(sum(alpha(:,T))); end if fwd_only gamma = alpha; beta = []; gamma2 = []; return; end %%%%%%%%% Backwards %%%%%%%%%% beta = zeros(Q,T); if compute_gamma2 if iscell(mixmat) M = size(mixmat{1},2); else M = size(mixmat, 2); end gamma2 = zeros(Q,M,T); else gamma2 = []; end beta(:,T) = ones(Q,1); %gamma(:,T) = normaliseC(alpha(:,T) .* beta(:,T)); gamma(:,T) = normalise(alpha(:,T) .* beta(:,T)); t=T; if compute_gamma2 denom = obslik(:,t) + (obslik(:,t)==0); % replace 0s with 1s before dividing if iscell(mixmat) gamma2(:,:,t) = obslik2(:,:,t) .* mixmat{t} .* repmat(gamma(:,t), [1 M]) ./ repmat(denom, [1 M]); else gamma2(:,:,t) = obslik2(:,:,t) .* mixmat .* repmat(gamma(:,t), [1 M]) ./ repmat(denom, [1 M]); end %gamma2(:,:,t) = normaliseC(obslik2(:,:,t) .* mixmat .* repmat(gamma(:,t), [1 M])); % wrong! end for t=T-1:-1:1 b = beta(:,t+1) .* obslik(:,t+1); %trans = transmat(:,:,act(t)); trans = transmat{act(t)}; if maximize B = repmat(b(:)’, Q, 1); beta(:,t) = max(trans .* B, [], 2); else beta(:,t) = trans * b; end if scaled %beta(:,t) = normaliseC(beta(:,t)); beta(:,t) = normalise(beta(:,t)); end %gamma(:,t) = normaliseC(alpha(:,t) .* beta(:,t)); gamma(:,t) = normalise(alpha(:,t) .* beta(:,t)); if compute_xi %xi(:,:,t) = normaliseC((trans .* (alpha(:,t) * b’))); xi_summed = xi_summed + normalise((trans .* (alpha(:,t) * b’))); end if compute_gamma2 denom = obslik(:,t) + (obslik(:,t)==0); % replace 0s with 1s before dividing if iscell(mixmat) gamma2(:,:,t) = obslik2(:,:,t) .* mixmat{t} .* repmat(gamma(:,t), [1 M]) ./ repmat(denom, [1 M]); else gamma2(:,:,t) = obslik2(:,:,t) .* mixmat .* repmat(gamma(:,t), [1 M]) ./ repmat(denom, [1 M]); end %gamma2(:,:,t) = normaliseC(obslik2(:,:,t) .* mixmat .* repmat(gamma(:,t), [1 M])); end end % We now explain the equation for gamma2 % Let zt=y(1:t-1,t+1:T) be all observations except y(t) % gamma2(Q,M,t) = P(Qt,Mt|yt,zt) = P(yt|Qt,Mt,zt) P(Qt,Mt|zt) / P(yt|zt) % = P(yt|Qt,Mt) P(Mt|Qt) P(Qt|zt) / P(yt|zt) % Now gamma(Q,t) = P(Qt|yt,zt) = P(yt|Qt) P(Qt|zt) / P(yt|zt) % hence % P(Qt,Mt|yt,zt) = P(yt|Qt,Mt) P(Mt|Qt) [P(Qt|yt,zt) P(yt|zt) / P(yt|Qt)] / P(yt|zt) % = P(yt|Qt,Mt) P(Mt|Qt) P(Qt|yt,zt) / P(yt|Qt) ——- mk_stochastic.m ——- function CPT = mk_stochastic(CPT) % MK_STOCHASTIC Make a matrix stochastic, i.e., the sum over the last dimension is 1. % T = mk_stochastic(T) % % If T is a vector, it will be normalized. % If T is a matrix, each row will sum to 1. % If T is e.g., a 3D array, then sum_k T(i,j,k) = 1 for all i,j. if isvec(CPT) CPT = normalise(CPT); else n = ndims(CPT); % Copy the normalizer plane for each i. normalizer = sum(CPT, n); normalizer = repmat(normalizer, [ones(1,n-1) size(CPT,n)]); % Set zeros to 1 before dividing % This is valid since normalizer(i) = 0 iff CPT(i) = 0 normalizer = normalizer + (normalizer==0); CPT = CPT ./ normalizer; end %%%%%%% function p = isvec(v) s=size(v); if ndims(v)<=2 & (s(1) == 1 | s(2) == 1) p = 1; else p = 0; end ——– multinomial_prob.m ——– %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 已知:觀察序列data和觀察值概率矩陣obsmat % 求解:條件概率矩陣B function B = eval_pdf_cond_multinomial(data, obsmat) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % EVAL_PDF_COND_MULTINOMIAL Evaluate pdf of conditional multinomial % function B = eval_pdf_cond_multinomial(data, obsmat) % From the MIT-toolbox by Kevin Murphy, 2003. % Notation: Y = observation (O values), Q = conditioning variable (K values) % % Inputs: % data(t) = t’th observation – must be an integer in {1,2,…,K}: cannot be 0! % obsmat(i,o) = Pr(Y(t)=o | Q(t)=i) % % Output: % B(i,t) = Pr(y(t) | Q(t)=i) [Q O] = size(obsmat); T = prod(size(data)); % length(data); B = zeros(Q,T); for t=1:T B(:,t) = obsmat(:, data(t)); end —– normalise.m —– function [M, c] = normalise(M) % NORMALISE Make the entries of a (multidimensional) array sum to 1 % [M, c] = normalise(M) c = sum(M(:)); % Set any zeros to one before dividing