The Mercurial repository at hosts the latest SpiderMonkey sources. hg clone cd js/src (This downloads the entire Mozilla repository, including the full change history and a lot of Gecko and Firefox source code that isn't part of SpiderMonkey. To avoid getting the full change history, click the zip or gz links at . This fetches a snapshot of the current Mozilla tree.) Getting older SpiderMonkey sources from CVSNote: You will need to explicitly fetch the JavaScript shell sources even if you currently build another Mozilla project, as there are files specific to the shell that are not normally found in a Mozilla source tree.
Just like when you're fetching any other Mozilla project from CVS, you need to log into the CVS server first. To do this, cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot login When prompted, enter the password, Once you've logged in, cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot co -l mozilla/js/src mozilla/js/src/config mozilla/js/src/editline mozilla/js/src/fdlibm This checks out all the files needed in order to build the JavaScript shell. If you also want the regression tests, add this command: cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot co mozilla/js/tests Getting older branch versions of SpiderMonkeyIf you want to experiment with a specific branch's version of SpiderMonkey, you need to check out js/src from branch but check out cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot co -l -r BRANCH_NAME mozilla/js/src mozilla/js/src/fdlibm cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot co -l mozilla/js/src/config mozilla/js/src/editline Change BRANCH_NAME to the name of the branch you want to check out. You can use a JavaScript branch name (e.g. |