GeneMarker® for Fragment Analysis, Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLP), and Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) GeneMarker software has been designed and created in order to provide genetic researchers with a biologist friendly genotyping analysis tool. We incorporated the suggestions and requirements of several research groups into the software. Their main requirements were ease- of- use, high accuracy, flexibility and low acquisition cost. GeneMarker can perform analysis on up to 1,000 lanes of four or five color data sets generated by either slab gel or capillary electrophoresis. It is a unique genotyping tool as it is compatible with files from all major capillary and slab gel electrophoresis systems including ABI files (*.FSA, .*AB1, *.ABI), SCF files, MegaBace files (*.RSD, *.ESD), SpectruMedix files (*.SMD, *.SMR), Beckman files, and Licor files. GeneMarker is a replacement for such software packages as SAGA from LI-COR, TrueAllele from Cybergenetics, GeneMapper, Genotyper, and GeneScan from Applied Biosystems. GeneMarker is a single software package with applications for Fragment (microsatellite) Analysis with an integrated pedigree tool, Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLP), and Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA). Additionally, the software automatically corrects for most instrument and chemistry errors, such as saturated peaks, noisy data, wavelength bleeding, instrument spikes, and stutter peaks. GeneMarker’s automated Run Wizard is designed to make analysis quick, easy, and accurate. Nearly every function of GeneMarker has been automated so that once the template is selected from the menu, or created by the user, the software will automatically perform the analysis, providing a myriad of display and reporting options. Once the analysis has been completed and confirmed the software saves all of the analysis parameters, raw data and results for easy archiving and call back at a future date.