d = c + (c==0); M = M / d; %if c==0 % tiny = exp(-700); % M = M / (c+tiny); %else % M = M / (c); %end —— process_options.m —— % PROCESS_OPTIONS – Processes options passed to a Matlab function. % This function provides a simple means of % parsing attribute-value options. Each option is % named by a unique string and is given a default % value. % % Usage: [var1, var2, ..., varn[, unused]] = … % process_options(args, … % str1, def1, str2, def2, …, strn, defn) % % Arguments: % args – a cell array of input arguments, such % as that provided by VARARGIN. Its contents % should alternate between strings and % values. % str1, …, strn – Strings that are associated with a % particular variable % def1, …, defn – Default values returned if no option % is supplied % % Returns: % var1, …, varn – values to be assigned to variables % unused – an optional cell array of those % string-value pairs that were unused; % if this is not supplied, then a % warning will be issued for each % option in args that lacked a match. % % Examples: % % Suppose we wish to define a Matlab function ‘func’ that has % required parameters x and y, and optional arguments ‘u’ and ‘v’. % With the definition % % function y = func(x, y, varargin) % % [u, v] = process_options(varargin, ‘u’, 0, ‘v’, 1); % % calling func(0, 1, ‘v’, 2) will assign 0 to x, 1 to y, 0 to u, and 2 % to v. The parameter names are insensitive to case; calling % func(0, 1, ‘V’, 2) has the same effect. The function call % % func(0, 1, ‘u’, 5, ‘z’, 2); % % will result in u having the value 5 and v having value 1, but % will issue a warning that the ‘z’ option has not been used. On % the other hand, if func is defined as % % function y = func(x, y, varargin) % % [u, v, unused_args] = process_options(varargin, ‘u’, 0, ‘v’, 1); % % then the call func(0, 1, ‘u’, 5, ‘z’, 2) will yield no warning, % and unused_args will have the value {‘z’, 2}. This behaviour is % useful for functions with options that invoke other functions % with options; all options can be passed to the outer function and % its unprocessed arguments can be passed to the inner function. % Copyright (C) 2002 Mark A. Paskin % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU % General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 % USA. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [varargout] = process_options(args, varargin) % Check the number of input arguments n = length(varargin); if (mod(n, 2)) error(‘Each option must be a string/value pair.’); end % Check the number of supplied output arguments if (nargout < (n / 2)) error(‘Insufficient number of output arguments given’); elseif (nargout == (n / 2)) warn = 1; nout = n / 2; else warn = 0; nout = n / 2 + 1; end % Set outputs to be defaults varargout = cell(1, nout); for i=2:2:n varargout{i/2} = varargin{i}; end % Now process all arguments nunused = 0; for i=1:2:length(args) found = 0; for j=1:2:n if strcmpi(args{i}, varargin{j}) varargout{(j + 1)/2} = args{i + 1}; found = 1; break; end end if (~found) if (warn) warning(sprintf(‘Option ”%s” not used.’, args{i})); args{i} else nunused = nunused + 1; unused{2 * nunused – 1} = args{i}; unused{2 * nunused} = args{i + 1}; end end end % Assign the unused arguments if (~warn) if (nunused) varargout{nout} = unused; else varargout{nout} = cell(0); end end —— viterbi_path.m —— function [path, loglik] = viterbi_path(prior, transmat, obsmat) % VITERBI Find the most-probable (Viterbi) path through the HMM state trellis. % path = viterbi(prior, transmat, obsmat) % % Inputs: % prior(i) = Pr(Q(1) = i) % transmat(i,j) = Pr(Q(t+1)=j | Q(t)=i) % obsmat(i,t) = Pr(y(t) | Q(t)=i) % % Outputs: % path(t) = q(t), where q1 … qT is the argmax of the above expression. % delta(j,t) = prob. of the best sequence of length t-1 and then going to state j, and O(1:t) % psi(j,t) = the best predecessor state, given that we ended up in state j at t scaled = 1; T = size(obsmat, 2); prior = prior(:); Q = length(prior); delta = zeros(Q,T); psi = zeros(Q,T); path = zeros(1,T); scale = ones(1,T); t=1; delta(:,t) = prior .* obsmat(:,t); if scaled [delta(:,t), n] = normalise(delta(:,t)); scale(t) = 1/n; end psi(:,t) = 0; % arbitrary value, since there is no predecessor to t=1 for t=2:T for j=1:Q [delta(j,t), psi(j,t)] = max(delta(:,t-1) .* transmat(:,j)); delta(j,t) = delta(j,t) * obsmat(j,t); end if scaled [delta(:,t), n] = normalise(delta(:,t)); scale(t) = 1/n; end end [p, path(T)] = max(delta(:,T)); for t=T-1:-1:1 path(t) = psi(path(t+1),t+1); end % loglik = log p. % If scaled==0, p = prob_path(best_path) % If scaled==1, p = Pr(replace sum with max and proceed as in the scaled forwards algo) % loglik computed by the two methods will be different, but the best path will be the same. if scaled loglik = -sum(log(scale)); %loglik = prob_path(prior, transmat, obsmat, path); else loglik = log(p); end ——- 測(cè)試類: HMMsample.m ——- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ①定義一個(gè)HMM并訓(xùn)練這個(gè)HMM,。 % ②用一組觀察值測(cè)試這個(gè)HMM,,計(jì)算該組觀察值域HMM的匹配度,。 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % O:觀察狀態(tài)數(shù) O = 3; % Q:HMM狀態(tài)數(shù) Q = 4; %訓(xùn)練的數(shù)據(jù)集,每一行數(shù)據(jù)就是一組訓(xùn)練的觀察值 data=[1,2,3,1,2,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1; 1,2,3,1,2,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1; 1,2,3,1,2,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1; 1,2,3,1,2,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1; 1,2,3,1,2,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1; 1,2,3,1,2,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1; 1,2,3,1,2,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1; 1,2,3,1,2,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1; 1,2,3,1,2,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1; 1,2,3,1,2,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1;] % initial guess of parameters % 初始化參數(shù) prior1 = normalise(rand(Q,1)); transmat1 = mk_stochastic(rand(Q,Q)); obsmat1 = mk_stochastic(rand(Q,O)); % improve guess of parameters using EM % 用data數(shù)據(jù)集訓(xùn)練參數(shù)矩陣形成新的HMM模型 [LL, prior2, transmat2, obsmat2] = dhmm_em(data, prior1, transmat1, obsmat1, ‘max_iter’, size(data,1)); % 訓(xùn)練后那行觀察值與HMM匹配度 LL % 訓(xùn)練后的初始概率分布 prior2 % 訓(xùn)練后的狀態(tài)轉(zhuǎn)移概率矩陣 transmat2 % 觀察值概率矩陣 obsmat2 % use model to compute log likelihood data1=[1,2,3,1,2,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1] loglik = dhmm_logprob(data1, prior2, transmat2, obsmat2) % log lik is slightly different than LL(end), since it is computed after the final M step % loglik 代表著data和這個(gè)hmm(三參數(shù)為prior2, transmat2, obsmat2)的匹配值,,越大說明越匹配,0為極大值,。 % path為viterbi算法的結(jié)果,,即最大概率path B = multinomial_prob(data1,obsmat2); path = viterbi_path(prior2, transmat2, B) save(‘sa.mat’); —— 運(yùn)行結(jié)果 —— data = 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 iteration 1, loglik = -145.133619 iteration 2, loglik = -129.152758 iteration 3, loglik = -121.983369 iteration 4, loglik = -108.932612 iteration 5, loglik = -75.882159 iteration 6, loglik = -36.882898 iteration 7, loglik = -24.678418 iteration 8, loglik = -22.670350 iteration 9, loglik = -22.494931 iteration 10, loglik = -22.493406 LL = Columns 1 through 9 -145.1336 -129.1528 -121.9834 -108.9326 -75.8822 -36.8829 -24.6784 -22.6704 -22.4949 Column 10 -22.4934 prior2 = 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 transmat2 = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.9537 0.0463 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 obsmat2 = 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.2500 0.7500 data1 = 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 loglik = -2.2493 path = 3 1 4 3 1 4 3 1 4 3 1 4 3 這個(gè)是我整理好的1維HMM代碼,大家可以找個(gè)HMM說明看看,。就能了解這個(gè)HMM的實(shí)現(xiàn),。 希望對(duì)各位博友有幫助。